Find Me I'm Yours - Find Me I'm Yours Part 26

Find Me I'm Yours Part 26

DIY COLLAGE Website for a zine Mags created of cool collage elements so people can make their own artwork. The zine is actually sold in indie bookstores. Also a place to showcase pieces people create using the "Snip Its" in the zine.

STAIRWALKS L.A. A guide to some of the stair walks that are in L.A., which Mags references to find a clue. Includes descriptions, pics, maps, and a humorous set of icon/tags (Pee Alert, Self-Esteem Crusher, etc.).

eVOLVE TRANSMEDIA An edgy spiritual website where Mags's BFF in NY, Liza, works. Devoted to seekers wanting answers to the big questions, while offering guidance on how they can improve their lives and make a difference in the world.

TEXT YOUR WISH A site/mobile app where you can text something you're wishing for, and your text automatically appears on the website. Wishes are selected from the site and fulfilled.

SOLE MATES SHOE REPAIR Website for a fictional shoe repair shop that figures into the hunt.

DELHICATESSEN TRUCK A site Mags references to find a clue on her hunt, featuring info, schedule, and menu items from a fictional food truck for Jewish-Indian street noshes.

MALIBU CAMPSITE A fake glamping campsite in Malibu that leads Mags to a clue.

WORSHIP THE BRAND Users upload their brand-inspired art, crafts, and fan art. Features contests with substantial cash prizes, expert feedback from established curators, and tips and tools/business advice from art industry pros.

I (HEART) BOB BARKER A fun 'n' freaky site devoted to the legendary game show host and pet activist Bob Barker. Visitors can leave comments on the fan art that's featured, and there are links to animal organizations.

FREAK 4 MY PET One of Mags's fave sites devoted to pet love and obsession. Users upload and share pics and videos of their pets in a variety of unusual categories. Includes contests for original pet theme song videos, and the series Dear Tabby, an annoyed cat who gives advice, voiced by Susie Essman.

HOLLYWOOD SIGN CLOSE UP Features a cool hand-illustrated map for sale that shows directions to get as close as possible to the Hollywood sign.

I SPOTTED YOUR DOG People upload a pic, info, and address if they think they've spotted the dog Mags is searching for in the story. Their post automatically shows on a map.

PAINT-BY-NUMBER INVASIONS The site for an artist who is considering Mags to be part of a group show. Features his artwork-old-school Paint by Number paintings with aliens and their spacecrafts cleverly overlaid into the scenes. Paintings are for sale on the site.

THE TANKED TIKI A website for a fictional tiki bar Mags goes to in Hollywood. Includes tropical drink descriptions, etc.

GIANT THINGS Giant landmarks throughout L.A. figure into the hunt, and Mags references this site to find a clue. Features oversized pics of giant things throughout the world, with humorous captions on each image.

LAUGHSERCISE A fictional new exercise craze Mags sees in an AS SEEN ON TV commercial. Site includes workout descriptions, testimonials, and will eventually feature the commercial.

THIS IS YOUR WALL A wall Mags stumbles upon in downtown L.A. where the public can add their own street art legally, with a camera running 24/7, streaming the activity on the site. There are plans to have actual walls in selected cities.

KNEE BOOBS Mags's best friend Coco starts this Tumblr when she spots a pic of Mags's roommate S.H.A.R.I. with, well... knee boobs. Users can submit their own bodacious pics.

STRIPTEASE L.A. A roundup of the Los Angles burlesque scene. Includes reviews and information for venues and shows throughout Los Angeles. This site also holds a clue to the treasure hunt.

THE NAKED TRUTH A site for Sylvia, a stripping psychic Mags is sent to, who has seen better days. Sylvia offers "Cunning Clairvoyance" and "Extra Sensual Perceptions."

TATTWOSOME Specializing in matching tattoos for couples, friends, etc., visitors can upload pics of their "Tattwos." Mags is sent to this fictional tattoo parlor during the treasure hunt for Mr. WTF.

MAGS MARCLAY ART Featuring Mags's own street art incorporating iconic images from the treasure hunt and the story. Includes Mags's Instagram feed of pics she takes for inspiration.

MESSAGE SPOTTING A Tumblr Mags starts where users submit photos of messages they find in the world that speak to them (i.e., through street art, random signs, etc.).


FMIY has been so blessed every step of the way from day one. I thank God, Mastermind, Higher Power, Source-whatever the name, all the same. I am so incredibly appreciative, and eternally grateful for all the creativity, inspiration, flow, and divine guidance.

Maxine Lapiduss, my everything. I had the idea, but she helped me realize it and manifest it in ways I never dreamed of. She has the most amazing combo platter of profound creativity and talent, along with such a freakin' smarty-pants business sense. It's continually astounding all the endless things she can do, and she does them all brilliantly. On top of it all, she is chock-full o' fun, humor, kindness, love, and inspires and challenges me constantly. I am in awe of her, and honored every single day to be sharing my work and my life with her.

Our family-Mim (the best mom a girl could ever have), Bob (still watching out for me from above), and Howard (Yo, Bro) for their constant support and cheerleading. Essie (for showing us what it means to be a powerhouse of talent), Saul Doll (the dearest), Sally (the good sissy), and Francesca (a heck of a sissy-in-law).

Sweet Potato-the REAL girl with the polka-dot tongue, oozing with fudgy love. And Tasty and Studly, our magical two sides of the coin.


Trudi Roth, our work and creative partner in crime, who has sat with me daily at my desk (almost in my lap), supporting all aspects of FMIY and contributing GI-NORMOUSLY since its inception. She is such a wildly gifted writer, creator, thinker, and person, and we can't wait for the world to discover her many talents.

Sister-wives Barbara Green and Michelle Boyaner, whose brilliant contributions always enrich and inspire. Barbara's extraordinary photographs add so much to FMIY, as does the genius scheming we always love to do with Michelle, and the endless talents of the dynamic duo production team!

The Eisenstadts-Steve, Jeff, and Marvin-for making our vision possible, and for having faith in us. They're such a beautiful family, and we're so delighted that they are taking this nutty ride with us. And to Greggers, who got it big right from the start. There's always room in the middle for you.

Hope Royaltey, who kicks ass with her brilliant web scheming and building, and has been so instrumental in not just FMIY, but also Fly HC Multimedia, my web design biz for the past twelve years. We've been in the trenches together, and she is such a huge part of FMIY in all ways. And thanks to Susie Mosher for supporting Hope supporting us!

Britta Lundin, part of the core coven, who has contributed above and beyond. From her keen eye, brill ideas, and mad production skillz to being our millennial go-to, she TCBs it out on a daily basis.

Kim Thai, social media goddess, and so much more, who came along in the nick of time.

Danielle Eskinazi-for her deep friendship forevah and her stellar casting. She found the real-life versions of Mr. WTF and S.H.A.R.I., both EXACTLY as we had envisioned. Who does that?! And to Jodie Bowman Eskinazi for making Danielle so happy!

Laurie Liss, my agent and friend. For thinking so untraditionally in such a traditional industry. And for her persistent belief in me and my always offbeat ideas.

Rosetta Books-Arthur Klebanoff, Peter Clark, Jay McNair, Navjot Khalsa, Michelle Weyenberg, and Hannah Bennett for being innovators, visionaries, and the best peeps to have on the front lines with us.

Jill Siegel and Fauzia Burke for getting it, and their commitment to making sure everyone else does, too!

Gayle Troberman and Russ Axlerod-they've seen it all, and then they saw us. Thanks for the faith, support, and cheese platters, Gayle. And Russ, we're delighted and honored to be in your quarter-full cup.

Gaby Darbyshire for guiding, pushing, and being so damn smart and awesome.

Katie Ford for being such a huge part of everything for so long!

Prudence Fenton for always thinking differently, and hooking us up with like-minded peeps. She's so special to us, as of course is Allee Willis, another way-out thinker and creator who thankfully lives nearby. =) Ruby Lerner, Meg Miles, Jenny Gill, Alyson Pou, and everyone at Creative Capital. They're an amazing group. In addition to doing all they do to help support artists, they rock as people, too.

Jakki and Tom Leonardini for their early scheming and belief. They're highly eVOLVED, and are banking a lot of good karma!

Kerry Wilson for her amazing programming talents.


Our incomparable core posse: writers Thomas Whittingham, Elizabeth Lanier, Mo Welch, Henry Thaler, Lauren Robertson, Madeline Walter, Monika Smith, and Lucy Orich; Project Manager Extraordinaire Rachel Koller; Social Media Team Lyndsay Rae Cannon, Ernie Velasquez, Alyssa Wills Ray, Kate Mickere, and Sarah Alexander; WTB Team including Dorothy Hoover and Sarah Patten; Graphic Designer Katherine Kennedy, Administrators, HR, Research and more Thomas Day, Romy Ricart, and Rebecca Norris.

Our top-notch lawyers, Louis Scotti and Amy Divino.

Rob Healy, the one and only Mr. WTF. He is intelligent, kind, and gorgeous inside, too. We think everyone who experiences FMIY will fall in love with him as much as we have.

All the interns who have worked with us. We so appreciate your talents, contributions, and energy. The list continues to grow, so rather than include names here and potentially leave anyone out, see the full list at

Editors Joan Hilty and Amy Friedman, and proofreader Sara Brady for their keen minds, eagle eyes, and beyond helpful feedback.

Mim Eichler for her genius input, always when it matters.

Ben Kander and Ali Rudolph for their unbridled enthusiasm.

Bari Weiss for her thoughtful contributions and general mazeling it out, and her adorable husband, Jay Kass (see credits-arm model).

Holiday Reinhorn (yo, Dubs!) for being my creative kindred spirit and always doing such good in the world.

The ladies at Cumberland-Catherine Steffen, Nicole Lackford, Monica Oliva, Kate Schneider, Sarah Pimentel, and Mary Carpenito.

Jimi Vaughn and Paul Ghusar for helping us get our footing at the start.

Deni Marcus and David Arntzen for making sure our ducks are in a row.

Our Napa Valley peeps Oscar and Denise Renteria, and Gregory Pitts and Kelly Schaeffer for jumping on board early on.

Abe Smith for advice and support.

Dannielle Owens-Reid and Kristin Russo for their freshy-fresh ideas.

Makeup artists extraordinaire Hilda Levierge, Veronica Lane, and Jenna Keller for making everyone look so damn pretty.

Elaine Giftos-Wright for blessings and flow.

DeHART's Media Services, for being awesome printers.


The Smith-Roth family-Andy, Jordy, Sophie, Marcia, Steve, and Ginger Peaches.

Mimi Friedman and Owen Meyer Strauss.

Tania Katan and Angela Ellsworth Jane Anderson and Tess Ayers.

Jen Spyra Dee Sweet Slade.

Gretta Monahan and Ricky Paull Goldin.

Wendy Melvoin and Lisa Coleman John Edwards Cathryn Michon and Bruce Cameron Jonathan Stein.

Gregor Turk Mitzi McCall and Charlie Brill Susie Essman.

Lee Kernis.

And lastly, Runyon Canyon for inspiration and guidance, miracles and message spottings. I wrote the entire book while "wriking" in Runyon, and it's a magical place.