Farming In The Mountains: Max Level Jiaojiao Is Three Years Old - Chapter 117

Chapter 117

Chapter 117 Lamb Noodles

Such an extremely smart person, if he really goes into a career, he can't be just a petty official.

She is also more certain. In the last life, he must have ended up with a bad result. Therefore, in this life, he will not rely on studying to become an official, but will go home to grow crops.

"Where to go next, sell books?" She looked at the book in his hand.

Xue Yan calmed down and said, "It's noon, let's have something to eat first." There is no rush to sell books.

"What to eat?"

"Mother asked to eat noodles, do you want to eat noodles?"

"Then let's eat noodles." She had never eaten noodles before, so she almost forgot what noodles tasted like.

"There seems to be a noodle stall in front."

"Then let's go."


Jiang Yue followed Xue Yan to the noodle stall, looked at what noodles the noodle stall had, and then ordered two small bowls of mutton noodles with the uncle who sold noodle soup.

It is said to be mutton noodles, but there are not a few pieces of mutton in each bowl. This small bowl costs five cents, and two small bowls are ten cents.

But even this small bowl is bigger than the small bowl at home, Jiang Yue can't eat that much at all.

So, she picked up the chopsticks and put some into Xue Yan's bowl before eating. Xue Yan is bigger than her and has a bigger appetite than her, so she should be able to eat it.

Xue Yan just sat across from her and watched silently.

It wasn't until she pushed his bowl of noodles to him that he picked up his chopsticks and ate it in a very gentle manner.

Jiang Yue also started eating.

Although there are few pieces of mutton, it tastes delicious anyway. After all, this is the best food she has eaten since she has been here for so many days.

After taking a sip of the soup, the soup is also delicious.

It is rare to see that there are only two children eating noodles at one table in this stall, and there is no adult company at all, and these two children are outstanding in appearance. Make a little noise, so that people passing by and eating noodles at other tables at this noodle stall can't help but take a rare look here. If it wasn't for the two children wearing coarse clothes and a farmhouse basket next to them, they would definitely One must think that this is a young man and a young lady who sneaked out of a rich family.

After eating the noodles, Xue Yan took out ten cents to pay the uncle who sold the noodles.

"Go to the bookstore." Xue Yan said.

Knowing that he was going to sell books, Jiang Yue nodded, followed Xue Yan and asked, "Is it far?"

"Not far, just ahead."

"Yeah." Jiang Yue nodded again.

This street is the most prosperous street in the town. You can also see that the biggest and best business auspicious restaurant is on this street, and if this bookstore can be opened on this street, the business is not bad.

Before approached, Jiang Yue saw a plaque with four big characters "Bai Jian Shu Si" written on it.

The characters here are traditional Chinese characters from the ancient world, and she still knows them.

Many people come in and out of this bookstore, basically all of them are literati, as can be seen by looking at their clothes, all gowns, full of gentleness and reading spirit.

Some even had scrolls in their hands.

Xue Yan has also come here to sell books a few times before, so he is very familiar.

Although many books can now be engraved and printed, the cost of engraving is too high, and it is impossible to print and sell every book in this way. Moreover, the font of the engraving is fixed and dead, and it is very rigid. Anyway, this world copies books. There are still many people.

When Jiang Yue and Xue Yan entered the bookstore, there were a few people in front of them who came to sell handwritten books, but those people's characters were not as good-looking as Xue Yan's, so the price was naturally not high. He can only sell books of 300 wen at most, he can sell 500 wen.

(end of this chapter)