Interneural: between the nerves (or veins) of wings.
Interno-mandibular: applied to one of the pairs of salivary glands in bees, situated at the inner side of base of mandible.
Internomedian: in Orthoptera; = cubitus (Comst.); q.v.
Interocular: between the eyes.
Interplical: lying between folds; specifically applied to the alternate ridges and grooves in a.n.a.l area of secondaries of Orthoptera.
Interposed sectors: in Odonata; the shorter longitudinal veins occurring in the wings of some species between the chief veins; = supplementary sectors. Interrupted: broken in continuity, but with the tips of the broken parts in a right line with each other.
Intersegmental: = interarticular; q.v.
Inters.p.a.ce: Coleopteran; the plane surface between elytral striae: Lepidoptera s.p.a.ces between wing veins not included in closed cells.
Inters.p.a.ceal: occurring in the inters.p.a.ces between two wing veins or two elytral striae.
Interstice -tium: s.p.a.ce between two lines, whether striate or punctate.
Interst.i.tial line: the elevated ridge between two striae or series of punctures.
Interval: the s.p.a.ce or time between two structures, sculptures or periods of development.
Interventricular: the inner valve between the chambers of the heart.
Interventricular valvule: of heart, lies in front of seluilunar valve.
Intervenular: in thes.p.a.ce between two veins.
Intestinal caec.u.m: that point of the large intestine in front of the junction with the small intestine.
Intestine: that part of the alimentary ca.n.a.l through which the food from the stomach, in which absorption is completed and the excretions are formed for expulsion.
Intima: the lining membrane of the trachea: see endotrachea.
Intorted: turned or twisted inwardly.
Intra-: within: between.
Intra-alar bristles: in Diptera; a row of two or three between the supra-alar and dorso-central groups.
Intracellular: occurring within the cell or in a cell.
Infra-humeral bristles: in Diptera calyptrata; occur immediately in front of the thoracic suture, between the humeral callus and the presutural depression.
Infra-ocular: situated within the eye, actually or apparently.
Intra-pulmonary: that method of respiration which does not involve movements of the outer body wall and is confined to the respiratory organs.
Intrauterine: applied to development, when the young hatch within the v.a.g.i.n.a of the mother.
Intricate: irregular: confused; applied to markings and sculpture.
Intromittent: used for throwing within.
Intromittent organ: the p.e.n.i.s; q.v.
Introse -um: directed inward, toward the body.
Intrusus: seemingly impressed with a sharp point.
Intumescent: enlarged; swollen: expanded.
Inv.a.g.i.n.ate: when a tubular or vesicular part is turned inward or retracted within the body wall.
Inv.a.g.i.n.ation: a pouch or sac formed by an infolding or indrawing of the outer surface.
Invest.i.tus: unclothed: a surface without scales or hair.
Involucrate: = involute.
Involucrum alarum in Dermaptera a flap of the metanotum.
Involute: spirally rolled inwardly.
Involuti: b.u.t.terflies whose larvae live in a folded leaf; Hesperidae.
Iridescent: a surface which reflects the prismatic hues.
Iridicolor: any color so broken up as to reflect the prismatic hues.
Iris: the circle which, in an ocellate spot surrounds the pupil.
Irised: with rainbow colors.
Iris-pigment: = iris tapetum.
Iris tapetum: the pigment layer of the compound eye just below the crystalline cone.
Irregular: unequal, curved, bent or otherwise twisted or modified without order or symmetry, e.g. certain antennae.
Irrorate: marked with minute points; freckled.
Isabelline -us: pale yellow with some red and brown [chronic lemon with a little carmine and roman sepia].
Ischia: = pleura; q.v.
Iso-: equal.