Game Of Thrones: Wrath Of The Sleeping Dragon - Chapter 12

Chapter 12

The years at sea were boring, and a few days passed quickly.


The sea was deep in the night, and the waves hit the board of the ship, making a loud noise.


The two-masted merchant ship broke through the wind and waves and tore through the fog that permeated the sea. In the distance, an island was shrouded in the night and gradually emerged in people's field of vision.

then gets bigger and bigger.

And Veselis was standing on the deck with the little black cat in his arms, the sea breeze blew his hair, and his face was a little red. During this time, he had been tortured by the sea breeze and deeply felt the crew's hardship.

In addition to the torture of mental loneliness and physical damage, the sharp sea breeze blowing on his face even slightly hurts, like a knife cut on his face, making his delicate skin unbearable.

The excitement when I first came to the sea was finally wiped out.

During their short journey, they even encountered a small storm, but everything was shocking except that Viselis had an insight.

finally reached their destination successfully.

Dragon Rock Island.

Looking from a distance now, Longshi Island gradually enlarges in the boy's field of vision, like a mountain protruding from the sea, and like a giant dragon stretching its teeth and claws, overlooking the people trying to approach it from Westeros. .

It seemed that a scorching dragon flame would spit out in the next second.

And Veserys stood on the deck holding the little black cat and stared at 'it' without fear.


Because of seasickness, Renesse hasn't walked out of the cabin for a long time. She stays in the house all day to eat and sleeps, otherwise she will vomit out all her brains.

The little girl who was tortured was a little dizzy, and even had a little fever. This scared Queen Laila. She had been taking care of her little granddaughter for several days.

"Dragon Stone Island is here."

"Your Majesty the Queen."

Standing behind Viselis, a man with a rich figure in a luxurious shirt bowed slightly, and then smiled and spoke to Queen Laila.

The wide sleeves of the robe could not conceal the bracelets made of precious gems on his wrists. Under the light of the bright torches, the oil on his face was the same as the gems in his hands, which could almost dazzle people's eyes.

Veserys turned his head and glanced at the other person. He instinctively felt that this person was not that simple. Perhaps it was not that he happened to pass through the valley city, and then happened to go to Pantos and passed by Dragon Stone Island.

Maybe he also has a certain purpose.

But in the end, he finally reached Longshi Island, and Veselis kept hiding these words in his stomach without telling anyone.


The sound of the water continued to linger in my ears. As the boats continued to dock, some people on the shore spotted them. After the two sides exchanged, the big boat docked on the shore smoothly, and the people who came to greet them quickly arrived.

"Your Majesty the Queen."

"Your Majesty the Queen."

Two hurried people arrived, one was an old bachelor in a white robe, and the other was the governor of the descendants of Longshi Island after Prince Rega left.

Two people knelt on one knee to welcome the queen and prince. The old bachelor was a bit older and trembling. After receiving the advice from his mother's eyes, Viselis hurriedly stepped forward to support the old bachelor who had already stepped half of his foot into the grave.

"Bachelor Daniel, long time no see."

Queen Laila put a hand on her belly, her long silver hair fluttered gently with the sea breeze, and her beautiful eyes looked at the gray-haired old bachelor quietly, as if she had seen the ruthless passage of years, and then she whispered softly after a long while. Opened the mouth.

"Yes, Princess Leila..."

As an old servant who has served the Targaryen family for many generations, Layla's great-grandfather Aegon V has been serving the Targaryen family since the time of his great-grandfather Aegon V.

Bachelor Daniel can be said to have grown up watching Layla and the current King Iris.

He has seen the lively and lovely side of Layla Targaryen as a girl, and once blessed her and Sir Bonifol Hasty's passionate love, and in the end Bachelor Daniel witnessed the wedding of Layla and her brother Iris.

I didn't make more stops at the port because of the fatigue of the boats and vehicles. A group of people walked along the way and said, walking on the rugged road, towards the castle that looked like a dragon on the distant hills.

The distant villages and towns are shrouded in the darkness, and it is deep. The population of Longshi Island is small and the resources are scarce, but this is indeed the 'Longxing Land' where the Targaryen family flourished.

Aegon Targaryen I and his two sisters made a plan to conquer Westeros here more than two hundred years ago.

Queen Layla is holding Bachelor Daniel, resembling grandparents and grandchildren, reminiscing about the past, while Visiris is dragging Reness, who is still dizzy and shallow, and the other is coming with Bachelor Daniel. The middle-aged man looked at Renesse a few more times.

"David Shad."

The middle-aged man in leather armor opened his mouth abruptly after taking a few glances at Reness.


And Veserys tilted his head slightly when he heard his voice, only to find that the other party was looking at him.

"My name is David Shad, Your Royal Highness."

The middle-aged man explained again.

"Hello, Sir Shad."

Veserys took Reness and nodded politely to the other party. He didn't know why this person wanted to strike up a conversation with him, but he was slightly taken aback as soon as the voice was spoken.

And the man didn't care when he saw the expression on Veserys's face, he even got used to it a long time ago.

The surname Shad is the name of the illegitimate son of Dorn, and the man was originally given to Prince Rega as a 'gift' from Dorn's marriage with the Targaryen family.

Leijia's team has a lot of power allegiance from Dorn for this reason.

The two people said hello to each other, and then fell silent again. Except for Queen Layla, who was recounting the past with Bachelor Daniel, the rest were silent.

The towering castle on the hill gradually came to the sight. As the main fort of Longshi Island, Shigulou, whenever a storm comes, the ancient walls of Shigulou will reverberate and reverberate, hence the name.

Entering from the main entrance, the gate of the castle is the mouth of the dragon, and the dragon claws lined on both sides of the wall are torch stands, burning with raging flames to lengthen the shadows of a group of people. Illuminated the interior of the castle.

The castle on Longshidao is entirely made of black stone, and the overall atmosphere is a bit depressed and solemn. Veselis walked inside the castle, looking curiously.

Then the group came to the lobby of the main fort.

Queen Leila sat on the main seat of the hall, and the Daniel Bachelor and the former acting housekeeper David Shad sat on the side seats nearby.

The old maid who fled with the queen to Longshi Island hugged Reness and took the little girl to rest first.

The servants and soldiers in the castle are busy cleaning up.

And at this moment.

Queen Leila looked at Veselis's abrupt opening and said.


"Kneel here."