Eternals Of The Wizarding World - Chapter 507

Chapter 507

Victory, but..."

After sighing, Luo Ye turned his head to look at the ground, and then showed a look of unbearable.

The Holy Sword City that stood there has long since disappeared, and only some wreckage can be seen, while the distant mountains, river valleys, and everything that can be seen have turned into a black and red flat land.

The black is the trace left by the shadow "flowing rain" on the ground, while the blood color is the color of the dead blood of millions of warlocks flowing into the ground, mixed with the color dyed by mud warriors.

In this battle, not to mention the deaths of many five rings, but the death rate of low-level warlocks is also extremely high.


That's right, almost one hundred percent, almost a million warlocks died in this area, and although the Bloodline Tower only accounted for less than 30%, it was an extremely terrifying proportion!

As for the true spirits, it's okay, except for a few unlucky ones, most of them survived.

"It's really tragic!" Luo Ye closed his eyes.

Most of these warlocks belonged to the former capital holy tower, including his friends, relatives and descendants, and warlocks who trusted them sincerely!

It hurts so much!

Sadness gradually washed away joy, and he seemed to have returned to the day when the teacher died.

Not only them, many true spirits shook their heads and lamented at this time!

Obviously, this battle was extremely tragic in their eyes.

In particular, the many true spirits of the Warlock Alliance feel even more desolate. Not only the ancestors died, but their family descendants also died in this war.

Million Warlocks!

Above the sky, Eli, who finished solving the five rings, also looked down.

He naturally understood that in such a battle, at such a short distance, low-level warlocks had no chance of survival, and even a weak force was enough to kill them.

But he still didn't leave the battlefield, so naturally it wasn't killing, but...

I haven't used this method since I got it, and it's been less than half an hour, so it should be enough!" Eli looked down at the ground, and then the tree of rules in his body began to sway.

Hula la!

Like the autumn wind sweeping the fallen leaves.

Pieces of translucent leaves of time drilled out of his body, and then slowly landed towards the ground!

"what is that!"

All the true spirits looked up at this scene, looking at the leaves of time all over the sky, at a loss, "Wait, what is that!" Suddenly, a true spirit screamed loudly, pointing its finger to one side.

There, a leaf of time fell to the ground, melting into the earth like a drop of water.

Sudden change!

I can only see layers of ripples appearing in it, the scorched ground gradually recovers, a touch of green appears on the ground, and then a touch of small mountain peaks slowly appear, this change is extremely obvious on the scorched ground, as trustworthy as the top of a black mountain white mountain

Restore the land, restore the environment?" he murmured.

"No, it's not!" Suddenly, a voice came from beside him, it was Luo Ye.

Just look at him staring at the land at this time, his eyes widened: "This is not a re-growth, it used to be that way, I absolutely cannot admit my mistake!

"What!" Luo Ye's words surprised all the true spirits.

Is that backtracking?

At this time, many fallen leaves also slowly fell to the ground.

The earth regained its color, the collapsed peaks stood up again, the mountains and rivers flowed again, the plants stretched their branches again, and even the Holy Sword City was restored.

In the blink of an eye, Wanli Nei seemed to have returned to what it used to be.

Countless true spirits stared blankly at this scene, feeling extremely shocked.

But then something happened that shocked them even more.

On the ground, countless blood circled back, and a little bit of flesh began to grow upwards. With a wailing sound, everyone saw warlocks standing on the ground again.

not on them

Looking at those familiar faces, all the true spirits froze in place.

Resurrected? Is this something a warlock can do?" Luo Ye looked at many familiar figures, and his throat moved slightly.

"Are you kidding me?

"Isn't this too unskilled?

Could it be the power of time, does Eli still have this power?

The true spirits spoke separately, seeing the figures they mourned just now resurrected one by one, which made them all feel a sense of astonishment.

And they are like this, let alone those warlocks.

The sorcerer looked at his body dully, squeezed it, and it was indeed his body.

I'm alive!" He was shocked. He clearly remembered that he died in the aftermath of the last round, facing a shadow meteor. He could not have survived that kind of attack, but now he was alive again.

He shook his head "What happened? Could it be..." Look.

I saw the huge Shadow Dragon exuding a strong breath of time at this time, and the fallen leaves of boundless time fell to the ground one after another, and every time they fell, a large number of warlocks were resurrected here.

It's Lord Eli!" He instantly understood the reason.

Looking at the figure in the sky, he knelt down directly.

"My lord!" He burst into tears, not only the joy of being rescued by Eli, but also the admiration for Eli!

Not only him, but also the revived warlocks at this time also understood, and looked at the figure of the sky species with admiration, even the warlocks of the Warlock Alliance. Is it still possible to revive this f*cking human?

Of course, it's not just these emotions, such as...

"Where are my clothes? What about my equipment?!

"Damn, it's all gone, but it doesn't matter, at least I'm still alive.

"Ah, don't look at me.

After many warlocks were shocked, they realized that they were not naked at this time. They covered their bodies in panic, and some people were sad for their lost equipment. Of course, this is a minority, most of them are survivors hapiness!

It is a blessing to be alive!

Of course, at this time they also saw many Warlock Alliance Five Rings dying in the sky, and all of them were shocked again, because they had already died in the aftermath before the result came out, so naturally they didn't know the result.

At this time, I saw many clan elders die, and UU reading all of them looked ugly, and they didn't even care about the embarrassment of not wearing clothes, because they understood better than my own embarrassment that after today, it will be their family embarrassment!

Of course, these have nothing to do with them for the time being.

Because no one thinks that they can still leave here.

And all of this is because Eli looked at the huge body of the shadow dragon in the sky, and the awe and fear spread in his heart again, while the shadow dragon looked down at the ground, and all the warlocks felt cold for a while.

But in the next second, Eli's voice entered everyone's ears.

Hydera, after finishing this place, "Phoenix, return!

After giving orders.

Everyone only saw the shadow dragon flapping its wings, followed by a bang.

Disappeared in front of everyone.

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