Dragon Monarch System - Chapter 728: Silver Meadow Grove

Chapter 728: Silver Meadow Grove

The Silver Meadow Grove is a massive stretch of land covering almost the entire western border of the Istarin Empire. It spans from the northern tip all the way down to the southern half of the region. This vast area is not just a forest, but a series of mountain ranges blanketed in dense woods. The mountains rise like the spine of a giant beast, running from the northern edge to the middle of the southern boundary of the eastern region. To the west, the mountains drop steeply into the sea, creating a rugged coastline. The thick forest and steep terrain make it nearly impossible for humans to travel across the Silver Meadow Grove. The eastern slopes of these mountains face the heart of the Istarin Empire, adding to its natural defenses.

The Silver Meadow Grove is full of Magic Animals. This place is a heaven for adventurers and hunters. Silver Meadow Grove provides livelihood to millions of people directly as well as indirectly. For instance, the Magic Animals from Silver Meadow Grove are captured and then sold in the market to satisfy the meat needs of the large Istarin population. Also, the money that the adventurers spend on satisfying their needs supports local businesses and helps the local population earn a living.

Before, Silver Meadow Grove shared borders with many other Kingdoms and Dynasties, but that all changed when the Istarin Empire expanded its territories. The Istarin Empire owns the entire of the Silver Meadow Grove. The vast resources of the entire forest belong to the Empire. However, there is also the danger of a Magic Animals outbreak. This happens when the population of Magic Animals in the Silver Meadow Grove exceeds its capacity. Magic Animals began venturing out of the Grove to find more food resources, mainly by hunting people who lived near the Silver Meadow Grove.

There have been records of multiple Magic Animals outbreaks in the past. So, to prevent this, over the last year, the Istarin Empire has created many watchtowers and fortresses along the Silver Meadow Grove in a somewhat straight line. A straight river runs along the edge of the Silver Meadow Grove, connecting all the fortresses. These fortresses align perfectly with the river, which was made to keep the Magic Animals away. The river acts as a natural defense against the Silver Meadow Grove creatures. It starts at the northern tip of the grove and flows all the way down to the middle of the southern edge. Each fortress is built along this river, using the water as a barrier to protect against magical threats from the forested mountains. This river and the fortresses create a strong defense system for the Istarin Empire.

There hasn't been any Magic Animal outbreak since the Empire expanded its territories. So, these fortresses and watch towers have been left somewhat unused up until today. Today, more than 13 million Istarin troops have gathered 50 km away from the entrance of the Silver Meadow Grove. All the troops have stopped around the fortresses. Since the fortresses weren't built to accommodate millions of troops, the troops had no choice but to stop outside. The Istarin troops arrived using the teleportation arrays in the fortresses. Now, they have formed a line along the river. The soldiers are standing in a long line that stretches for 100 kilometers (62.1371 miles), with the river and fortresses behind them. Over 13 million Istarin troops are ready to face millions of Homunculus. This was the frontline. "Where is his Majesty?" Asked General Henry. Right now, all important military figures and nobles who had voluntarily joined the war had gathered inside one fortress for a quick meeting. "His Majesty has left the battlefield in our hands."

"He has gone to confront the main culprit behind all of this." Hearing Spencer's words, everyone silently nodded their heads. But some couldn't help but feel that their Emperor should've been here with them. Since having their Emperor on the battlefield would mean this war would end early. With Aditya, they wouldn't need to worry that much. Just one of his powerful attacks can wipe out millions of the Homunculus. "What's our strategy?" Asked Duke Marvin Sarlus. He was among many nobles who voluntarily participated in this war. As soon as he learned that Silver Meadow Grove was going to be the frontline of this war, he immediately rushed there with 100 of his loyal men. "This is the most easily accessible entrance to the Silver Meadow Grove."

"We strongly believe the enemy will attack from here." Spencer has brought the Istarin troops here under Aditya's orders. Hearing this, Marvin and the other dukes nodded their heads. After all, the enemy wanted a direct confrontation. So it would only make sense if they attacked from this side. From their meeting, Ghost (Felix) has made it clear that he wants to confront the Istarin troops directly. So, Aditya did not think he would play any mind games here. Besides, he had personally gone to confront him. "There is no strategy. We will face them head to head. This will be a direct confrontation. But you all need to keep in mind that these Homunculus can take your appearance and also gain your powers if they allow them to get close to you and absorb even a tiny bit of your Mana." Spencer informed everyone in a calm tone. The large room was full of people. Everyone was silently listening to Spencer's words. The girls were sitting on the second floor and listening to the conversation without saying anything. The second floor also had a large balcony facing the Silver Meadow Grove. This is to allow the soldiers to notice any approaching Magic Animals.

In this case, the girls were watching the enemy side. The enemy side will approach at any given second now. Everyone except for one person in the crowd had no problem with Spencer's words.

"No strategy? What are F-ing kidding me?" Hearing this, everyone turned to the person who dared to use such a foul word in his sentence. Spencer instantly frowned, hearing his sentence. Watson, who was standing behind Spencer, also didn't look pleased about it. "Alex, what are you doing?" Duke Marvin Sarlus instantly became angry at the young man standing by his side. Alex was the son of another Duke. Alex's father and Duke Marvin Sarlus are friends. When the frontline of the war was announced, Duke Oliver reached out to Duke Marvin. Oliver wanted Marvin to take his son Alex to the battlefield. He hoped that through this experience, his son could learn and gain more experience. It was out of their friendship that Marvin kept Alex by his side. Otherwise, given his status and political standing, he wouldn't have been standing so close to the center. He would have been standing at the very back with the rest of the crowd. "Who is he?" Ignoring Alex, Spencer calmly asked Marvin. "He is the son of Duke Oliver. Sir Oliver asked me to bring his son along with me so that he can gain more experience." But now, it was clear that Marvin was regretting his decision. 'After this, I must reconsider my friendship with Duke Oliver.' Unknowingly, Alex's reckless statement became the catalyst that would break the friendship between the two noble houses. "This is freaking war. And we don't have a strategy?" Alex angrily pointed at Spencer and continued. "Do we know the number of enemies we will face? We don't."

"We don't know the danger that we will be facing, yet you're saying that we have no strategy." "I think you're clearly not suited for this role. You're incompetent. You're not suited to command us." At the upstairs, even the girls had frowns on their faces hearing all this nonsense. "You're incompetent. And the person who chose you for this role is also incompetent, as he didn't realize that you're not made for this role." That was the bottom line that shouldn't have been touched. As soon as the words came out of Alex's mouth, almost half of the people in the fortress lost their calm and attacked him. The Dragonians in the room instantly released their Auras. They barely held back from riping Alex apart. If he wasn't brought here by Duke Marvin, then by now, Alex would have been lying dead on the ground. "This son of a ...!!!" Riya lost her calm. Her body was glowing in a green Aura while her silver hair was floating like octopus tentacles. Meanwhile, Sasha suddenly disappeared from her spot. She was standing on the balcony, but she suddenly disappeared. But before she could cross-step downstairs, Lilith grabs her wrist and stops her.

"Why did you stop me? This man deserves to die." Sasha asked in a cold tone.

She was displeased at her own mother for stopping her. Julia and Riya were in Sasha's favor. They also wanted this man dead. "This isn't your place to act. Leave this matter to the people downstairs." Lilith calmly stated. Lara and Alicia agreed with Lilith. However, everyone downstairs could hear their conversations with their enhanced senses. Seeing the crazy reactions that he got out of the crowd just saying one sentence made Alex immediately realize his mistake. But since he had taken his stance, he wasn't going to lower his pride, especially in front of many people, and apologize. "Alex, was it.....?" Spencer calmly looked at Alex. Spencer's calm stare caused Alex to flinch and take a step back. But as he did that, he bumped into Duke Marvin, who was also frowning at Alex. "I assume this is your first time at the battlefield?" Alex could only agree. "If you don't know what is happening around you, then don't say anything." Alex could only nod his head as he knew that he had messed up. "Let's continue...!!" Alex sighed in relief, thinking this matter was finally over, but Spencer's next sentence crushed his hopes. "As for this open insult to His Majesty and Prime Minister Spencer, you will be duly penalized for this offense once this war ends. For now, guards, take him to prison."

"No...!!!" Alex looked at Marvin with a pleading look but Marvin completely ignored him. Two guards came forward and took Marvin to the small underground fortress prison. "Let's continue...!!" At that time, another guard came. "My apologies for interrupting, but people from the Ethereal Empire and the Celestial Terrain and the Deep Sea Palace are here." Hearing this, others were confused. "Good....!!"

"Lead them here."