Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology - Part 41

Part 41

Infra-clypeus: = ante-clypeus and rhinarium: q.v..

Infracted: abruptly bent inward, as if broken.

Infra-genital: below the genital opening or process.

Infra-marginal: situated below or behind the marginal cell.

Infra-median vein; in Orthoptera: = ulnar vein: q.v.

Infra-ocular: applied to the region below and between the eyes.

Infra-oesophageal: situated below oesophagus; see sub-oesophageal.

Infra-stigmatal: situated below the stigmata or spiracles.

Infringing: encroaching upon.

Infumated: clouded.

Infundibuliform: funnel-shaped.

Infuseated: smoky gray-brown with a blackish tinge [Roman sepia].

Ingens: unusually large or disproportionate in size.

Ingluvies: the crop; q.v.

Inner lobe: of maxilla = lacinia: q.v.

Inner margin: the line extending along the lower or interior edge of the wing from the base to the hind or a.n.a.l angle.

Innervate: to supply with nerves.

Innotatus: without markings.

Inocular: inserted in the inner margin of and partially or wholly surrounded by the eye.

Inquiline: a species living in a gall or other structure prepared by a different species, not as a parasite but as, a guest.

Inquiline: living as guests in the homes of others; as in galls.

Insect: a member of the cla.s.s Insecta strictly limited.

Insecta: broadly defined, contains all articulates that are also tracheates and have the head free from the thorax; more strictly limited to those forms that have only three pairs of thoracic legs in the adult stage and a limited number of segments.

Insectary: a place or building where insects are bred and studied.

Insectivorous: feeding upon or devouring insects.

Insectologist: a student of insects: = entomologist.

Insectology: the science of insect study: = entomology.

Insertion: the point or place where a part is inserted: a part that is inserted: the act of inserting.

Insertus: a part that has its base set into another.

In situ: in its natural place or normal position.

Instar: the period or stage between molts in the larva, numbered to designate the various periods; e.g. the first instar is the stage between the egg and first molt, etc.: see stadium.

Inst.i.tia: stria or furrows of equal width throughout.

Instrumenta cibaria: mouth parts of a mandibulate insect as a whole.

Instrumenta suctoria: mouth parts of a haustellate insect as a whole.

Integer: entire: applied to a margin without incisions.

Integument: the outer covering to the insect body.

Inter: between; among.

Inter-alar s.p.a.ce: in Odonata; the terga of meson- and meta-thorax.

Interantennal: between the basal segments of antennae.

Inter-articular: the membranous tissue between joints or segments.

Intercalary -ies: additional or inserted between others; as a vein: plural; added or supplementary longitudinal wing reins: see under specific headings; i.e. anterior, etc.: in Ephemerides, certain longitudinal veins between the 8th (a.n.a.l) and 9th (1st maxillary) and not branches of either: in Diptera, the anterior intercalary (Loew) = the discoidal, and the posterior intercalary = the cubitus 1 of Comstock: applied to an evanescent sclerite in the embryo between antenna and mandible; also termed premandibular.

Intercostal: between veins or costae; usually in the narrow grooves between veins in the costal region of a wing.

Intercostula: those small, vein-like structures between the normal veins, visible on a wing margin but lost toward the disc.

Interc.o.xal process: in Coleopteran; a median protrusion of the basal segment of abdomen between the hind c.o.xae.

Intermediate: lying between others in position or possessing characters between two other forms.

Intermediate field: of termini is = discoidal field q.v.

Internal area: in Hymenoptera; the posterior of the three areas between median and lateral longitudinal carina on the metanotum third lateral area.

Internal cell: in Hymenoptera (Pack.) 2d a.n.a.l (Comst.).

Internal triangle: in Odonata see triangle.

Internal veins: in Lepidoptera, from one to three in number, run free from base to outer margin near hind angle; never branched;1a to is in the numerical series: = a.n.a.l veins (Comst.).