Auxiliary vein: in Diptera (Will.), = subcosta (Comst.).
Axillae: two small, subtriangular sclerites at the lateral basal angles of the meso-scutellum in Proctytripidae.
Axillary: placed in the crotch or angle of origin of two bodies; arising from the angle of ramification.
Axillary area: see a.n.a.l area.
Axillary calli: see calli axillary.
Axillary cell: in Diptera (Will.), = 2d a.n.a.l (Comst.).
Axillary excision: = a. incision, q.v.
Axillary incision: Diptera; an incision on inner margin of wing, near base, which separates the alula from the main part.
Axillary lobe: the sclerite covering the base of the wing in Diptera; see also alula and posterior lobe.
Axillary vein: one or two longitudinal veins toward the inner margin from the a.n.a.l vein (Ephemeridae); a group of several (10-20) radiate veins that occupy the a.n.a.l field in Orthoptera.
Axis: a small process at base of elytron, upon which it turns.
Azure -eus: clear sky-blue [cobalt blue].
Azygos: unpaired; a structure without a fellow; sometimes applied to an unpaired oviduct specifically the enlarged portion of the v.a.g.i.n.a at the junction of the oviducts and thus = uterus.
Baccate -us: berry-like: applied to bladder-like ovaries from the surface of which the short ovarian tubes arise.
Back: the dorsum or upper surface.
Baculiform: rod or staff-like.
Badius: liver-brown; clearer and lighter than castaneus [dragon's blood].
Baenomere: a leg-bearing (thoracic) segment.
Baenopoda: the thoracic legs.
Baenosome: the thorax.
Balancers: see halteres.
Bald: without hair or other surface vest.i.ture: see bare.
Band: a transverse marking broader than a line.
Bar: a short, straight band of equal width.
Barb: a spine armed with teeth pointing backward.
Barbate: furnished with barbs; hair with spines or spurs directed backward.
Barbated: bearded; in antennae with tufts or fascicles of hair or short bristles on each side of each joint; = brush-like: on the abdomen, with flat tufts at the sides or tip.
Barbule: a small barb, beard or filiform appendage.
Bare: without clothing of any kind: see bald.
Basad: in the direction of or toward the base.
Basal: at or pertaining to the base or point of attachment to or nearest the main body.
Basal area: in wings: that s.p.a.ce nearest the point where they are attached to the body: on the metanotum of Hymenoptera, the anterior of the three median cells or areas = 1st median area.
Basal cell: Diptera; st (Will.), = radial 2 (Comst.); 2d (Will.), = media (Comst.); Trichoptera; one, two or three cells enclosed by the branches that form-the post-costal or a.n.a.l vein: Odonata; an elongate cell between radius and cubitus, just before the arculus.
Basalis: the mandibular sclerite, when sclerites are distinguishable, to which all other parts are jointed; corresponds to the stipes in the maxilla.
Basal line: in many Lepidoptera; a transverse line extending half way across the primaries very close to base.
Basal lobe: of culicid genitalia, see claspette.
Basal post-costal vein: in Agrioninae, one of the cubito-a.n.a.l cross-veins.
Basal segment of clasp: see side piece.
Basal s.p.a.ce: that area on the primaries of certain Lepidoptera, between the base and t. a. line (q.v.).
Basal streak: in Noctuid moths, extends from base, through the submedian inters.p.a.ce to the t. a. line.
Basal transverse carina: on the metanotum of Hymenoptera, crosses before middle and separates the anterior from the median areas.
Base: that part of any appendage that is nearest the body: on the thorax that portion nearest the abdomen; on the abdomen that portion nearest the thorax.
Bas.e.m.e.nt membrane: that thin layer of tissue upon which the epithelium rests.
Basilar: of or pertaining to the base.
Basilar cross-vein: Odonata; crosses the basilar s.p.a.ce.
Basilar membrane: a thin membrane separating the cones and rods from the optic tract.
Basilar s.p.a.ce: Odonata; that area at base of wings, between media and cubitus.