Following A Hundred Years Of Cultivation, I'm Dying Before I Got Cheats - Chapter 714: Refinement, Repair, Sword of Extinction

Chapter 714: Refinement, Repair, Sword of Extinction

Chapter 714: Refinement, Repair, Sword of Extinction

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations


Shortly after Jiang Chengxuan spoke, the artifact spirit of the Sword of

Extinction immediately responded.

How did you do it?

And who are you? Why have you awakened me? What do you need?

Hearing the words of the Sword of Extinction, a smile appeared on Jiang Chengxuans face.

He didnt intend to hide anything and briefly shared his own situation with the artifact spirit.

Afterward, he continued with a smile:

Senior, you must know the reason I have awakened you now is naturally because I wish for you to follow me from this point onwards.

I believe you are also aware that with your current condition, its almost impossible to recover on your own.


Following me would be beneficial for both of us.

What do you think?

Upon hearing Jiang Chengxuans words, the artifact spirit of the Sword of Extinction fell into thought.

It admitted that if everything Jiang Chengxuan had just said was true, then this young cultivator, who claimed to be Jiang Chengxuan, indeed had a boundless future.

Following him, it might indeed have the chance to be fully repaired.

Most importantly, given its current condition, it really didnt have many options.

Thus, it looked at Jiang Chengxuan and suddenly said,

Its not impossible for me to choose to follow you and even take the initiative

to cooperate with you to refine me.

It couldnt just take Jiang Chengxuans word for it.

Even though the aura of merit it felt just now was true.

Such people were unlikely to be evil people.

But as the saying goes, seeing is believing. It still needed to witness for itself that everything Jiang Chengxuan had said was true.

Jiang Chengxuan naturally wouldnt refuse the request of the artifact spirit of the Sword of Extinction.

He didnt say anything else and simply waved his hand behind his back.

The next moment, a wheel of merit golden light appeared behind his head.

Seeing this, the artifact spirit of the Sword of Extinction, which was already shocked by Jiang Chengxuan possessing merit, became even more astonished.

A wheel of merit light, you actually already possess a wheel of merit light!

Although this wheel of merit light wasnt as grand as the more significant wheel of merit gold, for Jiang Chengxuan at his current cultivation level, it was already shockingly impressive and nearly unbelievable.

How about it, senior? Do you believe me now? This is the reward I received for repairing this worlds origin and reconstructing the Ascension Platform, Jiang Chengxuan continued, Next, if senior truly wishes to follow me, I could even use some of the converted merit golden lotuses to a.s.sist you in repairing your body. It is not impossible.

Are you serious about it?

Upon hearing Jiang Chengxuans words, the artifact spirit of the Sword of Extinction could no longer remain calm.

It was well aware that if Jiang Chengxuan was truly willing to use some of his merit, even just a tiny part, to help repair its body, it could bring tremendous benefits to its body.

At this moment, the artifact spirit of the Sword of Extinction finally saw a real hope for complete restoration.

Upon hearing this, the artifact spirit of the Sword of Extinction immediately responded, If thats the case, then from now on, I am willing to follow you. Afterwards, I will also cooperate with you to refine my body as soon as possible.

I just hope you can keep your word and not disappoint me.

Rest a.s.sured, senior. I always keep my word, Jiang Chengxuan replied, visibly pleased as the artifact spirit indeed agreed.

If he could truly refine this Spirit Treasure, he could use the Repairing Jade and a small portion of his merit to fully restore and even enhance it further.

By then, this treasure would undoubtedly become his greatest trump card, providing him with some possibilities even against true Void Returning Divine Lords.

With this thought, Jiang Chengxuan immediately began attempting to refine

the Sword of Extinction.

With the a.s.sistance of the artifact spirit of the Sword of Extinction, the refining process was rapid.

During this process, he also integrated an equivalent of three golden lotuses of merit, making the refining even faster.

At the same time, the body of the Sword of Extinction seemed to be plated with a layer of gold, causing the entire sword to emit a new life force.

The artifact spirit could clearly feel its spirit growing stronger.

It seems he really didnt deceive me, the artifact spirit thought, becoming even more cooperative in Jiang Chengxuans refining process.

Five years later.

With a resonant sword cry, Jiang Chengxuan finally fully refined the Sword of Extinction.

At this moment.

Although the Sword of Extinction was still in a damaged state, its blade was now emitting a brilliant spiritual light.

Simultaneously, an aura powerful enough to suffocate any Nascent Soul cultivator spread from the swords blade.

Jiang Chengxuans face showed uncontrollable joy.

At this moment, all information about this spirit treasure was revealed to him without any concealment.

According to the information he received, the sword was known as the Sword of Extinction, possessing an incredibly formidable destructive power.

With a single slash, it could potentially annihilate even the Dharma Form of Void Returning Divine Lords.

It once had the achievement of slaying three Void Returning Divine Lords with a single strike.

Of course.

It could not do that now.

Even if Jiang Chengxuan were to fully repair it, it would still be impossible. After all, no matter how strong a weapon is, someone needs to wield it. Unless one day his cultivation could break through to Void Returning, perhaps then the swords glory could be revisited.

Without sparing any effort, Jiang Chengxuan directly took out the Repairing Jade from his body and immediately applied it to the Sword of Extinction without hesitation.


In an instant, the Sword of Extinction was enveloped in a gentle white light.

The artifact spirit of the Sword of Extinction couldnt help but exclaim in surprise, Young friend Jiang, what is this?

At this moment, it could clearly feel its body being repaired at an incredibly fast rate.

Jiang Chengxuan didnt hide anything anymore and smiled, saying, How about it, senior?

Are you surprised? Astonished?

This is a treasure I acquired by chance, capable of repairing all treasures in the world.

Now, I have used it on you.

With it, it wont take too long for you to return to your perfect peak condition.