Exodus: Guns And Gore - 48 Guild Quest: Major Faction Event Part One.

48 Guild Quest: Major Faction Event Part One.

"Is QJ okay?" She waded into the water her hands glowing as she cast.

*Nia has Cast Holy Union*

All nearby allies recover half of their HP.

The white Winged woman helped Ivy to her feet, together they dragged QJ to the sh.o.r.e. During those few seconds, a half dozen brown winged a.s.sa.s.sins landed around them.

Merci stared at the son of Quinn. "He's poisoned Nia," the a.s.sa.s.sin Queen handed her a vial of cleanse.

A smaller brown wing moved forward and helped him sit up, from her manner it was obvious they were old friends. "c.r.a.p QJ, four bullet wounds, and two arrows. That's gotta be a record."

"Help me up, Monkey b.u.t.t." QJ laughed when he said her old nickname. Only his dad ever dared call her that.

Maia pulled him to his feet, her smile widening. "So... going to give me Oh s.h.i.+t or what?"

Merci frowned at her, "obviously Oh s.h.i.+t is mine. Awesome job naming my new weapon by the way."

"Sorry... I'll put you both on the list for the next ones." QJ glanced at Nia who was still helping Ivy. "She okay Nia?"

Ivy smiled at him. "I was about to lose my head, and then you came..."


Annabelle stepped out of the stagecoach and walked up the stone steps of the One Problem Guild Keep. She had asked the Guild Leader to meet with her, it was time to make their move.

Ringo, Lotte, and Sato were waiting just inside the door. All of OP was sitting in the room.

"I've come on behalf of Princess Lilly. We request your help in finding proof that the Queen was the mastermind behind the a.s.sa.s.sination of the King."

Guild Quest: Major Faction Event.

Find proof that Queen Iya is behind

the a.s.sa.s.sination of King Quilyn.

A commotion on the stairs showed Robin and several people running for the door. The orange-haired rogue shouted at them. "Time to move! QJ has escaped!"

Ringo sent QJ a guild invite and then accepted the quest. She turned toward her guild, "time for a leaders.h.i.+p change in Maelstrom.


Queen Iya sat comfortably on her throne. "Where is Knight Commander Rourke?"

Her top aide and childhood friend Clariss shook her head. "There's been no word since you ordered her to Briar Rose." Clariss was a thin-faced woman with a pinched nose and dark eyes. Her black hair was liberally peppered with white.

Iya frowned and motioned for her page to bring more wine. "What of Chancellor Ivy?"

Clariss smiled evilly, "on the way to see the headsman as we speak."

Iya glanced at the two heroes standing off to one side. With their help, she had been able to neatly frame QJ and cast doubt on the innocence of Princess Lilly. "The two of you shall be made Viscounts on the day of my coronation." Since Iya wasn't a direct line inheritor of the throne, her ascension must be approved by the Lords of the Kingdom. She had already summoned them for a meeting on the day after tomorrow.

Dover bowed his head deeply. He was the 3rd year cla.s.ses top wrangler and it was generally believed that he would rise to stardom in the new server. His brother was the Guild Leader of Righteous Hand, a powerful guild on the Legends server. Righteous Hand was secretly funneling him funds and information. "Thank you, my Queen."

Boce stared at Dover for a moment and then also bowed. He had followed Dover's lead when he decided to set up QJ. The freshmen ace continually went out of his way to show up his seniors. Just because his family was powerful, he thought himself above the rest of them. His eyes caught a guild message on his hud. "Dessi is recalling everyone for a guild event."

Dover sneered at his hud. "We no longer need to listen to that b.i.t.c.h, or the two leaders she appointed. You and I should have been her trusted lieutenants, not Maya and Nina." He immediately deguilded himself.

Boce nodded and did the same. "I never like those three b.i.t.c.hes."

Dover closed his hud motioned for him to follow. "When the smoke clears and the Keep belongs to us, we will invite some of our cla.s.smates to join our own guild."


QJ accepted the guild invite and then turned to Merci. "Can I get a lift?"


You have faded from view.

The a.s.sa.s.sin Queen smiled at him, her red glowing eyes had no problem seeing him in stealth. "It would be my pleasure, young Prince."

"Drop me on the Palace Roof, I'll make my way from there." QJ tried not to think about the fact that he was being carried in the air by the a.s.sa.s.sin Queen if his dad were to see it...

Merci dropped him gently on the roof a short while later, "anything else you need QJ?"

"No, thank you, Merci. Let my generation handle it from here." QJ bowed low and entered the Palace through the roof access door. This time he was armored up, carrying weapons and stealthed. "No way I'm ending up in prison this time."

*Guild Speak Ringo* Welcome back Vice Commander.

*Guild Speak Breeze* Love you QJ!

*Guild Speak Lotte* Yep... the man is back.

*Guild Speak Sato* Bro!! Can I have Oh s.h.i.+t?"

System Message: You have been added to the Raid.

System Message: You have been appointed Raid Leader.

*Whisper Dessi: QJ* Two of my students have deguilded. I have a bad feeling QJ.

*Whisper QJ: Dessi* I suspected players were a.s.sisting the Queen.

*Whisper Dessi: QJ* Dover and Boce, last known location was the Palace.

*Whisper QJ: Dessi* Stay out of the Palace.

*Whisper Dessi: QJ* QJ... Do you suspect me?

*Whisper QJ: Dessi* No, you Nina and Maya have my trust. If you want to help, hold the City Gates.

*Whisper Dessi: QJ* Okay, be careful QJ.

*Raid Speak QJ* What's your location?

*Raid Speak Ringo* First floor, the Songbirds already softened up the guards on their to the prison.

*Raid Speak QJ* You guys head for the Throne Room, it's in the Southern section of the 2nd floor. I'll head towards toward the living area. Sato, meet me on the third floor.

QJ made his way down the hall of the fourth floor. It was completely empty, there were two guards posted outside of a rather thick set of doors.

*Whisper QJ: Annabelle* Are you safe?

*Whisper Annabelle: QJ* For now, Lilly and I are with a squad of the Freeborn Guard.

*Whisper QJ: Annabelle* Expect trouble. Hey, what's on the fourth floor that would be heavily guarded?

*Whisper Annabelle: QJ* Library of sorts, rare and forbidden books. Don't try it without help, the library guards are strong.

*Whisper QJ: Annabelle* Understood. Cya soon.


A Library Guardsman has been roped and is closing in on your position.


A Library Guardsman has been slowed by forty percent.

*Aimed Shot* [Head-Shot Bonus x Critical Hit x 2]

QJ has. .h.i.t target for 72,450 damage.

The Guardsman was a Halberd Wielder, he slashed downward at QJ while maintaining his distance.

QJ managed to deflect most of the damage.

You have been hit for 10,400 damage.

He parried the attack and slashed downward while firing a round into the guard's chest.


QJ has. .h.i.t target for 23,800 damage.


QJ has. .h.i.t target for 42,400 damage.

A Library Guardsman has been slain.

System Message: You have looted the Library Key part 1.


A Library Guardsman has been roped and is closing in on your position.


A Library Guardsman has been slowed by forty percent.

*Aimed Shot* [Head-Shot Bonus]

QJ has. .h.i.t target for 43,450 damage.

You have been hit for 22,845 damage.

"s.h.i.+t! An archer!" QJ charged at the ranger, trying to close the distance quickly.

You have been Snared.

Your movement rate has been slowed by sixty percent.

*Aimed Shot* [Head-Shot Bonus x Critical Hit x 2]

QJ has. .h.i.t target for 86,500 damage.

A Library Guardsman has been slain.

System Message: You have looted the Library Key part 2.

System Message: Completed Library Key has been added to your key ring.

QJ checked his hud as he moved toward the library door. "I better hurry or Sato is going to come looking for me."

He pushed the key in the slot and it turned with a loud click. "The h.e.l.l..." Almost all the bookshelves were bare. QJ moved toward the books. They were all Skillbooks, nearly a dozen of them. He quickly put them in his inventory, his Guildies would need some upgrades, hopefully, there was something nice for them.

QJ was on his way out when a lone book on the very top shelf caught his eye. "d.a.m.n... no ladder either." He quickly climbed the shelves and grabbed the book. It was tattered and worn beyond belief. He smiled when he read the description.

[Shout-out to BookDragon1960]

Skill Book: Unique

Weapon Type: Edge

Description: This grants the Whip weapon

skill to the reader.

"Um... yeah, I'm taking this one."

System Message: Do you wish to learn the Weapon Skill: Whip?



You have faded from view.

QJ ran down the hall and exited to the stairway.

*Raid Speak Sato* Hey Bro! Where the heck are you?

*Raid Speak QJ* On the stairs, coming to the third level now.