Eternals Of The Wizarding World - Chapter 508

Chapter 508


As Eli left, the phoenix reappeared in the distance. Hydera, who had been on the edge of the battlefield, also neighed, exuding his own breath to see the fighting power of the two five rings. At this time, the remaining true spirits also had ugly faces. up.

No wonder Eli left just like that, the co-author is still there!

As for them...the rest of them are also under the fifth ring at this time, how can they stop them.

"it's over!

One by one, the true spirits gave up their resistance and raised their hands in surrender.

On the ground, the warlocks of the Warlock Alliance also lowered their heads. Although they were resurrected at this time, the blood power in their bodies was almost exhausted at this time.

Eli did it on purpose!


All the warlocks also surrendered, without the slightest desire to fight.

it's over!

the other side.

Eli also stopped to recover after flying 10,000 meters!


Eli felt uncomfortable almost instantly. At this time, his face was pale, and his mental strength and blood vessels were almost exhausted. Even the tree of laws fell into a state of depression for a short time.

"I've overestimated myself too much. Reviving them is already the limit, not to mention the equipment and strength. If it weren't for burning a lot of blood, I might not be able to do this." The corner of Eli's mouth twitched.

Time travel is strong, but this time the scope is too big!

He was almost exposed in front of everyone, so he ran quickly to prevent his image from being shattered.

He was not injured in the fight, but he was injured in the end.


"I'll have to be sure next time." Shaking his head, Eli judged the direction, and then returned to the green land.

Soon, he returned to his old lair, and then plunged into the secret realm of time.

He was injured, which gave him a sense of crisis and he had to recover quickly.

half a day later!

Felix and Hydera came back. He knew from the two that everything went well, all the warlocks had been captured, and the true spirits were all resolved, which made Eli heave a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, there were no surprises.

Then he sent Alida a letter to arrange the next matters, and plunged into the time fragments again, continuing to recover from his injuries!

at this time.

At this time, Alida looked at the battle report in front of her in shock at the wizard tower of the city of blood!

"It's fake!" She looked at the battle report with a confused look on the arrival of the adults, fighting against the five rings, resurrecting millions of warlocks...everything is so unreasonable, but it happens it is true.

"It's outrageous!

She sighed and shook her head, then looked back.

And after seeing that there are still millions of warlocks, as well as the final war and the subsequent war, all the shocks are left behind, and I only feel that the future is dark!

Happy sadness!

Alida felt for the first time!

In a room not far from her, Jin Ji smiled and looked out the window, feeling that the future is bright!

Here, he will have the opportunity to sprint to a higher level!


The owner of Hailong and the Haisha family looked at each other in dismay, "I admit that I have little experience, who would have thought that Eli's strength has reached such a level, how high is his true strength?!

Patriarch Hailong let out the most perplexing sigh, "Yes, it's too deep!" Patriarch Haisha also nodded.

The strength that Eli showed in the battle this time was too terrifying.

Fighting against more than a dozen five rings by one person is not Qianye at all?

Up to now, they have deeply doubted that Eli is Qianye. Is their guess really right? Is this the real strength of this person?

"Well, I'm not surprised if you say he is Wanhua at this moment!" Patriarch Hai Long curled his lips. "Oh, the pattern is small!" Patriarch Hai said.

Sea Dragon Patriarch:. . . . ..

Shaking his head, he changed the subject and said, "Since Lord Eli has already defeated the enemy on the main line, then at this time, it's time for us to fight back, right?

The owner of the sea shark's eyes gradually lit up.

He lined up a row of tables and said loudly: "Damn it, yes, after being bullied for so long, it's time for our Bloodline Alliance to counterattack the Warlock Alliance, this old guy should get down from their position!


The two nodded, and the light in their eyes became brighter and brighter.

middle domain.

Golden Toad Chamber of Commerce "How is it possible, how is it possible!" President Jinchan stared blankly at the message in front of him, only feeling his brain go black for a while.

How could it be possible to lose?

How could it be possible to lose?

I don't understand!" He murmured, feeling that he had made a wrong choice for the first time, "The Warlock Alliance is gone. After this war, the Bloodline Alliance is completely at the same level as the Warlock Alliance. Demon Tower, this is the most critical time for the Warlock Alliance!

He's starting to feel a bit of sadness for the Warlock League!

As a chamber of commerce that is backed by the Warlock Alliance, he never seems to have worried about this issue. After all, the Warlock Alliance has stood for thousands of years, how could it possibly turn back? But this time, he really felt that it might disappear!


He suddenly thought of this once promising successor.


He took a long breath and lamented, "This time I was wrong!.

"Guys, this time we missed the point!"

In Paradise City, Patriarch Price seemed to have aged several thousand years overnight, his eyes were dull and lifeless.

Below him, the Patriarchs of several families remained silent.

Without a doubt, their plan failed!

And if you fail, you will naturally bear the result of failure!

"At this time, the army of the Bloodline Tower has entered the central region, most of the western region has been controlled, and the southern and eastern regions have also quickly counterattacked. At this time, the two regions have almost fallen into the hands of several forces again, and they The counter-offensive is still going on, but since we have almost dispatched most of the mobile forces this time, there is little way to stop it.

Ladies and gentlemen, this time it is really time for the survival of our Warlock Alliance!" At this time, the silent Master Yun Ge spoke, with a low tone, "Eli." Master Dai Luo clenched his fists and acted as Shasaka Chibaji Ci female dry neck and hunger are all caused by this person!

Hearing this name, everyone's eyes also changed.

There used to be disdain in everyone's eyes, but now they have turned into a trace of fear and a trace of mystery towards Eli.

Fear is about Eli's power and future. Mystery is that they can't see through this person at all. They have completely put him in a position even higher than theirs at this moment!

"In fact, you don't need to worry too much. Even if the Bloodline Tower fails, our strength still surpasses the Bloodline We will clean them up eventually!" Press said with dry lips Slowly said.

These words seemed to instill a lot of strength into the warlocks present, and each of them looked better.

But at this moment, Sierra's family in the corner suddenly let out an ah, and then showed a terrified expression on his face.

He looked terrified and even panicked: "The big thing is not good.

The Lich King of the Northern Territory used millions of soul sacrifices to destroy the Western Territory. Our family and clan were wiped out, and only a few warlocks escaped. At this time, the Northern Territory has been completely occupied by the warlocks, and we are already heading towards the Central Territory!"

The atmosphere was instantly dead silent, and the warlocks present were speechless for an instant.

Patriarch Press burst into tears, looked up to the sky and lamented, "Is it really Heaven's Death Warlock Alliance?

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