Game Of Thrones: Wrath Of The Sleeping Dragon - Chapter 1116

Chapter 1116

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"A wolf?"

Viserys frowned slightly as he looked at the sneaky figure hiding in the jungle not far away.

He has been out of the human world for so many years, and he never thought that he would deal with such a little guy one day.

"This is where?"

Then Viserys didn't care, but raised his head and looked around.

Here is a dense forest, with snow that can cover your ankles under your feet, a pale weirwood in the distance, and a **** 'face' looking at these gods from afar.

Viserys looked around, while the rest of the gods looked around with equal vigilance and curiosity.

Especially the 'disaster' Kramdi, who is possessed by the **** of many faces, everything here is both new and unfamiliar to him.

Because although he has been born for many years and knows a lot of secrets by following the King of Light, but it was the first time he came to the human world, and he was unfamiliar with it.

While the gods did not take these primitive hunters of the nether seriously, the wolves did not.

The wolf that first appeared in the jungle and found its prey did not dare to act rashly when it saw the crowd of people on the other side. It quietly called its partner. As a pack animal, the wolf will use it when it faces a larger number of prey with the ability to resist. way of hunting.

Therefore, while the gods were looking at the surrounding environment and guessing what happened, the wolves had quietly gathered around, their faint eyes staring at their prey.

Then came the melodious howl of the alpha wolf in the woods, and all the wolves in the wolf pack came out from all directions, howling and rushing towards the prey.


As the new **** of fire, Helos frowned when he saw this scene. He was about to raise his hand to burn all these annoying little guys to ashes, but at this moment he suddenly realized that he seemed to have no power.

"what happened?"

He was accustomed to the power of the gods, and he could destroy these weak creatures with a flip of his hand. Helos never imagined that he would suddenly lose his power at this moment.

However, it is not just the **** of Heros who is in this situation. All the gods, including Viserys, have all found at the same time that they have lost the divine power they rely on to fight.

"Is this..."

As the most experienced person here, Viserys' eyes narrowed slightly when he noticed this.

He raised his head and glanced at the sky that was still snowing, a sense of familiarity suddenly emerged, and at the same time, a bad premonition rose in his heart.

He seemed to know where they were now.

But compared to the panic of the rest of the gods when they lost their power, Viserys, who has been a **** for the longest time, reacted the most quickly.

A tall and fierce male wolf stared at Viserys, who seemed to be the strongest among the group. It flew over and opened its **** mouth to bite Viserys' throat.

And Viserys dodged slightly to avoid the opponent's attack, and at the same time used his strong arms to restrain the male wolf's neck tightly from behind.

It suddenly let out a shrill howl like a dog with its tail stepped on, its body twisted to and fro, its claws kicked, and even urinated, as if it was struggling and begging for mercy.

But Viserys is well aware of the cunning of this kind of dog, as long as he lets go of the opponent, he will bite him back.


Then Viserys suddenly exerted his arm again, and the powerful force directly smashed the cartilage of the male wolf's throat, twisted its neck, and his body suddenly softened without even a scream, and he died completely. Lost.

And without the divine weapon and divine power, the mighty power of burning mountains and boiling seas is lost, but fortunately, the gods still have powerful bodies.

Viserys snapped a wolf's neck neatly, while Diana and Helos and Calamity Kramdi were in trouble.

They seem to still have some discomfort, especially for Kramdi, who has never fought personally, a little embarrassed.

A sneaky wolf wanted to sneak up and bite Diana's throat from behind, but Diana's attention was now on the two wolves in front of her, and she had no defense at all behind her.

But fortunately, Viserys responded quickly, and when he saw the situation here, he rushed over and pushed his daughter away.

And his arm was also bitten by the wolf, and then the wolf's head was smashed by his two punches.

However, the wolves are still coming in continuously, but at a time when the gods are encountering an unprecedented crisis


A sharp whistle suddenly sounded in the distance.

A group of shabby human warriors suddenly appeared. They were holding sharp bronze utensils and simple wooden bows. They let out a harsh and powerful roar, and rushed towards the wolves like a tiger descending a mountain.

In an instant, he killed several strong male wolves with bronze spears and sharp swords.

When the wolves saw these humans, they immediately cried out for mercy. From the distant jungle, the howl of the head wolf symbolizing retreat was heard, and then the wolves fled in all directions.

However, this group of humans did not give up. Their bodies were strong and strong. At first glance, they were running in the mountains and snow all year round. They chased down these scattered wolves with bows and arrows, and finally gave up after shooting a few wolves one after another. .

On the other hand, Viserys and other gods were rescued by these humans and escaped.

The God of Thousand Faces was bitten by a wolf on the thigh, and Viserys was also bitten on the arm because he saved his daughter, but it was no big deal.

Now that his son and daughter are all surrounded by his father, they are still in shock at what just happened, why did they lose their power? And where are they now?

"This... looks like a ghost forest?"

At this moment, Diana Targaryen, the eldest daughter of Viserys, looked at the surrounding environment, and suddenly spoke uncertainly.

"Ghost Forest?"

When Viserys heard it, he turned his eyes slightly. Helos and Kramdi were slightly unfamiliar with the name. Kramdi had never been to the lower realm, and Helos was focused on the Middle Earth at that time. Where did he pay attention? What's out of the way.

But Diana is different from them. She is the guardian of Changyuan. The Great Wall and the outside of the Great Wall are her fiefdoms, so she knows this place very well.

Ghost Shadow Forest is a dense forest north of the Great Wall of Despair that separates the Great Wall and the Great Wall. It is also the largest forest outside the Great Wall. If you go further north to the Land of Eternal Winter, the climate there will be too cold, even if it is cold-resistant plants, it is difficult to grow. .