Dragon Monarch System - Chapter 727: - "Hello, my friend!!"

Chapter 727: - "Hello, my friend!!"

Warning - The ending of this chapter may be a little bit dark. So please read it with caution. ___________

"Hello, my friend!!" Ghost smiled at the man that he had met in the Azure City. Ghost grabbed another chair and then sat in front of him. "Sorry for not checking on you these days. I have been swamped preparing to destroy the Istarin Empire." In response, the man hatefully glared at Ghost. "Eloise Fairweather....!!! I also missed you." Saying that, Ghost removed the hood covering his face. "Felix...!!!" Eloise's voice was filled with endless hatred. Never did he think the man whom he had admired and trusted so much would turn out to be a snake. Eloise didn't even realize when he was stabbed in the back and found himself in this strange room. It had been more than ten days since he last saw the sunlight. If he wasn't a cultivator, then he would have died from starvation and lack of water. "Now, what's with the look of hatred?" Felix asked with a happy smile. Eloise did not respond. "Don't worry, my men have taken your place in Azure City."

Seeing that, Eloise wasn't showing any reaction. "Even your wife doesn't know that she is sleeping with a homunculus." Bang...!!!

Eloise tried to attack Felix, but the chains around him stopped. "Hahaha...!!!" Seeing his reaction, Felix openly began laughing. Seeing this, Eloise's face turned red from anger. His hands and legs were shaking in anger, but there was nothing that he could do at this moment. He was weaker than an ordinary human now. "You maybe laughing now but very soon that laugh will disappear." Eloise said in a low tone while glaring at Felix. "Oh...!!" Hearing this, Felix was a little bit surprised.

"Who will stop me from laughing?" Felix asked in a mocking tone while leaning forward. Eloise did not respond. But in his eyes and his expression, Felix could see the name of one person. Or it was perhaps due to the fact Aditya was the toughest enemy that he had ever faced that he assumed that Eloise was thinking of Aditya. "If you mean Aditya, then get ready to be disappointed," Felix said while grinning. "The man you're trusting so much doesn't even know I am behind everything." Eloise's expression did not change. He was shocked when he found that Felix was behind everything. "I am considered an ally of the Emperor." Felix leaned forward. His face came very close to Eloise's. Felix looked straight into Eloise's eyes and said in a cold tone. "Even if all of my plans were to fail, I still have a backup plan."

"Your Emperor won't know that his biggest enemy is hiding behind him." Eloise could not control his anger anymore. He angrily spat on Felix's face. This was his only chance to get revenge on Felix. With his trembling hand, Felix wiped the spat from his left cheek. "Now, who is laughing....!!" Eloise asked Felix with a smirk. Since he was screwed anyway, he wasn't afraid of death anymore. He would really regret it if he didn't do this before dying. Felix silently stared at Eloise for a second before he kicked Eloise in the chest. "Originally, I was planning on letting you live a little longer so that you can see everything, but it seems you have run out of patience." Saying that, Felix cracked his fingers. However, facing death, Eloise wasn't least bit afraid.

"Kill me."

"But know this: soon you will also follow me."

"Your fall began the moment you decided to mess with His Majesty."

"You arrogant punk, you think you can beat the Dragon Monarch. Very soon, you will wake up to reality." Hearing all these sentences, Felix couldn't control his anger anymore. Felix took a machete from his storage ring and angrily walked towards Elosie. -

Scene Change_____

Just a little over 15 minutes later, Felix opened the wooden door from inside. As the door opened, the heavy scent of blood wafted out from the room. Meanwhile, Felix also took a deep breath of fresh air.


Felix then threw the machete inside the room and then calmly left everything behind. He felt the door opened. Inside the whole small room was painted with Elosie's blood. Felix showed no mercy to Elosie. He kept Elosie alive for as long as possible. He slowly cut Elosie's limbs before he beheading Elosie. Felix still did not stop there. Felix hated it when his authority was questioned. Elosie had tried to provoke him and even spat on him, but Felix wasn't going to accept this humiliation and do nothing about it. Even after cruelly ending Elosie's life, the power-hungry man did not stop there. He went on to cut Elosie's body into thousands of small pieces. The view of the room was so cruel and gruesome that any human would be traumatized. "I do not have much time but I should have enough time to take a quick shower and get changed," Felix murmured to himself.

He was alone in his hideout. As he walked down the slightly dark corridor, only his footsteps and his talking could be heard. This place was Felix's home. This hideout was located in such a secure and hidden place that in all the centuries of staying here, no one has managed to find his hideout. Felix has been slowly building his army of nearly Perfect homunculus in this place. Felix has been doing this for as long as the existence of the Dune Sovereignty Empire.

Given that he has been maintaining a low profile for more than thousands of years, it was slightly out of his character to provoke the Istarin Empire and then fight the Empire head-on. Felix has always been a calm-headed person. He is a manipulative man who knows what is best for him.

But as his hunger and greed for power grew, he also began to take very big risks. He took risks, knowing that if he failed, he was going to lose everything.

Felix wasn't an outstanding cultivator. Rather, his talent in cultivation was really poor. Despite living for so long, he was still a Peak 3rd-order cultivator.

Felix's main strength wasn't his army of millions of Homunculus that he had built over thousands of years. His strength wasn't Luna who he used to turn all the close allies of the Istarin Empire against him. Rather, his main strength was his intelligence and his cunning nature. From the age of 5, when he was sold as a slave, Felix understood the learned one thing. Power was everything. As he slowly climbed the social ladder, so did his hunger and greed for power. Even Felix realized that sometimes he becomes so greed that it has become a big weakness for him. But it was impossible for him to resist the temptation to get even more powerful.

It was this trait that influenced him to make plans to defeat the Istarin Empire and the Dragon Monarch. He did all of this just for the sake of the remains of the World Treasure and the Crown of Seven Seas.

Felix has long heard about both treasures. Although the Crown of Seven Seas had lost most of its powers, the original power of the artifact can be restored. Felix believed that he had the means to do so. While the remains of the World Treasure was still extremely valuable.

The remains of the World Treasure should be considered scraps. But these scraps are so valuable that anyone in this world would want them.

While walking towards his bedroom, Felix couldn't help but think that perhaps he had been a little bit too hasty with his plan. "If I had taken my time to control the Rulers of the Ethereal Empire, the Deep Sea Palace, and the Celestial Terrain, then I could have been able to put more pressure on Aditya." But the temptation of getting the remains of the World Treasure and the Crown of Seven Seas was so strong that Felix didn't have any patience left in him. After all, for hundreds of years, he has been secretly looking for the Crown of Seven Seas. He has no idea how the Crown of Seven Seas ended up in Aditya's hands, but now he really wants it for himself.

After a while, Felix walked out of his bedroom. His hair was slightly wet. He was carrying a small plate with a slice of strawberry cake on it.

"An advanced celebration of my victory over the Dragon Monarch...!!" Felix smiled as he cut a small piece of the cake and savored it as it melted in his mouth.

There were two things that Felix could never live without. One was his love for chess. Whenver he met someone, he would invite that person to play chess with him. Not only that, he also carried a specially made King chess piece in his pocket. The second thing that he loved the most was sweets. Perhaps it was because when he was young, he very rarely ate sweets. And when he did, because of this large family, his share would be too small, which left him always craving more. Regardless of how many years had passed, Felix's love for sweets never changed. While enjoying strawberry cake, Felix returned to the large underground room where the Rune Array was built. But as he stepped in, he froze, when he noticed a figure sitting on his throne at the center of the array. "Took you long enough!!" Aditya waved at Felix.