Game Of Thrones: Wrath Of The Sleeping Dragon - Chapter 240

Chapter 240

A rumor spread quickly.

Yesterday, Veserys briefly introduced the identity of Little Aegon at the family dinner, but the news was leaked out without knowing how.

It spread to a small area in the city of Pantos the next day, but the speed of spread was very slow, and it did not cause any uproar.

After all, the people of Pantos were still a little stranger to Viselis, and even more at a loss for a nephew of his who did not know where he came out.

However, when this matter really ferments, it will be a month later.

Then, another month passed.

Visiris has been in Pantos for two months since the beginning of "Blood Night".

Pantos gradually walked out of the haze of the **** night two months ago, and slowly began to return to normal order. People seemed to have forgotten to replace a ruler above their heads.

At this time, the rumors about Little Aegon's gradual fermentation gradually spread to Viselis' ears.

These rumors are roughly divided into several editions. Some people say that the little Aegon who was picked up suddenly is the illegitimate son of Jon Clinton.

Others said that he was a Valyrian survivor that Illyrio didn't know where he found.

After all, there are a large number of silver-haired and purple-eyed races in Valentis, Ries and other places. These are the people who survived the disaster of Valyria's last day.

The last statement is that Aegon is Illyrio's own illegitimate son. After all, he handed Aegon to Jon Clinton. As for where he found Aegon, it is not known.

When these rumors reached Veserys's ears, he ordered a thorough investigation of the root cause of the rumors. However, although a few'rats' who bit their tongues were arrested, time has passed for too long and it is impossible to trace the root cause. ,

Then Jon Clinton also heard that Viselis was investigating the news, and hurried to the palace on the top of the nine towers overnight, and explained to Viselis face to face.

"This must be the conspiracy of the usurper!"

"His Majesty!"

Jon explained to Viselis in a devastated manner.

But this rumor continued to ferment, and it spread across the ocean to King's Landing on the other side of the narrow sea, and it was placed in front of King Robert's desk.

This news was provided by the Minister of Intelligence Varys, but the mellow bald head was complaining inwardly.

Many of you here have witnessed what happened many years ago.

The former prime minister Jon Aylin turned his head frequently and looked at Varys, with a pair of unabashed doubts in his eyes.

The eldest son of Prince Rega, Aegon Targaryen, was killed by the magic mountain and at the same time raped and killed Ilia Martel. Many people in the Seven Kingdoms know this.

However, Princess Ilia cannot be replaced by someone, but a baby is still easily dropped by someone.

And Sir Gregor Clegane didn't know little Aegon, he just rushed in and snatched the child in the woman's arms and threw it on the wall to death.

Afterwards, Duke Taiwen was the first to arrive. Although he had seen little Aegon with his own eyes, he had no way of identifying and confirming that it was Aegon's corpse with a baby corpse whose head was broken.

Then Tywin wrapped his golden-red cloak around the bodies of Ilia, mother and son, and dedicated them to Robert Baratheon who had just entered the city.

After that, everyone acquiesced to the fact that Ilia, mother and son, had died.

The remnants of Targaryen except for Amon Targaryen, who served in the Great Wall of Extremis and has been forgotten by the world.

Only Queen Layla who took the second prince Viselis out at the time was left, and Viselis reached out and pulled Renise into the carriage before being put on the carriage, which was tantamount to saving the girl's life. She was saved from bad luck.

This incident has been a dusty past for many years.

Except for Tywin and Varys, who experienced it personally, everyone, including Robert and Jon Alling, believed that the matter had already been settled.

I didn't expect a reversal suddenly occurred at this time.

However, Aegon's sudden resurrection from the dead did not change the situation of the Iron Throne.

Because now the mainstay supporting the Targaryen family is Viselis.

The second prince of the former Targaryen dynasty raised a banner on the Essos continent and fought off a vast territory in the Western War.

The generals and soldiers under his hand were not for Targaryen, but for Viselis' personal influence and strength.

Therefore, the appearance of Aegon was just a reassurance for his men before Viserys had left an heir.

After Veserys left his heir, Aegon could only continue to be marginalized and become a dispensable person.

This incident cannot be said to be a good thing for the Iron Throne, but it cannot be said to be a bad thing either.

Everyone knows that Aegon will not come out early or late, and now he suddenly jumped out just to get a share of the pie.

However, Veselis, who knew everything about this matter, adopted a more sleek response.

Even if he didn't care about Jon's face, he still had to consider the feelings of Reness and his brother Rega, and he couldn't be slashed by him as soon as Aegon jumped out.

He cannot prove that Aegon is really Aegon, but there is no evidence to directly deny it. What if he is real?

And he didn't just jump out and claim that he was Aegon. He also involved Jon Clinton, Illyrio, and Varys, etc., and Viselis had to at least keep him. Come down.

No matter what era it is in, the name of "King Killer" is no better than James Lannister's "King Killer".

If he really slashed Aegon for any reason, he would be propagated by the resentful Varys or the Iron Throne and other free trade city-state intelligence forces.

I am afraid that Visiris's reputation was completely ruined at that time and became notorious.

Therefore, the sudden appearance of this incident was a face-to-face test for Viselis, but fortunately, he dealt with it fairly well, and finally took the initiative back to his own hands.

The forces behind Aegon's support were provoked by rumors, and eventually he was easily driven to the marginalization by Viselis.

At the time when Pantos and King's Landing were spreading due to some rumors ~ ~ the far end of the Dothraki Sea.

In the city of Vis Dothraki, this is the only city of the Dothraki people. It is located at the foot of the Madonna Mountain and next to the lake of the 'womb of the world'. It is also known as the 'city of the horse king'.

This vast and huge city is the same as Andalus. It also has no walls as a defense. It is full of slaves plundered by the Dothraki. Managed by his wife.


The Avenue of the Gods in the city of Vis Dothrack runs through the entire city.

A team of majestic Karratha is walking through it, and both sides of the road are filled with the relics of the gods from all over the world that the Dothraki have conquered and looted from various places for thousands of years.

The lead Kao is tall and riding on the horse, and behind his horse's **** is still a man in embarrassed body who is staggering and eating dirt.