Tickets for theater, opera, etc., 39-40, 43.
Tie, gentleman's, 35, 143-144, 246, 333-334, 363, 565-566.
Tips, in a hotel, 597; to servants, 426-427; on steamboats, 602-603.
t.i.tled foreigners, 215, 490, 607-608.
t.i.tles, 5, 486-489; on visiting cards, 76-78.
Topics of conversation, 51, 55-56.
Train card, 105.
Train of a dress, 547.
Trains, railway, 31, 593-596, 615.
Traveling, chapter on, 593-616. See also specific subjects, e.g.: Young girl, traveling of.
Traveling clothes, 351, 559.
Trousers, 143, 246, 332, 334, 564-565, 567, 569.
Trousseau, 323-327, 332-333.
Tuxedo, 42, 564-565, 569, 603.
Uniforms of servants, 148-150.
Ushers, at a ball, 265; at a wedding, 331, 333-335, 337, 339-340, 342, 354-356, 368, 569.
Valet, 143, 152, 425-426, 441-442, 608.
Vegetables, how to eat, 575.
Vehicles, 30-31; at a formal dinner, 162-163, 212; at a funeral, 395-396; at the opera, 37; at the theater, 39; at a wedding, 353-361.
Veil, 246, 549; bridal, 350-351; mourning, 399-401.
Vice-President of the United States, close of letter to, 487, 490; how to address, 486; how to announce as a guest, 214; how to introduce, 487.
Visits, 36, 70-71, 302-303, 310; chapter on, 73-97. See also specific subjects, e.g.: Engaged couples, visits of.
Visiting cards. See: Cards.
Vulgar woman, the, 544.345.
Waistcoat, 35, 143, 246, 333, 563, 565-566.
Walking, across a ballroom, 261-262; down the aisle of a theater, 40; with a lady, 28.
Watch chain, 567.
Wealth, display of, 506.
Wedding anniversaries, 110, 378-379; announcements, 106-107; breakfast, 364-368; ceremony, 357-358; day, chapter on, 345-379; dress, 350-351; expenses, 317, 329, 342-344, 376-378; list, 313-314, pictures, 352; preparations, 312-344; 347-352; presents, 79, 319-323, 464-467; trip, 342-343, 345-346.
Weddings, 19, 20; clothes for, 328-330, 332-334, 556, 569-570; guest rooms at, 413; invitations to, 98-109, 111; 312-314. See also: Bride; Bridegroom; and other specific subjects.
White blossoms at second marriage, 375.
Widow, 77, 107, 375, 402.
Wife. See: Husband and wife.
Woman's clubs, 514, 517-318.
Words and phrases, correct usage of, 58-62.
Writing paper, 449-453.
Written invitations, 120.121, 124.127.
Yacht, guests on, 439.
Young couples, 71, 471.
Young girl, 288-298; guest room for, 413; letters of, 502-503; traveling of, 595-596, 612-613.
Young person, introduction of to older, 4; greetings of to older, 21.