Ember. - Ember. Part 56

Ember. Part 56

I nodded.

"But they're not human?"


His head tilted quizzically, obviously skeptical. "And you heard about guys where?"

I pursed my lips, still looking forward. "In a book."

"Oh, so it's a fictional creature. . . ." He seemed relieved. "Like an elf or something."

My brow knit, considering it. "I don't know . . . they didn't seem fictional. Everything else in the book was real."

"Well, what are they supposed to be like?" he asked casually.

"Umm . . . good . . . and kind . . . Protectors, sort of. Very strong,. And ah-" I put my hands out "-in their appearance, they're very light, almost glowing, and creamy."

"Creamy?" he repeated with a smirk.

I gave him a look. "You know what I mean, like the color."

He gazed back out at the water, so obviously not buying it.

"The Meoden were in the story too. The Gaeln fought them in it."

His attention perked. He looked back at me. "What book is this?"

"I don't know," I said, shrugging. "It doesn't have a name . . . Adzamaruha gave it to me."

"Oh. . . ." He went back to staring ahead. I'd lost him again with the mention of the old wizard. Still, I could tell I'd at least hit a nerve.

"Think about it," I urged. "It makes sense. I mean . . . the Meoden are evil, right? Shouldn't there be good creatures too?"

"You really believe this, don't you?"

I felt a bit taken aback at his words. I guess I was trying to convince him, but . . . did I believe it? . . .

My eyes tightened once, but then I shook out my head dismissively. "You're right. It's pretty far-fetched. I'm just letting my imagination get the better of me."

He smiled. "Happens to the best of us."

I smiled too, then we both looked out.

After a moment he shrugged. "Nice idea though . . ." The words drifted wistfully.

I considered them, then had to put a hand to my mouth to cover a laugh. It still escaped.

"What?" he asked, looking over curiously.

I giggled again. "I've got you believing it now."

His eyes narrowed playfully. "Don't assume everyone's as impractical as you."

I folded my hands behind my back, rocking forward. "Not everyone, just you."


I laughed again, trotting off evasively.

"Don't just insult me then run off, come back here."

He chased me around until we ran into Jaden who stopped us abruptly with his condescendingly incredulous eyebrow raise. Still, as we made our way out of Rizenn, his attitude started to lighten. I think maybe at first he was a bit wary about last night, what things would be like now because of it.

I think we all were.

But the morning, the afternoon, it was quite cheery despite it all. We talked a lot while we traveled, more than usual. Plenty of laughing as well. Ikovos and I even got Jaden to play the game I'd been explaining earlier.

About half-an-hour into it I was ahead by about twenty feet, followed by Ikovos, then Jaden last. It was all quite the opposite of the normal. I would have to get them to play this again.

"I am never playing this game again," said Jaden.

My face flattened.

We'd just gone another round and Ikovos and I had both done rock, while he'd gone scissors, which meant we took five steps and he stayed put.

Ikovos smirked at me as we counted off.

Paper. Paper. Rock. . . . Jaden stays back again.

"That's it -I'm done." He left his spot to walk towards us.

"Sore loser," joked Ikovos. We continued playing.

"Do you realize how much longer it's going to take if we keep playing this?" asked Jaden, catching up to our stalled pace easily.

Ikovos moved forward again, without me this time. "You can't just refuse to participate in every game you won't win at."

We hit off gain and I smiled without thinking. "Wouldn't be very many, though."

They both froze. I started turning red.

That . . . wasn't an okay thing to say. . . .

Ikovos saved me with a casual smirk. "You're really helping my case here, Evelyn."

I looked back ahead. "Sorry."

Then Jaden passed me, glancing with what I thought was the smallest smile.

It made me lighten brightly and lose all correlation with what I was doing with the game. Apparently Ikovos, who was coming up beside me now, had given up on it anyways.

"Well, if we're not going to play anymore, we should do some other sort of travel thing."

"Like what?" I asked, after a few moments of contemplation.

Ikovos pursed his lips thoughtfully, then shrugged. "We could sing?"

My features lifted.

"We're only like fifteen minutes away," said Jaden, gesturing ahead.

I studied forward. It did look rather like the woods surrounding the lodge. The sun was still shining violently, pouring rays here and there between the branches.

"So?" countered Ikovos. "Perfect amount of time for one." He smiled contentedly.

I did the same.

But when I turned to Jaden and his eyebrows were raised skeptically, I suddenly got hit with a jab to the pit of my stomach.

Music. The band last night. I'd asked him if he had ever wanted to play something and . . . his parents . . .

That's why he didn't answer. I darkened.

"I already played your silly hand game, there's no way I'm going to sing," noted Jaden. His tone was bothered, but still light. I guess he couldn't always let the past get him down.

I tried to reign in my own feelings so that I wouldn't remind him.

Ikovos frowned. "Why not? You're the only one who knows the words to anything, plus you have the best voice."

My attention couldn't help but perk, but Jaden's gaze turned down to me instantly, so I had to feign disinterest.

I don't know if it worked . . .

"Drop it, Ikovos," he said, looking back ahead.

The blond boy laughed shortly. Then he eyed me once, and with a wicked smirk leaned in. "You know how I told you that you sing when you're alone?"

I blushed. "Yeah . . ."

"Well, he does it too. He's just more careful."

My eyes rose.

Ikovos's smirk grew to a full out grin.

Jaden's head shook, downcast, but when it came back up he had a vicious smile.

"Now I'm going to kill you," he said, wrapping around me to grab for Ikovos, but the boy was already off.

I watched on anxiously at first. But it only took a while of seeing them going round in circles for me to relax. I think Ikovos was using a spell because he was quite a bit faster than Jaden.

They were still heading somewhat in the direction of the lodge, so I just followed at a steady pace on the road. When I first saw the tall building through the trees, Ikovos ran up to me huffing.

"I'll see you inside. I'm not gonna last much longer. Bring him back for me, will ya?" He looked back then, darting off just in time to Miss Jaden. In seconds he was out of sight.

Jaden sighed, hunching over with his hands on his knees. "Dang it." He looked back at me after a moment. I'd stopped. "He was using magic, you know," he said through breaths.

"I figured."

He turned back down and I bit my lip mischievously.

"But that wouldn't really be considered cheating, would it," I added, walking past him.

He let out a heavy breath, almost a chuckle. I smiled too.

After a second he followed up beside me and we walked together into the lodge. With no idea how much everything was about to change.

"Jaden. God, there you are." That was Tirk, a fifteen year old boy I'd seen a few times around the lodge. As soon as Jaden had followed me through the door of the lodge he'd run up to us, expression anxious.

Jaden, who'd been cut off in the midst of laughing at something apparently humorous I'd said, dropped his eyes to him, hand out. "Whoa, Tirk, relax. What's wrong?"

"Right." The slight boy took a breath then nodded assertively. "I can't say now . . ." his eyes grazed me uncertainly ". . . but you're needed in the council chamber."

Jaden's expression dropped suddenly.

"Did you tell Ikovos?" he asked, tone cold now.

"Just," replied Tirk. "He's probably already there. I've got a couple more people to grab. You should go on without me."

Jaden nodded to him then began to turn towards me. He was going to tell me to head back to my room or something.

No. No.

"Am I allowed to go with him?" I asked, turning to Tirk.

The younger boy seemed a bit panicked. "Ah . . ." His eyes flicked between both of us. Jaden was narrowing on him darkly. I went with something softer. "I . . . I'm n-not sure."

I brightened. Jaden sighed heavily then rushed past him. Poor Tirk looked regretful. I smiled to him thankfully then chased after Jaden.

He didn't even make a snide comment when I came up behind him. He was moving very fast.

"Jaden, what's happening?"

He kept ahead. There was a long pause.
