Persons of rank. See: Rank, persons of.
Pew cards, 102-103, 356.
Photographs of engaged couples in newspapers, 304.
Picnics, 34, 124, 128.
Pits, management of, at table, 584.
Place cards, 128, 210.
Plates, 200, 202-204, 242.
Politeness to servants, 153-154.
Political clubs, 517.
Politics, etiquette of, 530-539.
Position in the community, 410; chapter on, 65-72.
Precedence, 40, 204-205, 214-215, 360-361.
Presentation at court, 609-610.
"Present," when used in introductions, 4.
President of the United States, close of letter to, 456, 487, 490; as a guest, 214, 430; how to address, 486; introduction of and to, 4, 5, 487.
Priest, 488-489.
Private affairs, conversation about, 592.
Private car, guests on, 439.
Private secretary, 139.
p.r.o.nunciation, 62-64.
Public places, 96, 307, chapter on, 28-34.
Punctuality, 46, 219-220.
Pusher, nursery, 571.573.
Rabbi, 488-489.
Rank, persons of, how to announce as guests, 214-215; how to address, 486, 488; how to introduce, 487, 489; close of letter to, 487-489.
Reading at table, 591.
Ready-to-wear clothes, 557, 562.
Receptions, 10, 119, 165, 168.
Recommendation, letters of, 479-481.
Referring to husband or wife in conversation, 54.
Regard for others, rules of, 34.
Registering at a hotel, 346, 596-597.
Rehearsal of a wedding, 338-342.
Restaurants, clothes in, 556, 569; dinner in before the theater, 38; engaged couples in, 310; headdress in, 546; payment in, 32; rising in to greet a lady, 23; young girl in, 293.
Riding clothes, 550-552.
Rings, 544, 567; engagement, 302-303, 311; wedding, 343, 346, 359.
Rising, to a lady, 22-23; to relatives, 587; from table, 577.
Royalty, how to address, 610; letters to, 490; presentation to, 4, 609-610.
Salutations, 461; chapter on, 22-27.
Seating, at an afternoon tea, 168, 170; at a ball supper, 256; in drawing-room, 94-95; at a formal dinner, 162, 178-179, 196, 210-212; at a funeral in church, 409; at an informal dinner, 229; in an opera box, 35-36; at a wedding in church, 354-357; in a steamer dining-salon, 599-600; at the theater, 40-41; in vehicles, 30-31; of children at table, 575.
Second marriage, 107-108, 375-376.
Secretary, 138-140, 178.
Self-introduction, 12, 602.
Senator, 5, 214, 486-487.
Servants, 135-138, 141-164; att.i.tude to, 438-439, 510; at formal dinner, 184; in country house, 420-421, 425-427.
Service, in country house guest room, 425-427; in the well-appointed house, 135-164; dinner, 200-209, 236-237.
Serving table, 206-207.
Serving tea, 168-171, 173-174.
Setting the table, 194-200, 591.
Shaking hands, 20-21; at an afternoon tea, 167; at a formal dinner, 215; on a visit, 93; at a wedding, 362-363; when introduced, 7-8, 9, 12.
Shirt, 143, 334, 568.
Shirt studs, 144, 152, 567.
Shirt waist, 151, 549, 556.
Shoes, 333, 549, 555, 558, 564, 566, 568.
Shops, etiquette in, 33.
Sickness. See: Invalids.
Signature of a letter, 458-459.
Silk hat, 564, 566.
Silver, 198-199.
Sitting up with the deceased, 393.
Sitting down at the table, 577.
Skirt, 151, 548, 549, 552, 556, 558.
Slang, 62.
Sleeping arrangements in country house, 413.
Slippers, 549, 555.
Smart society, 2.
Smoking, 22, 28, 47, 209, 223-224, 530, 594.
Social letters, 455-456, 461-463.
Social position. See: Position in the community.
Society, best, chapter on, 1-3; definition of, 3; smart, 2.
Speech, 64.
Speaking to a lady, 22-23.
Spoon, 197; Use of, 571, 573.
Sports clothes, 548.
Sports clubs, 517.
Stag dinner, 230.
Stand-up luncheons, 248, 249.
Steamer etiquette, 598-603.
Stores, etiquette in, 27, 33.
Story telling, 50.
Strangers, cards left with, 83; invitations for, 117, 254; social position of, 67-70; visits, 70-71, 83, 90; at afternoon tea, 170.
Street, chapter on the, 28-34.
Street car etiquette, 23-24.
Street clothes, 548.
Subscription dances, 272-275.
Summer dress, 549, 556.
Sunburn, dress for women who mind, 549-550.
Superscription in letters, 459, 460.
Supper, 249; at a ball, 255-257; at a cabaret, 293; after theater, 45.
Table, dinner, 191, 591; luncheon, 240-242; supper, 249; tea, 167-174.
Table furnishings, 184, 591; hostess, 169-170; manners, 220-224, 571-586; setting, 180-181, 194-200, 591.
Tail Coat, 35.
Taking leave. See: Leave taking.
Tea gown, 547.
Teas, chapter on, 165-176; clothes for, 165, 547, 556; invitations to, 119, 124; bachelor's, 292; children's, 579-580.
Telephone, invitation by, 128-130, 238-239, 380.
Tennis, 128.
Thanks, cards of, 474; letters of, 463, 475.
Theater, 31, 38-46, 310, 547, 569, 611-612.
Third person in correspondence, 478-479.