Game Of Thrones: Wrath Of The Sleeping Dragon - Chapter 1115

Chapter 1115

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Therefore, the branches and leaves of the black weirwood spread, naturally not only occupying the whole world, but quickly revealing its terrible side.

The places where all the branches and leaves took root began to frantically absorb the power of the earth, and the earth became dilapidated at a speed visible to the naked eye as if it had been corroded.

And these black branches and leaves that spread wildly are not just absorbing the power of the earth, but staring at all the living things in this world.

They seemed to have eyes, like black venomous snakes, they precisely grabbed all the creatures that were running away, not just humans, including all animals, and rolled them up and sucked them into a shriveled corpse.

In this, no matter how high the status of princes and nobles is, they will not be spared. Even if the top swordsman in the world is holding a sharp sword and cutting left and right, he has cut off a lot of branches and leaves, but in the end, they are still tightly held by the branches and leaves. Trapped and killed on the spot.

The back garden of the royal family of the Valyrian Empire.

Because King's Landing was destroyed by Edric the Shadow Hunter, a member of the celestial gods, now Emperor Inmon I Targaryen is recuperating in High Court, while his eldest son, Crown Prince Viserys Tanger Prince Leon presides over reconstruction at King's Landing.

But the apocalyptic catastrophe came so quickly that the Targaryen royals made little preparation.

The black branches and leaves spread from the north to the High Court, and it took about a week to cover the northern border, riverlands, valley bottoms, etc.

And this time, let alone a horse race, even the raven just passed the information to the High Court and reported it to the Emperor of the Empire.

However, the information was chaotic and complicated, and because of the confusion and even the loopholes, it was necessary to extract useful information from it, but before His Majesty Inmon I Targaryen made a decision, this disaster came to the High Court.


The black branches rustled densely, and the branches continued to grow and at the same time made a sour sound. These black branches rushed into the high court from all directions like the plague of wild pythons.

"Hold on!"

The elite royal guards guarding the High Court fought back against the attack of the black weirwood. They desperately chopped down the influx of branches, and even tried to stop it with fire, but to no avail.

These branches seem to be burnt out, and any inconspicuous gap can allow them to get in, and then take people's lives.


From time to time, some soldiers were rolled up from the phalanx by the influx of branches, made a shrill scream, and then fell to the ground.

And even though the elite royal guards are loyal and loyal, they will inevitably retreat in the face of such a powerless and desperate situation.

"There's no way we can stop them!"


"Run away!"

Someone shouted with crying despair, but one person took the lead to escape, and what followed was a complete disaster.

The solid phalanx of the Imperial Royal Guard was broken, and the soldiers fled.

But the black branches attacked one after another, treating them equally regardless of their status.

And deep in the palace of High Court.

The dragons of the Targaryen family were all frightened, stretched their wings and took off into the distance, but some members of the Targaryen family royal family were besieged here, including the old emperor of the Valyrian Empire Yinmen Tan. Glen I.

"Father, what should we do?"

The youngest daughter of Emperor Inmon I Targaryen, the beautiful Imperial Princess Jahenella Targaryen was terrified by the horrific scene and cried on the spot.

On the other side, sister Layla and their sister-in-law, Brenda Stark, looked at each other and saw the unease in each other's eyes.

"Sister-in-law, eldest brother, he is very smart, he should find a place to hide."

"He might be safer than us."

Although the two women were more calm than Jahenira, this was not the time to be calm at all, and it was inevitable that they would feel uneasy.

Now the members of the royal family are all gathered in the High Court, but Viserys Targaryen, Yin Meng's eldest son, the crown prince of the Empire and Brenda Stark's husband, is not here, and everyone is naturally worried. .

The eldest princess of the empire, Layla Targaryen, comforted her sister-in-law and said, and Brenda also took a deep breath, smiled slightly, and nodded to her sister to express her gratitude.

Later, the baby boy Yin Geng in Brenda Stark's arms was also frightened by her aunt's cries.

And Brenda also hurriedly comforted her son. Now that her husband is not here and has no backbone, Brenda must be strong and protect her son at this critical moment.

Everyone's eyes turned to Yin Meng. He was the backbone of the women and children of the Targaryen family. He was both a father, a father-in-law, and a grandfather here.

However, at this moment no one could do anything, the Empire Yinmeng Targaryen I was lying on the hospital bed with a haggard and pale face, shaking his head silently.

Then the black branches outside the palace shredded the window and spread wildly in.

The human world is undergoing drastic changes, and the gods in the sky can feel that countless lives are dying along with the spread of black branches.

"It has to be stopped!"

Except for Kramdi, the **** of many faces, all the gods were filled with anger.

This is a disaster even more terrible than the long night, because although the ultimate goal of the long night is also the disappearance of life, it does not come as quickly as it is now.

All the gods can foresee is that if the black weirwood has completely taken over the whole world, it will be the time when the whole world will die.

"You won't be able to escape by then."

"Want to join in? Kramdi."

And Viserys turned his head to invite Kramdi, who claimed to be his 'son'.


Diana and Helos on the other side looked at Viserys with a little worry, obviously they were grumpy about this 'disaster' that came out of nowhere.

However, before Kramdi, who controlled the God of Thousand Faces, could speak, the scene in front of them suddenly changed.

Feather-like snow fell from the sky, and the gods such as Viserys appeared in an inexplicable environment. In front of them was a lush forest, and the snow was enough to cover the ankles.

At this moment, a pair of faint eyes popped out from the jungle, and it was obvious that a hunter on the ice field was staring at them.

"Where is this?"