Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology - Part 10

Part 10

Basi-proboscis: basal third of the flexed proboscis of muscid flies.

Batesian mimicry: see mimicry.

Bathmis: see pterostigma.

Bave: the fluid silk as it is spun by caterpillars.

Beak: any notable prolongation of the front of the head: the snout in Rhynchophora: specifically, the jointed structure covering the lancets in the hemipterous mouth.

Bearded: fringed with hair: see barbated.

Belly: venter; under side of abdomen.

Belonoid: needle-like.

Bi: prefix, means two.

Bi-alar: two-winged; applied to Diptera.

Biarcuate: twice curved.

Biareolate: with two cells or areoles: see bilocular.

Bicaudate: having two tails or a.n.a.l processes.

Bicolored: with two colors that contrast to some extent.

Bicornute: with two horns or cephalic processes.

Bicuspidate: ending in two points or cusps.

Bidactylate: with two fingers or finger-like processes.

Bidentate: two-toothed.

Biemarginate: twice emarginate; with two excisions.

Bifarious: pointing in opposite directions.

Bifasciate: with two bands or fascia.

Bifid: divided into two parts; split; applied in Coleoptera to tarsal claws which are divided so that the claws lie side by side: see biparted.

Biflabellate: antennae with fan-like process on two sides.

Bifurcate: divided, not over half its length, into two dull points; forked.

Bifurcation: a forking or division into two: the point at which a forking occurs.

Biguttate: with two drop-like spots.

Bijugum: in two pairs.

Bilamellar: divided into two lamina or plates.

Bilateral -eriter: with two equal or symmetrical sides.

Biliary vessels: see malpighian tubules.

Bilineate -us: with two lines.

Bilobate -ed: divided into two lobes.

Binocular: having two cells or compartments: see biareolate.

Bimaculate: with two spots or maculae.

Binate: in pairs: consisting of a single pair.

Binotate: with two rounded spots.

Binus: paired: doubled.

Biogenesis: the production of life from antecedent life.

Biomorphotica: those neuropterous insects in which the pupa is active.

Bionomics: the habits, breeding and adaptations of living forms.

Bioph.o.r.e: an ultimate const.i.tuent of germ plasm or hereditary substance.

Bioplasm: formative living matter.

Biparted: profoundly divided into two parts: see bifid.

Bipectinate: antennae having comb-like teeth or processes on Beach side of each joint.

Bipupillate: an ocellate spot with two pupils, of the same or different in color.

Biradiate: consisting of, or with two rays or spokes.

Biramose -ous: having two branches or doubled appendages.

Biseriately: arranged in double rows or series.

Biserrate: doubly saw-toothed; with a saw tooth on each side of each antennal joint.

Bisetose -ous: with two bristle-like or setaceous appendages.