Game Of Thrones: Wrath Of The Sleeping Dragon - Chapter 1065

Chapter 1065

Yin Meng took the initiative to take all the responsibilities, opened his arms to punish himself, and won everyone's applause and respect.

Then he endured the pain and walked to the Red Fort step by step, and more and more people followed him around.

When the silver-blond-haired youth walked to the square under the Red Fort, the people surrounding him could not see the end at a glance.

They crowded the streets from all directions, watching Yin Meng walk up the long steps to the Red Fort.

They sincerely hoped and prayed that this kind-hearted and brave-hearted prince could survive this catastrophe smoothly.


Yin Meng stepped down the long steps step by step, and then finally walked into the gate of the Red Fort with difficulty.

"Your Highness."

"His Royal Highness Second Prince."

And here, Yin Meng's most important advisor, Tyrion Lannister, who shoulders important responsibilities, and his Kingsguard "Dawn Excalibur" Edric Dane stood at the door to greet Yin Meng.

But unfortunately, Yin Meng finally let out a sigh of relief when he saw the two of them. He wanted to fall to the ground, but was directly supported by Edric Dayne, who was quick-witted.

Yin Meng's face was pale at the moment due to excessive blood loss, and he even nearly fainted.

As for what happened outside, Tyrion and Dawn Sword, the retainers who stood on the side of the second prince, actually already knew about it.

They had mixed feelings about it.

They are naturally happy that Yin Meng has won the love of the people of King's Landing with his actions. At the same time, his flowing golden blood is also regarded as a miracle and a 'chosen person', otherwise he would not have attracted so much. People watch.

And what the two are worried about is also very simple. After all, now the eldest princess has taken King's Landing with a flash, and Queen Arianne is back in power.

With the experience of the eldest prince Helos, of course, Her Majesty the Queen will be vigilant about Yin Meng, and she may not be the first to attack.

Now people are the knife and I am the fish. Although Her Royal Highness Yin Meng will not worry about personal safety because of Queen Daenerys, it is inevitable that he will be held under house arrest in King's Landing.

"Your Highness."

And Edric Dane hugged Yin Meng, who almost fainted, and there was a slight glint in his eyes.

With so much blood, if it were an ordinary person, he might have already fallen.

However, His Royal Highness was only pale, and his mental state was fair. He turned his head and looked back at the long steps below. The golden bloodstains ticking all the way seemed to penetrate into the slate. .


As Yin Meng climbed the long steps and entered the Red Fort, the gate of the Red Fort was closed with a bang, isolating the outside world from the deep palace.

Although Yin Meng lost a lot of blood, he recovered after a short rest. The scholars hurriedly tried to apply medicine to stop the bleeding, but when they checked the wound, they found that the wound had healed by itself, and there was only one left. a scar.

Yin Meng was then brought into the throne room to meet Queen Arianne and his sister Diana.

Fortunately, however, all of Yin Meng's worries on the way here did not happen.

Arianne did not blame her son, nor punished him, but gave him an edict.

The decree of the Iron Throne allowed Yin Meng to mobilize some of the troops in the provinces of Westeros to bring his brother Heros Targaryen back to King's Landing to plead guilty.

Now that Helos rode the dragon away, no one knows where he went, and Yin Meng could have mobilized the army in the West, Stormlands and Reach. The official endorsement can even mobilize the Imperial Legion stationed in the old town.

Yin Meng naturally had no better choice in the face of such a situation above the court.

He could only accept his mother's decree, and then wholeheartedly search for and bring back his brother.

And the other side.

Heros left King's Landing aboard the golden dragon Terex.

The battle for succession failed.

He went from being a high-ranking prince regent to a bereaved dog. He wandered back and forth and found that the world was huge, but he had nowhere to go.

The northern army rolling south will inevitably destroy all his foundations in the Hejian land and the valley. Coupled with the pursuit of his younger brother Yin Meng, escaping there is just another failure.

Therefore, Helos could only look further afield, hoping that he had betrayed his sister Diana and brother Yin Meng and killed each other, and he still had a chance to make a comeback.

There is no place for him in the huge continent of Essos, unless he is willing to fly to the east of the Skeleton Mountains in one breath, to the Golden Heaven and even the more distant land of shadows, the gray wasteland.

However, after escaping there, Helos has really become a lost dog, and he may never have a chance to make a comeback in this life.

He wasn't happy about it.

Therefore, after thinking about it, since I hoped that my sister Diana and my younger brother Yin Meng could kill each other, the only place where he could hide for a short period of time and have a chance to make a comeback was only one place.

That's Donne.

Dorne has always been a die-hard supporter of Helos, after all, part of Dorne's blood is flowing in Helos.

"Terex, please excuse me."

Now that he had made up his mind, Heros did not hesitate, and flew towards Dorne on the giant dragon Terex.


And the golden dragon that covered the sky didn't say much about the partner's request, just let out a low roar, and then spread its wings and disappeared into the sky.

The capital of Dorne is Sunspear City, the residence of the Martell family, and the goal of Heros's trip is here.

King's Landing is thousands of miles away from Sunspear, but for the dragon, it is only a few days' journey.

When Helos flew to Sunspear City riding Terex, he was warmly welcomed by the Martell family.

Now the head of the Martell family is Prince Quentin Martell, the eldest son of Prince Doran. Quentin is not tall, strong and stocky, with ordinary appearance. He has a strict personality and does not laugh easily.

However, Quentin, who attended Viserys' wedding, is now in his forties.

Although his father, Prince Doran, who is more than eighty years old, is seriously ill and bedridden, he has not died yet, so Quentin can only be his prince, not the prince of Dorne.


When Helos saw Quentin and Tristan, they should call them uncle, but the two princes of Dorne did not dare to call nephew generously.

"His Royal Highness."

They restrained the smiles on their faces, and then said respectfully.

"Father has invited His Highness."

Quentin and Tristan were not qualified enough. They heard that their nephew, Heros Targaryen, came flying on a dragon, only to be happy and have a feast, but they didn't think of the deep meaning.

And the bedridden Prince Doran guessed the reason at once, so he invited Heros to his bedroom for a chat.