Exodus: Guns And Gore - 49 Guild Quest: Major Faction Event Part Two

49 Guild Quest: Major Faction Event Part Two

Sato was trying to pry open a chest that he had dragged out of one of the bedrooms. "There's probably serious loot in here bro. Help me crack it open!"

QJ tried his best to keep a straight face, "that's personal items probably." He drew his weapon and slashed downward at the hinges on the back.

Sato just stared at him, "Bro... make me one of those!' He pried open the chest from the broken hinges, frowning at the women's lingerie spilling onto the floor.

QJ took a quick screenshot when Sato held up a pair of ladies briefs. "Those look like your size."

Sato stood up, "you take a screenshot just now?"

"Nope." QJ brought up his hud, "let's look for the Queen's chambers. There's no indicator so we'll have to search everything. Skip the smaller rooms."

Sato pointed down the hall, "I'll take this end. I'm keeping any loot I find Bro!"

QJ nodded and stealthed immediately. "Not going to judge your lingerie habit."

*Raid Speak Ringo* Heavy resistance QJ.

*Raid Speak QJ* Need us to a.s.sist?

*Raid Speak Ringo* No, finish your part.

QJ searched a large suite but skipped the next two because they were too small. They were waiting for him when he stepped into the fourth room. Two a.s.sa.s.sins on either side of the door. He stepped in quietly without alerting either one.

He slashed across the throat of the nearer one.

*Throat Slash*

[Critical Strike X 2]

QJ has. .h.i.t Target for 67,344 damage.

He pulled his shotgun and let loose a blast in the wounded a.s.sa.s.sin's face and then parried a slash from the second a.s.sa.s.sin's blade.

*Point Blank*

QJ has. .h.i.t Target for 12,500 damage.

A Secret a.s.sa.s.sin has been stunned.

*Parry* [Damage Reduced by sixty percent]

You have been hit for 19,444 damage.

QJ Slashed across the eyes of the second a.s.sa.s.sin forcing him to back away.

*Aimed Shot*

[Head-Shot Bonus, Critical Hit X 2]

QJ has. .h.i.t Target for 84,544 damage.

A Secret a.s.sa.s.sin has been slain.

QJ lunged forward and thrust his sword deep into the chest of the stunned a.s.sa.s.sin.

*Heart Strike*

QJ has. .h.i.t Target for 33,255 damage.

A Secret a.s.sa.s.sin has been slain.

*Raid Speak QJ* Careful everyone, I've run into a.s.sa.s.sins.


You have faded from view.

He searched the a.s.sa.s.sins, they both carried odd-looking silver bracelets, which he pocketed. He walked through the common room and glanced quickly in the bathroom. A large bedroom with a balcony accessed the bathroom through a large walk-in closet. He stood on the balcony for a moment and then walked back inside.

"That's definitely not right." There was a bookshelf on the wall next to the balcony, it was several feet thick. He started on the top shelf, tossing books on the floor, halfway through the second shelf a book he pulled tilted slightly and a hidden door slid open.

System Message: You have attained proof that Queen Iya was behind the a.s.sa.s.sination of King Quilyn.

*Whisper Robin: QJ* Retreat at once! There's a high-end a.s.sa.s.sin here! Nightingale and Thrush are both wounded!*

*Raid Speak Ringo* Everyone retreat quickly!

*Raid Speak QJ* What's going on?

*Raid Speak Lotte* s.h.i.+t... Ringo just died, something is tearing through all of us QJ!

The sound of fighting in the courtyard brought QJ's attention back to the balcony. Robin and Wren faced a thin hooded figure dressed entirely in black. He was armed with long thin blades that looked very sharp.

QJ quickly retreated back into the bedroom.


You have faded from view.

*Whisper QJ: Serli* You close Gram? Need a cleric in the main courtyard.

*Whisper Serli: QJ* Hide until this a.s.sa.s.sin is dealt with QJ!

"Nope." QJ sprinted toward the balcony, he stepped onto the railing and leaped high into the air while drawing his sword.

He pointed it downward, ready to stab and shoot at the same time.

*Aimed Shot*

[Head-Shot Bonus, Critical Hit X 2]

QJ has. .h.i.t Target for 124,500 damage.

*Weighted Thrust*

[Critical Area Hit X 2]

QJ has. .h.i.t Target for 105,255 damage.

Benzo Vidalis has been slain.

QJ crashed into the cobblestones of the courtyard.

You have died.

*Ding 45*

*Ding 46*

*Ding 47*

*Ding 48*

You have killed a notorious a.s.sa.s.sin. Your World Reputation has been increased by 100.

You have been offered a resurrection by Serli. Do you Accept?


Dark hands cupped his face, the lavender eyes of Serli Jol stared at him. "What am I going to do with you QJ? That was crazy."

QJ got up slowly and hugged her. "Thanks, Gram." He knew she wouldn't scold him further, she was weak against the hugs of her grandson.

Robin stared at him while Serli healed her. "You actually killed him..."

QJ grinned at her, "Yep." He bent down and checked the corpse, on the inside of the left wrist was a small RH tattoo. "Clever..."

"What did you find?" A slim, blue-haired rogue helped Robin up and then turned toward QJ. Nightingale had been smiling a lot more these days. Rumor had it that her courts.h.i.+p with Quinn was going well.

"Righteous Hand tattoo. Gram... is it possible to bring him back to TAP and rez him there?"

"Yes." Serli produced a white pine box from her inventory, QJ's first thought was that it looked exactly like a coffin. The small dark elf cleric tossed him inside like he was weightless and then white box disappeared again. "You want your dad and mom to question him?"

QJ nodded, "tell mom to include Naomi."

*Whisper QJ: Unchained* You've heard of Benzo Vidalis?

*Whisper Unchained: QJ* G.o.d yes... what a nightmare. An a.s.sa.s.sin that works with Righteous Hand on the Legends Server.

*Whisper QJ: Unchained* He's here.

*Whisper Unchained: QJ* Stands to reason. He should be on every server.

*Whisper QJ: Unchained* No. The Legend's Benzo is here.

*Whisper Unchained: QJ* Is that possible?

*Whisper QJ: Unchained* In theory, if you killed him on every other server.

*Raid Speak QJ* The main threat is eliminated, everyone meet outside the throne room.

The Songbirds escorted QJ to the Throne Room. By the time he arrived, the rest of OP was waiting. QJ took a moment to bring the Songbirds into the Raid so that they could hear everything.

*Raid Speak Breeze* I died twice QJ! Avenge me!

*Raid Speak QJ* As long as they left Lotte alone, I'll let it go.

*Raid Speak Lotte* They didn't get me.

*Raid Speak Robin* QJ killed Benzo in the Courtyard.

*Raid Speak Breeze* How the h.e.l.l did you manage that?

*Raid Speak QJ* Simultaneous critical hits with blade and gun.

*Raid Speak Sato* Oh s.h.i.+t!

Ringo opened the double doors leading to the Throne Room. There were several Lords and Ladies present. Princess Lilly was arguing with the Queen, her face livid with anger. They stopped arguing when QJ's group walked in.

QJ stepped forward. "I have with me, proof that Queen Iya was behind the a.s.sa.s.sination of the King."

The throne beneath her instantly flashed and Iya was thrown on her face a few feet away.

QJ didn't bother to hide the surprise on his face. It was Chainy who cleared it up. "Only the Monarch may sit on the Maelstrom throne. She does not have a direct blood-line to the throne, nor is she nominated by the House of Lords. Her a.s.sa.s.sination of the King has erased any right she may have had to sit there."

QJ grinned at the Queen who was being helped up by her friend Clariss. "A smart chair? I like it."

Chancellor Ivy stepped forward from behind Merci Quickill. "Princess Lilly, you do not need the House of Lords to take the throne. You are the next in line."

Annabelle shook her head, "perhaps it's best to wait until the House of Lords meets. You must be careful not to move too fast." She walked toward QJ and hugged him close for a moment. "You surrendered on the roof so that I wouldn't get caught."

"Hmm? No, I thought you had left already."

"Don't believe him, Annabelle." Robin shrugged apologetically at her boyfriend. The spymaster had visited her at the Keep, the two of them had formed a loose alliance. "He surrendered to keep you from being captured."

Annabelle nodded, "as I thought. You've continually shown yourself to be someone worthy of trust and friends.h.i.+p."

Chancellor Ivy gestured to the throne, "Princess Lilly please take your throne. I believe this will be the best way to Maelstrom to recover."

Lilly looked toward the throne and sighed. "I came to Maelstrom to get to know my father better. In the end, we barely spoke at all."

Annabelle lay her hand on Lilly's shoulder, "If you wish to wait then do so. However, this is your birthright."

Lilly hugged her spymaster, both women were holding back their emotions. "Annie... you've always protected me. Even going as far as to become my spymaster."

She sat down on the throne, instantly it glowed with welcoming light.

"All hail Queen Lilianna Strom." Ivy bowed her head deeply.

System Message: The One Problem Guild has completed a Major Faction Event, all member levels are increased by two.

"Guards arrest my father's wife and her conspirators." She pointed to Dover and Boce. "Iya you will stand trial in front of the House of Lords. Bring those two heroes to the block and remove their heads immediately."

Annabelle moved to Lilly's side and received a gold scroll, the spymaster walked over to Ringo and handed it to her.

System Message: One Problem Guild Keep has been upgraded to City Fort. You may invite merchants to set-up permanent businesses. Six hamlets have been placed under your control. Your territory has expanded. Guild Leader Ringo has been promoted to Countess.

Phoenix Server Announcement: Sandhealer Faction Leader QJ is the first player to reach level 50.

System Message: You have received the s.h.i.+eld of Justice t.i.tle: +2 to all stats.

System Message: You have been awarded Three Hundred Thousand Credits.

System Message: Your World Reputations has been increased by 10.

*Raid Speak Ringo* Um... when did you find the time to level up?

*Raid Speak Breeze* This is BS! How am I going to catch you?

*Raid Speak Lotte* So unfair QJ.

*Raid Speak Robin* That a.s.sa.s.sin that wiped half of your guild, QJ killed him in the Courtyard.

*Raid Speak Sato* Bro...

*Raid Speak Nightingale* Link your stats QJ, I'm very curious.

*Raid Speak QJ* Sure.

Sandhealer Faction Leader


Wrangler: Level 50

Agility 62

Perception 62

Stamina 49

Wisdom 36

Strength 47

Command 32

Total BR: 12


Whip 10/100

Pistol V 11/100 Level 2

Shotgun IV 23/100 Level 2

Grand Master Gunsmith: Magnum Opus: 2 [+6 to all Stats]

Indomitable Will

+5 All stats, immune

to curses.

*Raid Speak Wren* OO... whip skill. That's interesting.

*Raid Speak Thrush* Did you teach him that Robin?

*Raid Speak QJ* Very funny. Let's wrap this up and head back to the Keep.

QJ said goodbye to Annabelle and Queen Lilly. OP headed back to the Keep, Ringo and QJ rode together toward Briar Rose.

"Looks like the Keep will be upgrading again." Ringo glanced at her Vice Commander, "impressive work all around. I never imagined we'd be so successful."

QJ handed her the dozen skill books that he had collected in the Library. "We can use these to make the Guild even stronger."

"Wow..." Ringo looked at each of them. All of them were trade skills, those were the hardest to get in GnG. Unlike other games, there wasn't a large population of people concentrating on trades.

"Think Dessi is going to be upset?" QJ hadn't contacted her since he asked her to guard the City gates. Her two students had been beheaded before OP even left the Courtyard. QJ could tell by the way they walked to the block that both 3rd years had logged off beforehand.

"No, if anything she's going to blame herself."

QJ pursed his lips, thinking hard about Dover and Boce. "I've changed my mind about not letting 3rd years join OP. We are going to need to expand given the size of our new territory."

Ringo smiled at him, "I agree."

They walked their horses slowly, the Orchards around Briar Rose came into view. "Going to take a few hours off and hang out in Ravenwood."

"Is that where the Songbirds went?" Ringo had been surprised when they ported from the throne room.

"No, they are probaly doing some heist." QJ looked at the note that Robin had pa.s.sed him. It read: "Your new friends are waiting at the Blae Hamlet."

"Love letter?" Ringo watched him read the note.

QJ shook his head, "I asked the Songbirds to free the prisoners on Death Row."

"You starting your own underworld cartel?"

"Nothing so inspiring." QJ pulled up his horse when he saw the three riders.

Dessi, Nina and Maya were waiting on their horses near the gates of Briar Rose. Dessi got off her horse and approached them. "I'm sorry QJ."

QJ waved off her words. "No need for apologies Dessi. Why don't you three come inside for a few minutes? We want to talk about some important things."