Game Of Thrones: Wrath Of The Sleeping Dragon - Chapter 149

Chapter 149

Vesselis's first month after returning from the expedition.

Andalos held an unprecedented event to celebrate the conquering of large tracts of land and villages in the Mesopotamia, and almost restored the territory of the ancient Andas kingdom.

At the same time, it was also a reward for meritorious deeds.

And after the award, it was a contest.

Both Weselis and Oberon did not participate because of their status. In the end, the Lloyd general, Sir Evan Pass, who led the heavy cavalry in the battle, won the final championship.

Sir Evan, as the first noble to rise under the banner of the three-headed dragon flag of Targaryen, is naturally loyal to Veserys.

They used to be just a pool of mud under the feet of others, plundered by the Dothraki, and admired the snort of the trading city-state. Business is also competing, but those merchants with empty eyelashes, their only way out is to become a mercenary, and then they don't know which day they will die in another country.

However, since the arrival of Targaryen, these villages have been reunited and become a huge force that cannot be ignored.

The Dothraki who came to looting threw down the corpses everywhere and fled in a hurry, and even their Kao was burned to death.

The caravans who went through the village to do business also became polite, and no longer squeezed the villagers with their usual interests.

After all, they would never come again if they offended the caravan before. The villagers could only travel far away to buy and sell things by themselves.

But now that the caravans are coming and going more frequently, the reason is naturally that they are going to that new city-state, Andalus.

In this vast plain, Andalus has become a sacred pronoun.

Because it has risen in the shortest time and has the blessing of religious mystery, it has finally become a holy land for countless Andars.

However, many of the newly joined Loyna people did not regard this as their hometown. They even more hoped that the king could rebuild Ge Dohe.

He even advanced further down the Mother River, restoring the ancient capital of Saxing City, which was once the Loyna people.

The ambition of the Andals ends here, but the Lojna, who have newly joined the Targaryen forces, are even more enthusiastic.

Looking over, there is a thriving scene everywhere.

In the latest issue of Braavos's latest map, starting from the coast of Braavos, the entire Andas Plain, together with Velvet Mountain, Ge Doher, and both banks of the Lorne River, contain some mountains in the Novos Mountains. , All were painted with the fiery red color of Targaryen, represented by a shallow three-headed fire dragon coat of arms.

However, at a time when everything is gradually returning to calm.

On the distant Narrow Sea.

A sudden naval battle broke out.

In the war to suppress the Iron Islands rebellion, the royal fleet, which made great contributions, returned to Fengshibao for a few months to rest, and suddenly appeared on the sea near Longshi Island in the early morning of the day.

Together with the distant relatives of the Targaryen family, Earl Montfort Valerian of Tidalhead Island and his warship, and the ships routinely dispatched by the Dragon Stone Island fleet to patrol the enemy did not know it was appropriate to betray the enemy. .

Obviously this is a long-planned conspiracy.

Sir Jeffrey, the commander-in-chief of the Dragon Stone Island fleet stationed on the island, was forced to organize a counterattack.

The two sides fought a fierce battle on the sea. In the end, they were outnumbered. The old knight even shot an arrow in the chest. Then he was protected by the guards and withdrew hastily.

The Dragon Stone Island fleet experienced a big defeat, and then fled back to the port of Andalus. There was an uproar and the enthusiasm for it.

The old Sir had an arrow in his chest, but luckily he didn't hurt his heart, otherwise he would die on the spot. However, even if it didn't hurt the heart, the position of the chest is a key point after all. In addition, the old man is not too young now, so naturally after returning to the castle, he will be jumping around.

Longshidao was finally lost.

However, Veserys was not looking forward to losing this island of great significance to Targaryen, but he had long felt that if it could not be held here, he would not defend it. Anyway, in addition to the strategic position, it is like a sword that can directly threaten King's Landing, and then it has no other effect.

Even the output cannot be self-sufficient, and Andalus needs to allocate a lot of resources every month to maintain the strategic deterrence of King's Landing.

But this kind of deterrence seemed to have no meaning in Viselis's eyes. What else could he do besides being able to make that King Robert never forget himself, so he could not drink or eat for this reason?

Fight now?

Relying on Andalus's army of thousands of people, and three little guys to conquer the Seven Kingdoms?

For Viselis, he can't afford to lose or lose, and he will not act rashly without absolute certainty.

This cautious attitude runs through Veselis's actions all the time.

What's more, he now has a dragon, and he only needs to wait quietly for the dragon to grow up to repeat the story of Aegon's conquest of Westeros.

It should be the fat man sitting on the Iron Throne who is anxious now. Perhaps he feels that the spikes on the iron bump are prickling his **** even more. And they have nothing to worry about.

However, Sir Jeffrey thought otherwise.

As the commander-in-chief of the fleet, the old man, the second-ranked figure of the Targaryen forces, holds heavy power.

When he was in Andalus, even Viselis had to respect his opinions.

Sir Jeffrey assured him that he could defend Dragon Stone Island well, and retreat even if he could not beat it.

However, because of negligence, he didn't notice the rebellion of his subordinates, and directly suffered a defeat, and he was even dying of severe injuries.

Veserys does not blame him for losing the battle and losing Longshidao. It's because he doesn't cherish his body, and he still suffers this disaster at such an age.

Now in the ward.

The old Sir lay pale on the bed, dying, still asking something in his mouth.

The loss of Longshidao is a trivial matter.

However, in the future, whether the Iron Throne will cross the narrow sea to reproduce the battle of the Nine Bronze Plate Kings and take the initiative to eliminate the threat in the cradle, which is what Veselis should consider next.

At that time, Robert Baratheon had just sat on the Iron Throne, and he didn't take the initiative to launch a general attack on Longshi Island because there was no naval force under his hand.

However, the Wang's fleet, which was built with a lot of money, was completely wiped out by the old knight.

In the follow-up, Targaryen came to establish a foothold on the mainland of Essos, but King Robert was still powerless. Because of the endless wars in recent years, the economies of the Seven Kingdoms had been severely damaged, and he was unable to launch a long-distance foreign mission. Fight across seas.

Can only watch Targaryen gradually develop on another continent.

Now, the opportunity is finally ripe.