Game Of Thrones: Wrath Of The Sleeping Dragon - Chapter 1064

Chapter 1064

And since Yin Meng entered the city, including a series of subsequent events, it was quickly introduced into the Red Fort through the secret agents under the Minister of Intelligence.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs was once a diehard loyalist of the first prince Helos, and participated in the coup d'etat of King's Landing. Now Helos escaped from King's Landing by riding a dragon, and the third commander of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Commander Xiaomei, also disappeared without a trace.

Now waiting for the Ministry of Internal Affairs is a complete purge, and everyone is panicking.

Therefore, the power of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is naturally frozen now, and it is completely maintained by the Minister of Intelligence.

Today's Imperial Intelligence Minister is still the mysterious **** Varys, who says that people will live more freely after they lose their desires, and they have no desires or desires.

In fact, Varys did outlive his old friends.

Varys is still the Minister of Intelligence of the Empire, but has quietly relegated to the background.

He basically stopped participating in the affairs of the Imperial Council, and even his little birds were beaten out of breath by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and Varys did not intervene.

When King's Landing fell, a group of ministers of the Imperial Council were arrested, including the former Prime Minister Vilas, etc. However, only one person was never caught and escaped.

That person is Varys, the Minister of Intelligence.

The First Prince Helos tried his best to catch him, and the Ministry of Internal Affairs was frantically searching for him, but he knew that he was in King's Landing but couldn't find him.

Although there was no concrete evidence for the incident of Tyrion's wife and son's disappearance, everyone speculated that there was Varys' plan behind it.

However, now that Queen Arianne has just regained power, this old **** who has disappeared for a long time has appeared in the Red Fort.

This also confirms that the other party has been hiding in King's Landing and has not left.

The news from the outside world was brought over by the little bird. Varys' bald head is now full of wrinkles, but the same hobby is still like wearing bright clothes, and there is still a smell of powder on his body.

His eyebrows were sparse but they were already white. Looking at the information in his hand, he frowned slightly, twisted into a fleshy pimple, and then calmly loosened it slightly.

"Your Majesty the Queen."

The bald-headed **** sighed softly and handed over the information intact to Queen Arianne.

Varys was respectful in front of Arianne. The two did not look like people of the same era. Varys was old, and Arianne was still beautiful and moving.

Even Arianne's eldest daughter, Princess Diana Targaryen, was standing by her mother's side, and the two looked like sisters rather than mother and daughter.

"This little Yinmeng..."

And Arianne raised her eyebrows slightly after reading the information that Varys handed over, then shook her head and said.

"Diana, come and see what your brother did."

After reading it, Arianne passed the information to her daughter. Diana had some doubts at first, but after reading the information, she couldn't help but pursed her lips and smiled.

"This... is indeed my younger brother's way of doing things."

The brothers Yin Meng and Helos are really two completely opposite people, with different ways of doing things, means and so on.

However, it happened that Yin Meng, who was seen by many people as 'insufficient talent', defeated Helos.

"So Diana, do you have an answer to the question just now?"

Immediately, Arianne looked at the expression on her daughter's face, and then asked with a straight face.

The silver-blond-haired woman was silent for a moment, and finally nodded.

"I've already thought about it, mother."

On the other side, the old **** Varys, who was sitting in the hall, looked down at the floor, his gray eyebrows drooped, he twitched slightly after hearing the words of His Highness the Eldest Princess, and took a deep breath, but still remained calm.

As a retainer of the Targaryen royal family for so many years, he has held the power in his hands, and he has weathered many storms and waves smoothly, and he is no longer the Varys he once was.

Just as Tyrion is no longer the little devil he once was.

Decades have passed, from youth to middle age and then to old age, people have long been different, and they have become unrecognizable and unfamiliar.

And the wily old **** Varys was so nervous because if the news of what had just happened would be enough to shock Chao Gang.

In the presence of Varys, Queen Regent Arianne wants to confiscate the throne to the eldest Princess Diana Targaryen.

However, after careful consideration, Her Royal Highness the eldest princess rejected the throne privately granted by her mother, and claimed that there was a better heir to the position left by her father, but this person was not herself.

Queen Arianne and Princess Diana, the mother and daughter of House Targaryen, had a frank conversation that left Varys on pins and needles.

He even wanted to get up and retire, but in the end, after doing enough psychological struggle, he stayed where he was.

This event is enough to become a major event that subverts the court.

Queen Regent Arianne wants to confer the throne privately. Has it been approved by the other two queens, Her Majesty Renes and Her Majesty Daenerys?

And the answer of Her Royal Highness the Eldest Princess caught Varys' attention even more.

He did not expect that someone would resist the temptation of the imperial throne. You must know that the Valyrian Empire has now ruled almost half of the known world, and is the real world However, as a long-term successor Princess Diana Targaryen still resisted this easy temptation, stuck to her own heart, and politely refused the position her mother had given her privately.

She claims that there is someone more suitable than herself.

Who would be more suitable to inherit this country than Her Royal Highness Princess Diana, the eldest daughter of Her Majesty the Emperor?

There are nothing more than her two younger brothers, the prince Helos Targaryen born to Queen Rhaenys, and the prince Yinmen Targaryen born to Queen Daenerys.

If it was put a few days ago, maybe everyone would think that the eldest princess would unswervingly support the eldest prince Helos.

Because the two were childhood sweethearts, they had a very good relationship since childhood. After they grew up, they made a marriage contract. Now the eldest princess is Helos' fiancee.

However, it was precisely such a relationship that Diana mercilessly backstabbed her fianc. With the help of the Iron Fleet, she blitzed and captured King's Landing again without bloodshed, directly destroying all the foundations of Heros, forcing him to be Forced to ride a dragon to escape.

That being the case, Heros, who had just been stabbed by Diana in the back, must not be the more suitable candidate for the throne as she said.

Then she has only one younger brother left, and that is Yin Meng, the second prince who just defeated Helos on the frontal battlefield and is now entering the city.