Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology - Part 67

Part 67

Propodeum: in Hymenoptera, that part of thorax just above insertion of abdomen, and really the first abdominal segment: see median segment.

Propolis: a glue or resin-like product elaborated by bees to serve as a cement in cases where wax is not sufficiently tenacious.

Propulsatory: that which drives onward or forward.

Propupa: a semi-pupa: q.v.

Propygidium: the dorsal segment or tergite in front of the pygidilini, sometimes left exposed in Coleoptera.

Propygium: = Hypopygium: q.v.

Proscutum: the scutum of the p.r.o.notum.

Proscutellum: the scutellum of the p.r.o.notum.

Prostemmatic: = ante-ocular; q.v.

Prosternal: belonging to the prosternum.

Prosternal grooves: occur laterally in some Coleoptera. e.g. Elateridae, to receive the antennae.

Prosternal epimera: the epimera of prothorax.

Prosternal episterna: the episterna of prothorax.

Prosternal lobe: in some Coleoptera, an anterior prolongation of the prosternum which more or less conceals the mouth from below.

Prosternal spine: the curved mucro in Elateridae which extends backward into a meso-sternal cavity: the cone or tubercle between fore-legs in some Orthoptera.

Prosternal suture: that suture of pro-thorax which separates the sternum front the pleural pieces.

Prosternellum: the sternellum of the prothorax

Prosternum: the fore-breast: the sclerite between the fore-legs.

Prostheca: a mandibular sclerite set with hair, articulated to the basalis - q.v. -and equal to the lacinia of the maxilla.

Protamphibion: a name applied by P. Mayer to the hypothetical common ancestor of the Perlina, Ephemerina and Odonata.

Protandry: the appearance of males earlier in the season than females.

Protarsus: the tarsus of the anterior leg.

Proteiform: having many fortes or varieties: protean.

Protergum: in Odonata, the upper surface of prothorax.

Proterotypes: primary types, including all the material upon which the original description is based.

Prothoracic bristle: in Diptera, a strong bristle immediately above the front c.o.xa: see propleural bristles.

Prothoracic glands: occur in Orthoptera, on the sides of prothorax in certain Phasmid genera.

Prothoracic shield: = cervical shield: q.v.

Prothoracotheca: the pupal covering of prothorax.

Pro-thorax: the first thoracic ring or segment: hears the anterior legs but no wings: when free, as in Coleoptera. is usually referred to as "thorax" merely.

Protocerebral segment: = ocular seginent; q.v.

Protocerebrum: the primitive anterior cerebral vesicle.

Protocosta: the thickened costal margin of Lepidopterous wings.

Protocranium: the posterior part of the epicranium: sometimes used as Occiput.

Protogonia: the apical angle of the primaries.

Protograph: all original description by a figure or picture made from the original type.

Proto-lepidoptera: proposed for those forms (Eriocephalidae) in which lacinia and mandibles are obvious and the spiral tongue is not developed: see neolepidoptera and paleolepidoptera.

Protolog: the original description by words.

Protoloma: the anterior margin of primaries.

Protomesal: applied to certain areolets in Hymenoptera, situated between costal cells and apical margin.

Prototergite: the foremost dorsal segment of abdomen.

Preto-thorax: = prothorax: q.v.

Prototype: a primitive form to which later forms can be traced.

Protractor: that which extends or lengthens out: applied to muscles.

Protuberance: any elevation above the surface.

Protuberant: rising or produced above the surface or general level.

Proventriculus: the posterior portion of crop: the gizzard.

Proximad: toward the proximal end.

Proximal: that part of an appendage nearest the body: see distal.

Prozona: in Orthoptera, the upper or dorsal surface of prothorax in front of the princ.i.p.al sulcus.