Game Of Thrones: Wrath Of The Sleeping Dragon - Chapter 11

Chapter 11

"never mind."

So the silver-haired boy scratched his hair slightly, and didn't think about it anymore.

He didn't forget that even if he escaped to Dusty Valley, he still did not completely escape the danger. Only when he left Westeros and came to the sea might he breathe a sigh of relief.

And now he hasn't slept all day and night, even though the fusion of the two souls is stronger than the others, some of them can't be supported.

He is in urgent need of rest now, and then he will be found after Sir William wakes up, and his mother discusses the itinerary to leave Mugok City to Dragon Stone Island.

He doesn't know much about the history before him, but he still remembers that Westeros has been flying the banner of the Baratheon family crown bucks for the next ten years.

This is the general trend.

The energy of the Targaryen dynasty is exhausted, and it is destined to be destroyed in this war of usurpers.

And he is just a seven-year-old boy who can't do anything, and he can't turn the tide.

For Veserys, there is only one mission for a long time in the future, and that is...


One day and one night passed.

early morning.

was badly injured and Sir William Derry, who had a sword in his ribs, finally came back from his drowsiness.

The face of the middle-aged coach is a bit pale, but he has recovered a lot after the bachelor's medical treatment and plenty of rest, and he can walk down to the ground with his arms for two steps.

while outside.

Flumping edge-

The raven flapped its wings and flew from a distance, and then landed on a wooden stick, tilted his head slightly, and bright blue eyes.

There is still a letter wrapped around the raven's leg.

The bachelor who was in charge of taking care of the raven walked over quickly, calmed the raven, fed it a snack as a encouragement, and then took the letter on the raven's leg.

step on...

Then the footsteps gradually faded away.

And in the banquet hall of the Brown Fort, Earl Rifley Lake was cautiously sitting on the side seat, accompanied by Queen Layla.

It was because of the changes in Dark Valley that year that the Ducklin family was executed by His Majesty, and he seized the opportunity. He had a part of luck and strength, and took over Dark Valley and Brown Fort.

And now in this war of usurpers, Earl Lake decided to stand on the side of the royal family after careful consideration.

He believes that the Targaryen family can definitely suppress the rebellion, and this is also an opportunity for him to lead the family to another leap.

"Your Majesty the Queen."

Earl Lake, who was slightly fattened, sat on the chair with a big belly, and the chair made a creaking noise.

At this moment, he held a piece of information from King's Landing in his hand and handed it to the silver-haired woman.

Duval Valley is not far from King's Landing, because of the defeat of the Battle of the Trident River, the geographical position of Dusky Valley is also a bit dangerous now.

However, now the rebels have no time to clean up these nobles who are still loyal to the royal family, and the rebels are directed towards King's Landing.

and the other side.

The Fortress of the Baratheon family is now under the siege of the High Court Duke Metz Tyrell, and has been under siege for a year.

Robert's two younger brothers, Stannis and Lanly, are also in the city, and now they don't know their life or death. If it weren't for the main target of attacking King's Landing, Robert even wanted to go south to rescue the siege of Wind's Breath himself.

Although Rifley still took the risk of choosing to be loyal to the royal family when the battle situation was getting worse, it didn't mean that he would choose to stay loyal.

He is also constantly sending personnel to collect information from King's Landing, and respond accordingly, and now he is handing the collected information to Queen Laila.

On the surface, it seems that everything has not yet reached the most difficult moment.

The western army led by Tywin Lannister, Duke of Kaiyan City, seems to have arrived in King's Landing.

But for unknown reasons, His Majesty Iris II did not immediately choose to open the gate of King's Landing and let the western army into the city, but shut them all outside.

"Your Majesty the King would be too careful."

And Earl Lake, who was sitting on the side, looked at Queen Layla's face and cautiously tentatively said.

"Would you like to write a letter to persuade your Majesty..."

However, after listening to Earl Lake's words, Queen Layla's complexion did not show anything, but the nails holding the intelligence were slightly white.

Finally, he took a deep breath and shook his head.

"No need."

"I believe in the king's judgment."

She wanted to borrow the raven from the Brown Castle to write a letter to remind her husband to be careful of the Lannister family.

However, now that she received the news that the Western Territory army had arrived in King's Landing, she knew it was too late.

Because of the journey back and forth, it is not known how long this news has passed. Based on what a woman knows about her husband, she is stubborn, crazy, suspicious, and repetitive, but sometimes she has a soft ear.

She believes that now the Lannister family may have deceived the gate of the city and rushed into King's Landing.

The Targaryen dynasty has gone, but... Even if King's Landing falls, it is not the most desperate moment. Queen Layla knows she must be strong for her two children and her granddaughter.

Long before she left King's Landing, she was found to be pregnant again.

I just don't know if the child is a boy or a girl.

This discovery made Queen Leila very happy, because she had been pregnant many times before, but only Rega and Viselis survived, and the remaining children either died or died.

She hopes she can have another child.

"It's been a long time since I've been a guest at Brown Fort."

The silver-haired woman was silent for a while. Sitting on the main seat, he put down the information in his hand, then raised his head and looked at Earl Lake, keeping his voice as calm as possible.

"Master Riffrey Lake."

"I think the ship to Dragon Stone Island is ready."

Hearing Queen Layla's words, Earl Lake also hurriedly stood up.

"Yes, Your Majesty, you can leave at any time. UU Reading"

Although he wanted to keep Queen Layla and Prince Viselis, and gain greater benefits in the future, the rebel army is so powerful now that Earl Lake does not dare to leave Queen Layla in the brown fort.

Otherwise, the brown fort is not enough for the rebels to drink a pot of tea.

is another half day.

Veserys finally got his wish and set foot on the sea.


The waves slapped gently on the ship, and the sky and the sea became one piece, and the end could not be seen at a glance.

Veserys was sitting on the bow, the sea breeze was blowing his silver-gold hair, and a pair of jewel-like eyes blinked.

It's not that he has never seen the sea, but every time he comes, he can't help but be drunk in it and unable to extricate himself from it.

He likes this calm and peaceful atmosphere, and it can even make him forget his troubles for a while.

Today's sea is like a mirror. Except for the big ship splitting the mirror and making waves, everything else seems calm.

Under the golden sun, scattered in the field of vision is as dazzling as broken gold.

Behind Veserys, there are many people on the deck with different costumes, speaking different accents. This is a merchant ship from nine free trade city states. The owner of the ship is said to be a merchant from Braavos.

They need to stop at the small port of Dusit Valley to supply some resources, and then set off to return to the mainland of Essos, their final destination is Pantos.

And this two-masted merchant ship will stop for a while on Longshidao when it passes through the narrow sea.

So when the Duke of Lake contacted the owner of this merchant ship, the other party agreed with one bite. They only collected a small amount of golden dragons and escorted Queen Laila and Prince Veselis to Dragon Rock Island.