Game Of Thrones: Wrath Of The Sleeping Dragon - Chapter 150

Chapter 150

The Royal Fleet has just extinguished the rebellion in the Iron Islands, and its morale is booming.

Moreover, the country has also recovered from the heavy blow it suffered in the Usurper's War, and has gradually stepped onto the right track.

"You must be careful..."

During this time, the old Sir was lying on the hospital bed, but his thoughts were still clear, and he was making the final explanation for Viselis.

Regardless of whether he can survive the catastrophe, but this battle is destined to be unable to participate.

Visiris's face was also very solemn, and he nodded slightly.

"I know."

He and Robert Baratheon are destined to have a battle, which Viselis knew long ago.

Before the opponent was forced to allow Targaryen to develop on the Essos continent for various reasons, but he knew that these were not unlimited.

As Targaryen's power expanded, the fat man sitting on the Iron Throne across the narrow sea became more restless.

Based on what Veselis knew about Robert Baratheon, he was a man with a hot temper and a fiery sex. If he knew that Targaryen now has dragons, it would be impossible to sit on the Iron Throne and wait for death. dead.

He will definitely choose to take the initiative and choke the threat to the cradle.

"This battle is already doomed, isn't it?"

Wesiris was sitting in front of Sir Jeffrey's sickbed, holding the old man's dry palm in one hand.

The sunlight outside the window shone in and hit the Targaryen boy's side face, with long eyelashes and clear cheeks.

Then he shook the old man's hand vigorously, then stood up, turned and left the ward.

"His Majesty."

And the bachelor who was standing outside the door waiting quietly saw Visiris come out, put his hands in front of him, and bowed slightly.

"He must be cured."

Viserys fixed his eyes on the bachelor in front of him, rarely using a commanding tone.

The bachelor's body trembled slightly, and then bowed again.

"Even though Mr. Jeffrey is old, he is still healthy."

"It should be no problem."

"That's good."

"If that's the case, I'll leave it to you."

Then Viselis nodded, passing by the bachelor, and walking down the steps with a choppy footstep.

When such a thing happened, Andalus must actively prepare for the battle, to prevent Baratheon from reappearing the battle of the Nine Copper Plate Kings and suddenly straddling the narrow sea.

Viselis's figure hurried away, and the Bachelor exhaled slightly, watching Viselis gradually disappear from his field of vision, then he sorted out his clothes, and then returned to the ward.

Andaloth is preparing for the battle with all his strength, to prevent any accidents from happening.

And in the distant King's Landing.

His Majesty the King couldn't help being greedy for a few more glasses. A tall, fat man was shaking at the moment, and then accidentally spilled the jug on the table, and suddenly the wine was spilled all over the floor.

A beautiful woman with long blond hair, grace and luxury, looked at everything in front of her coldly. It was obvious that her gaze was not like looking at her husband, but like a wild boar.

But all this stopped abruptly when the drunk and **** man turned around with a glass of wine.

The woman's face reappeared with the right smile, neither looked too cold nor made herself nauseous and wanted to vomit.

With his big belly showing thick chest hair, Robert held up his wine glass, his face was flushed with red, and then he laughed and said.

"Seven gods are on top!"

"This guy Stannis finally didn't disappoint my expectations again."

The reason why His Majesty the King is so happy now is naturally that he won the battle. The naval battle on Longshidao was extremely beautiful, with the help of the Valerian family itself, plus the purchase of the internal response, and then the inside and the outside.

If it weren't for the commander-in-chief of the Longshidao fleet, who was experienced in naval warfare and decisively ordered to leave the war and then withdraw, there would even be the risk of the entire army being wiped out.

It was a revenge for the entire fleet that had been burned down by a fire that year, and Robert let out a sigh of relief.

As a reward, Robert directly canonized Longstone Island to Stannis when he received this good news.

But Stannis, who had just returned from victory last night, didn't look very happy when he received the news.

Stannis had never been to Longshi Island before. He originally had some expectations for Longshi Island.

After all, this is the starting point for Aegon to conquer Westeros, and it is rumored that Longshidao has an unimaginable huge amount of wealth, which he believes is the dragon egg.

However, Stannis had a good dream for the beauty of having fun, but he didn't realize that it was cleaner than his trouser pocket until he landed on Longshi Island.

As the king's brother, Stannis doesn't even have a fief today. The powerful royal fleet he is commanding is just under the command of the king's brother. In fact, he has nothing to do with him. He even There is no need to ask for military payment, it is entirely the burden of King's Landing.

But Stannis, who has no fief, still needs to support vassals and soldiers who are determined to follow him.

When the three brothers of the Deer family in Fengshibao separated their families, as punishment for defeating the entire army, Fengshibao was bypassed by his first successor and fell directly to his younger brother Lan Li.

However, there were still a group of soldiers who had followed Stannis to defend the Fortress of the Wind and chose to continue to leave with Stannis.

This includes Bachelor Christen from Wind's Breath.

"Master Stannis."

"If you saw your brother today, remember not to quarrel with him."

The two people in tandem walked hurriedly in the garden in the Red Fort, and Bachelor Christen persuaded them.

As a servant of Wind's Breath, Bachelor Christen watched these three brothers grow up. The boss, Robert, had a hot temper, and the second, Stannis, was also a stubborn temper.

The temperaments of these two people are not in harmony, so every time they see them, they will quarrel.

"This time we are only discussing the possibility of working on the Targaryen remnants on the other side of the narrow sea."

Speaking of this, Bachelor Christen shook his head slightly.

"I knew the current I had to kill the mother and son who fled to Longshidao no matter what."

Hearing what the bachelor said, Stannis's face was slightly ugly, but he didn't say much.

The power of Targaryen is now resurrected, and it is no longer a fleet that can be wiped out.

According to the information currently available, it is necessary for His Majesty the King to organize at least 30,000 troops and hundreds of warships in order to defeat Andalus, as well as supply and transportation along the route. It was unrealistic to transport materials from the mainland. It is good to get the support of a free trade city-state.

And as a local battle against invasion, the farmers of Andalus may take up arms and join the war at any time.

The difficulty of conquering Andalus has also risen sharply. After all, the territory of Andalus can rival one of the seven nations.

If this war really breaks out, the burden on the entire country will be no less than a re-fighting of the Usurper's War.
