Ember. - Ember. Part 62

Ember. Part 62

I wasn't about to complain about the last part, but I couldn't shake the troubled feeling.

I dropped my head back straight, chucking my apple core in to the woods. This is what I get for letting my imagination win out for so many straight days.

When I finally reached the magic shop it seemed quite abandoned. Out front absolutely nothing was visible, which had me immediately worried. When I walked around to the back there was little more. The pillars and walls usually loaded with items were all-but barren. The row of cauldrons was empty and unlit. I stepped over the hill to check on the colored sheep. Nothing.

Again . . . very unsettling.

With a frown and a furrowed brow I stepped around befuddled, noticing for the first time that the wind was blowing substantially today. Suddenly a noise came from within the house. I moved forward, then held my breath as a figure walked out. It took me a moment to realize that it was just Adzamaruha, he didn't look like his usual self. He had on a large, brown, slick-leather, robe that covered his entire body. The only identifier was his wizard's hat and long white beard.

"Finally!" he burst out, eyeing me with a wide grin. "Hello, Evangeline."

I let out the air I'd been holding and marched forward. "Adzama, you're here. I was worried with the . . ." I gestured around. "What happened?"

He moved his eyes from me to study the area, then back. "Oh, you mean all the-" he adjusted his hat "-the merchandise." I nodded. "And the ingredients." I nodded again. He raised an eyebrow. "The cauldrons . . ." I sort of just rocked my head now. He took a heavy breath. "I cannot tell you, Evangeline. Though I trust you infallibly as my closest assistant, that information is far too dangerous."

"Dangerous?" I questioned. I didn't like the word.

"Yes, dangerous." He nodded exaggeratedly. "I've been forced to relocate . . . surely you know the state of things." He scoffed, then marched over to pick a pot off the ground.

"You mean with the Meoden?" I asked, following.

He straightened up. "No, the weather, it's just been terrible of late." I looked up confusedly. "Of course with the Meoden," he clarified, tossing the pot he's just picked up as he did so.

I bit my lip. "Oh . . ." then I stepped forward again. "Adzama, that's why I came. You know the-"

He crossed his arms, leather robe flying about him. "I know why you came. I'm the one that gave you the book, aren't I?"

My eyes widened, more than a little surprised.

"And now you want to know where to go."

Again, shock hit me.

"Yes." I answered.

His hands went to his beard. "What will you do if you find them?"

This was strange, he actually looked serious . . . as much as anyone could with a high pointy hat on anyways.

I narrowed, thinking. "Well, I'll ask them for help."

"And what makes you think they will?" he asked curtly. His own brows dropped dangerously.

I thought about it, chest lifting. "They're good, aren't they?" My face was pleading, unsure.

He looked down at me, then off. "Never for free . . ."

I barely heard it, a breeze rushed past us.


He turned up, cock-eyed face resurfacing. "I have what you need here." He went back inside. "I should, I've only been dreaming about it for days now."

I waited. This was all moving a bit fast for me . . . but it usually did with him. When he came out he was carrying a small slip of paper, purple paper.

"That tells you where to go," he said, handing it to me with a nod.

I opened it. It was a map, sort of, similar to the one in the basement, only Adzamaruha had scribbled all around it. A large circle marked what I supposed was to be my destination. He pointed to it.

"You must go there, and soon . . . it's the only chance they'll have."

I looked up. "Who? What are you talking about?"

He waved a hand. I think he was irritated. "I only know what I know and nothing else . . . honestly there'd be no point for it to be any different." He put a hand to my shoulder. "Be brave, Evangeline. And prepare for a long trip . . ." His mouth fell. "I myself will not see you as such again."

He let go and moved back. I folded the paper, following him.

"You're leaving?"

He went into the hut, came back with a bag, and pulled the hood over his head. "Indeed. I was simply waiting for you."

I shuttered, face thoroughly contorted, grasping for something to say. "Bu-but . . . what about the sheep?"

"The sheep?" He eyed me darkly. "Humph, I'm glad to see you're concerned with their wellbeing."

I put a finger up to argue, but then he grinned widely tossing a hand.

"No," he chuckled, "I know what you meant. I was just testing to see how you're progressing at not apologizing . . ." His head shook. "I don't enjoy being the one to tell you this, Evangeline, but I don't think you'll ever quite grasp it."

I furrowed. Wasn't it saying thank-you?

"But I wasn't even trying to-"

Suddenly his face went fierce, eyes darkening to the woods behind me. "You need to go now . . . and I the same."

I tried to argue, checking once behind me. He didn't give me the chance, putting an arm on my back and pushing me till we were at the road in front of the building. His eyes kept darting back into the forest. It was scaring me.

When we stopped and he let go his head was still turned.

"Adzama, what's wrong?"

"No time to explain," he urged. Then he looked at me, eyes hidden beneath the hood. "You must go back, don't tarry. And remember what I said." He tapped my head and turned around to start off.

I groaned. "Said about what?"

No response.

"Adzama! Said about what?"

He put a hand up without stopping. "You'll remember when you need to. I will see you again someday."

My brow dropped deeply.

After he had gone on a ways I sighed, looking up at the sky. It was getting windier now, the tree tops were shaking noticeably. With a glance over to the thick woods, I turned around and started down the road.

As Adzamaruha had instructed I did hurry . . . breaking into a run until I was within view of the lodge.

Chapter 19.

Rush WHEN I GOT BACK the first thing I did was head to the cafeteria to see if Ikovos had returned yet. I knew I needed to take a better look at the map, but I still felt shaken up. I just wanted to wait till we were together.

It was lunch now. I didn't expect it to be that late. As I walked through the doorway, just beginning to recover breath from my run, my eyes scanned for Ikovos. Instead of him they caught Cornelius at the counter. My stance rocked immediately. I didn't want to see him, not now. He knew me to well and I didn't like keeping things from him. The problem was, his eyes had caught mine too.

I took a strong gulp and walked up towards him with a smile.

"Hey, Cornelius," I greeted.

"Hello, my dear . . ." he started, warmly. "Are you alright? You look a bit overheated."

I put a hand on my neck. "Oh, yeah, um . . . I was running."

"Ah," he nodded in acknowledgement.

I glanced out again, over the buzzing room, trying to seem casual. It was the first time I'd really gotten to see him since everything had happened and I was half-lying. I hated it.

My eyes dropped dangerously low and I turned to him.


He caught my intensity immediately, features falling.

"Whatever happens . . . I just, I just wanted to say thank you, for everything." He darkened further and I had to turn down, a bit overcome with emotion. "I'll never forget it."

He moved forward, drawing my head back up with a hand to my shoulder. His face was questioning now. Crud, I'd done it again.

"Evelyn, is something?-"

"Evelyn!" cried Ikovos behind me. He rushed up. I was barely able to blink clear of my conversation with Cornelius.

"There you are. We need to-. . ." He seemed to notice Cornelius then, stopping in full force a few feet back. "-to . . . check on the group in the sickbay." He smiled to the robed man then. "Hey, Master."

Cornelius shifted his eyes a bit. "Hello, Ikovos. How was the patrol?"

I kept quiet, not wanting to make anything worse.

"Pretty uneventful," shrugged Ikovos, eyeing me once again as he continued. "Things have been quiet since the attack the other night."

Cornelius nodded, one brow going up. "I wish the fact were more comforting."

Both he and I looked down.

Ikovos gave me an urging face then. I think Cornelius caught it, because his gaze narrowed suspiciously on Ikovos again.

"Where is it you're in a hurry to?" he asked.

The blond boy smiled, features lifting. "To check on the boys downstairs, Evelyn's been helping me with it . . ."

Cornelius matched the smile, but there was no way he was buying this.

"I'll let you two get going then," he said simply.

Ikovos nodded to him then turned to me.

I smiled in parting to Cornelius, meeting an odd awareness in his eyes. It made me do a double-take, but Ikovos was urging me, walking backwards. I followed him then turned back severely. "Goodbye, Cornelius." Without waiting for a response I was off.

Ikovos rushed me out of the kitchen. As soon as we got into the hallway, he swung me around against the wall.

"We have a problem." His face was incredibly intent. I looked back earnestly, but made no comment. "It's Thoran. He knows I told you."

"What?" My brow narrowed. "How could, how could he know?" Even as I asked it, I felt like I'd done it myself.

"I don't know," he said, head shaking, "I just-"

"Did he confront you about it?" I interrupted.

He looked hard at me. "No. I could just tell." He turned off pacing and running a hand through his hair. "And I don't know what we can do, because he'll definitely be watching us from now on . . . "

"You mean we won't be able to leave." I guessed.

He snorted, "Not without a legion trailing behind us."

I sighed, putting a hand up to my head and leaning backward against the wall. "I'm sorry. This is my fault." I felt a little winded.

Next thing I knew Ikovos was right up in front of me.

"Are you alright?" His face was close to me, clear eyes searching.

"Yes. I'm fine. It was just . . ." I put a hand out ". . . Adzamaruha today, he was leaving. Then Thoran. And Cornelius was acting strange. . . ."