Pressure plate: a structure at base of pulvillus, which exerts a pressure on the sole of the pad.
Pre-sutural bristles: in Diptera, in a trigonate depression at outer ends of transverse suture, near dorso-pleural suture.
Pre-sutural inter-alar bristle: the single bristle of the interalar series, situated before the transverse suture.
Primaries: the anterior or fore-wings.
Primitive: simple in character; of an early or ancient type. sector: in Odonata, extends from its point of separation From the median sector to the outer margin, at or just below the apex:= media 1 (Comst.). sulcus: in Orthoptera, a transverse impression of the prothorax, at or behind the middle.
Priodont: applied to those forms of male Lucanids that have the smallest mandibles: see teleodont, mesodont, amphiodont.
Prismatic: formed like a prism: a play of colors similar to that produced through a prism.
Pro-: anterior: used as a prefix to designate the parts of the first thoracic segment.
Proboscidea: an ordinal term for the Coccidae.
Proboscis: generally applied to any extended mouth structure; usually applied to the extensile mouth of the Diptera; frequently to the beak of Hemiptera; sometimes to the tongue of Lepidoptera; and rarely, to the mouth of long-tongued bees.
Procephalic: relating or belonging to the procephalon.
Procephalic lobes: in the embryo, form part of the anterior, overhanging portion of the head.
Procephalon: that segment of the head in the embryo which is formed by the coalescence of the first three primitive segments.
Procerebral: that segment of the brain containing the median protocerebrum and optic ganglia; also called optic segment.
Procerebral lobes: the central portion of the cerebrum, made up of the fused median lobes, giving rise to the mushroom bodies; q.v.
Procerebrum: the anterior part of the brain, formed by the ganglion of the first primary segment; also termed ocular lobe, froth part it innervates. Process: a prolongation of the surface, margin, or an appendage: any prominent portion of the body not otherwise definable.
Process of labrum: in bees = appendicle: q.v.
Procidentia: the narrow projecting tip of 7th dorsal segment in Nematinae.
Proclinate: directed forward; applied to hair or bristles.
Proctodaeum: the inv.a.g.i.n.ation of epiblast that produces the a.n.u.s and intestine as far forward as and including malpighian tubes.
Proculiform or Poculiform: hollow, cylindrical, with a hemispherical base, the sides at top straight goblet-shaped.
Proc.u.mbent: trailing; prostrate; lying flat.
Produced: drawn out; prolonged; extended from.
Proeminent: said of the head when it is horizontal and does not form an angle with the thorax.
Profile: the outline as seen from the side.
Profound, Profundus: deep.
Prognathus: having the jaws directed forward.
Progoneate: with the genital opening on an anterior body segment.
Progonia: the anterior angle of the secondaries.
Proleg: any process or appendage that serves the purpose of a leg: specifically the fleshy unjointed abdominal legs of caterpillars and certain saw-fly larvae: = abdominal feet: false legs.
Proloma: the anterior margin of the secondaries.
Prolonged: extended or lengthened beyond ordinary limits.
Promeros: the first abdominal segment in Lepidoptera.
Prominent: raised or produced beyond the level or margin: standing out in relief by color or otherwise: conspicuous.
Promuscidate: with proboscis or extended mouth structure.
Promuscis: an extended mouth structure: has been applied to the long tongue of bees and to the rostrate structure in Hemiptera.
p.r.o.notal carina: in Orthoptera, the main or median carina on p.r.o.notum.
p.r.o.notum: the upper or dorsal surface of the prothorax.
p.r.o.nucleus: the nucleus of male and female elements, spermatozoa and ova, the union of which forms the nucleus of a fertilized ovum.
p.r.o.nymph: is that stage in certain inctabolous insects in which the larval tissues are completely broken down, and the imaginal tissues are just beginning to build up.
Proparaptera: the paraptera of the prothorax: the terms erroneously applied in this connection.
Propedes: = prolegs: q.v.
Prophragma: the anterior dividing wall of meso-thorax, which is h.o.r.n.y and, at its upper edge, bears the connecting membrane between pro- and mesothorax.
Prop-leg: = pro-leg; q.v.
Propleura: the lateral portions of prothorax.
Propleural bristles: in Diptera, are situated immediately above the front c.o.xa: = prothoracic bristle; q.v.
Propneustic: larval forms in which only the most anterior spiracles occur.
Propodeon: = propodeum.