Farming In The Mountains: Max Level Jiaojiao Is Three Years Old - Chapter 116

Chapter 116

Chapter 116 Because of Xue Yan, right?

Hearing this, Xue Yan didn't say anything immediately, but looked at Jiang Yue.

Shopkeeper Joe finds it interesting. Why are you looking at this girl again? When the bears were sold last time, those three big men were also looking at this baby girl?

Jiang Yue said: "Let's go."

She doesn't care, as long as she sells more than the bear.

But she could see that Xue Yan was actually a master at negotiating prices, and simply saying "see what you do with it" can make the shopkeeper Qiao, who has always been a buy-in price, immediately let go of the price increase.

Xue Yan said: "Then six hundred taels."

Shopkeeper Qiao hurriedly called for the money, twenty taels of broken silver, eight silver ingots of ten taels, and five silver notes of one hundred taels.

"Thank you." Xue Yan thanked. In this way, it also saves him the need to exchange for broken silver, and it is convenient for him to take it home. The shopkeeper really thought very thoughtfully.

Last time we sold bears too.

A young man came in and emptied all the morels in the basket, leaving only one basket for Xue Yan and Jiang Yue.

Xue Yan put the silver note in his arms, put one hundred taels of silver in the back basket, then took off the gray-brown cloth that wrapped the book and covered the silver.

The book was no longer put in the backpack, he took it by himself.

The basket is on the back again.

"You can take this back and eat it. It's not worth a lot of money. I hope you have any good things in the future, and you can send them to me." Shopkeeper Qiao did not know when, and had two packets of cakes packed. Seeing Xue Yanhe Jiang Yue was about to leave, so she hurriedly asked Xiao Er and handed it to Xue Yan and Jiang Yue with a smile.

"Thank you." Xue Yan and Jiang Yue both thanked politely.

Shopkeeper Qiao helped put the two packets of dim sum into Xue Yan's back basket, which was more able to hold down the money in the back basket, making it impossible for people to see that there was money under the back basket.

"I'll send you off." Shopkeeper Qiao said.

Jiang Yue raised her eyebrows. This shopkeeper Qiao is more polite than before, because Xue Yan, right?

Chef Joe graciously sent them to the door.

"Stay." Xue Yan said these two words very politely, and then bowed his hands with the shopkeeper Qiao gracefully, and then took Jiang Yue away.

Shopkeeper Joe watched.

A little Er came over and said in a low voice, "The shopkeeper, are you being too polite, just two dolls."

"What do you know!" Shopkeeper Joe gave him a sideways glance. "This year's No. 2 and No. 2 winners are all from Shengming Academy. They are all his classmates and are friends with him. The newly appointed county magistrate is also his classmates and friends. He has come to our restaurant for dinner before, just with these classmates and friends. come."

"I'm going!" The little Er was frightened. "Isn't he just a kid..."

"He's a prodigy, but not an ordinary child! After only one year in Shengming Academy, he can be someone else for ten years. I heard that he has read all the books in Shengming Academy, and he wrote it down without a single word. In my mind. If these two children come again in the future, they will tell me immediately whether I am there or not."

"Yes yes yes." The little Er replied in a hurry, not daring to neglect any longer.

Jiang Yue didn't look back until she left the sight of shopkeeper Qiao, and then she said to Xue Yan, "You are quite famous, and the big shopkeeper even watched you off."

Xue Yan only smiled.

"I was not a small official in my last life." Jiang Yue suddenly lowered her voice and said in a volume that only he could hear.

"Cough cough." Xue Yan immediately coughed violently.

"Okay," Jiang Yue showed a rare smile on the corner of her mouth, "You don't have to answer, and I didn't let you answer." She could guess with her toes.

PS: Babies, ask for tickets~

Ask for a ticket~

Thanks to the two babies "Yan Yao" and "No matter how beautiful the fireworks are, they will eventually be cold"~


(end of this chapter)