Douluo: Protects Our Spirit Hall - Chapter 503

Chapter 503

Yu Xiaogang was so angry that he made trouble for no reason, his face turned green, but he didn't know how to refute for a while, so he could only snort coldly, and turned around.

Liu Erlong's pretty face turned frosty, and he stopped talking.

It should be a happy thing to reunite old friends, but this Yu Xiaogang doesn't know where his tendon is cramped, so he is talking nonsense here.

Insisting on belittling the Lanba Academy that Xiaofeng helped him establish, he also pointed fingers at the school's purpose and cooperation policy of the Lanba Academy.

She couldn't bear her violent temper, so of course she just turned back.

Although her temper has calmed down a lot after living in seclusion in the forest cabin for several years, her nature has not changed at all.

Liu Erlong, in essence, is that female tyrannosaur whose temper is as fiery as her figure, and once she gets angry, no one can stop her.

If it wasn't for the brother-sister bond in the past, it wouldn't be as simple as being angry, but directly attacking.

Perhaps it was due to the accumulated resentment in his heart over the past twenty years, for too long, Liu Erlong angered Yu Xiaogang, which was not polite at all.

However, the anger at Yu Xiaogang made her vent the resentment in her heart, and her mood became much more relaxed. At the same time, she suddenly felt enlightened, and at the same time, there was an inexplicable sense of refreshment.

An embarrassing atmosphere quickly spread between Liu Erlong and Yu Xiaogang. In the end, Flender couldn't stand it anymore and stood up again to stop the dispute between the two.

After the two disputes just now, during the next visit, Yu Xiaogang kept a sulky face and stopped talking, and Liu Erlong didn't bother to talk to him anymore, and continued to introduce the details of Lanba Academy.

However, when speaking, the enthusiasm in the words is obviously much less.

In this weird and embarrassing atmosphere, Liu Erlong took Flender and Yu Xiaogang to visit the Lanba Academy, and then treated them to a sumptuous lunch in the cafeteria of the Lanba Academy.

Goodbye to Liu Erlong, Flender was very satisfied and very happy. While asking about his health, he kept asking about Liu Erlong's experiences in these years, the establishment of Lanba Academy and so on.

On the contrary, it was Yu Xiaogang, who put on a stinky face the whole time, didn't eat much food, and was in a daze at the dinner table with a glass of wine, wondering what he was thinking, or what the **** he was thinking.

If it wasn't for Flender poking his waist from time to time, he would move a little and say a few words in a neutral manner.

Liu Erlong seemed to have forgotten Yu Xiaogang's existence, and he almost ignored Yu Xiaogang, but when facing Flender, he fully revealed her hearty nature, and responded to Flender's question, Also patiently answered one by one.

After the reminiscences, the time has come to the afternoon.

Despite some reluctance, Flender took Yu Xiaogang and left Lanba Academy, preparing to return to Tiandou Royal Academy outside the city. After all, the training of Tang San and the little monsters still needed them to go back.

Out of years of brother-sister friendship, Liu Erlong personally sent them out of the gate.

The three bid farewell outside the gate of Lanba Academy, and at the same time agreed on a time to meet next time.

Watching the backs of Flender and Yu Xiaogang drifting away, Liu Erlong's beautiful eyes twinkled slightly as he stood Tingtingyu at the gate, his mood was slightly complicated, but he also recognized some things clearly.

Seeing Master Yu Xiaogang again this time, she found that she was not as excited as she imagined, nor was she worried about gains and losses as imagined, but more relaxed.

At this moment, she suddenly realized that her previous obsessions had long been let go, and the demons that had been troubling her had also disappeared, and the master was no longer the white moonlight in her heart, and she no longer had any love for him in her heart. The only thing is the brother-sister friendship back then.

After recognizing these things clearly, Liu Erlong felt extremely happy in his heart, a ruddy luster appeared on his beautiful face, and a hearty smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

After that, the smile gradually softened again, and finally turned into a touch of resentment and longing.

She suddenly thought of Ye Qifeng.

"Xiaofeng, I'll wait for you at the forest cabin, come back early."

Whispering softly, Liu Erlong turned around and went back to Lanba Academy, found Jiang Zhu who was practicing and gave some orders, then returned to the hermitage deep in the forest.

After turning the corner and leaving the street where Lanba Academy is located, Flender suddenly stopped, looked at Yu Xiaogang who was still thinking with a stiff face, and asked with a serious face:

"Xiao Gang, what's the matter with you?"

Yu Xiaogang with his hands behind his back stopped, looked up at Flender, and frowned slightly:

"What's going on?"

Flender's eyes gradually turned cold, and he pointed at him and cursed:

"You still ask me what's going on?"

"I managed to create a chance for you and Erlong to meet each other. I hope you two can reunite and rebuild your friendship."

"But you are lucky, but you have to put on a tiger face. What is this for? Can't you soften your attitude? Is it interesting to make such a scene?"

After being scolded by Flender pointing his nose, Yu Xiaogang was obviously stunned, but he also realized that Flender seemed to have misunderstood something.

Although he was upset, Yu Xiaogang thought about it, and followed Flender's words, and continued:

"Flender, you should know that the blood relationship between me and the second dragon has already determined our fate. We are destined not to be together."

"You want to match our hearts, and I understand, but that doesn't make any sense."

While talking, Yu Xiaogang shook his head, his expression showed pain at the right time, but he was thinking in his heart, do you think I don't want to be with Liu Erlong?

She is so beautiful, has such a good figure, and is so stupid. She is full of me and obeys me. This kind of stupid woman is the best to marry as a wife.

But it's a pity, she is the illegitimate daughter of my second uncle, and my cousin. If I stay with her, it will damage my reputation, and I will suffer criticism and accusations from the world.

How can I, an invincible master of martial arts theory in the world of soul masters, bear this kind of ethical stain? No, absolutely not.

Fran's face didn't know Yu Xiaogang's true thoughts. After hearing his words, his face was obviously relieved:

"Could it be that you really can't accept Erlong?"

"She didn't know about the blood relationship between you before that incident happened that year, and it wasn't her fault."

"What's more, do you really care about the world's eyes?"

I care, of course I care, don't I care if I was able to escape back then?

Do you think that I really avoided her in order not to damage Liu Erlong's reputation? Hehe, I'm doing it for my own reputation, okay?

Also, as a master of martial arts theory and a direct descendant of the Blue Electric Tyrant Dragon Sect, I have already noticed that she has the bloodline of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex.

It's just that I'm pretending to be stupid and pretending not to know. The purpose, of course, is to forget it. I don't want to think about it so much. Anyway, I can't let Liu Erlong know the truth, otherwise she will definitely tear me alive.

In an instant, Yu Xiaogang thought a lot in his heart, but on the surface he still maintained a look of pain, and said in a disappointed tone:

"What happened back then, no matter whose fault it is, is meaningless. The past has passed, and it is meaningless to bring it up again."

"People will grow old and become mature. We are no longer young and energetic. If life is just as it was first seen, it is easy to say, but it is impossible to achieve it."

As he spoke, he looked at Flender, and finally said:

"So, Flender, there is no need to mention this matter again, it is impossible between me and the second dragon."

Flender sighed.

Of course he understands that time has changed many things, and time cannot go back to the past, but after thinking about it, he continued to try to persuade:

"Xiao Gang, don't be so absolute."

"Over the years, you have been silent, you just don't want to disturb our lives."

"But you may not know, I have never given up looking for you, and so is the second dragon."

"In order to find you, she almost fell into a state of madness, and even fell into dangerous situations several times. If I hadn't been paying attention to Erlong's state and appeared in time when she was in danger, otherwise her life would have died .

"You should know that Erlong has never forgotten you, nor has she given up the sincerity in her heart. She only likes you, even if the relationship between you is like that."

"Could it be that you can't give Erlong a chance, and give yourself a chance too?"

Hearing Flender's words, Yu Xiaogang's eyes flickered slightly, and his heart seemed to be touched. He glanced aside and said ambiguously:

"talk about it later."

Flender sighed again after hearing this:

"Xiao Gang, you... well, forget it, I won't say more."

But then, he suddenly changed his voice, pointed at Yu Xiaogang's nose, and scolded again:

"However, there is one thing I must criticize you for."

"Today I brought you to see Erlong. No matter what you say, and no matter what your reasons are, you shouldn't make her angry."

"You disappeared for twenty years, and Erlong has been waiting for you for twenty years. She must have resentment in her heart."

"I can vividly remember how hard Erlong has been through these years, and I will never allow you to break her heart again."

Speaking of this, Flender's face became serious again, and his eyes became cold:

"Today, you really shouldn't show off your theories in front of Erlong. How about Lanba Academy, that's something Erlong should consider, and it's none of your business."

"Erlong's lifelong wish is to create a common people academy, but you want her to recruit noble soul masters. What are you thinking? Isn't this just asking for scolding?"

"Also, Erlong should not be involved in the enmity between you and Wuhundian, let alone vent your anger on her."

"If it weren't for you who said those words, with Erlong's temper, I'm afraid he couldn't help but break your legs and throw you out of Lanba Academy, instead of just refuting you with a few words. "

Yu Xiaogang was a little unconvinced when he heard Flender's words, but after seeing his cold and solemn eyes, he had no choice but to swallow back the sophistry that was about to blurt out.

"Well, I really didn't think about this matter."

Yu Xiaogang nodded reluctantly, but he could not hear the slightest sign of admitting his mistake from his words. Instead, he turned the topic around and asked:

"However, Flender, are you really assured that the two dragons will intersect with the Wuhundian? I don't think you don't know what the Wuhundian is?"

Flender said indifferently when he heard the words:

"There is nothing to worry about. Wuhundian is Wuhundian, and Erlong is Erlong. The two cannot be compared. Besides, the one that cooperates with Wuhundian is Lanba Academy, not Erlong himself."

"Moreover, the cooperation between Lanba Academy and Wuhundian, Erlong also said, is for the sake of the future of the civilian soul master students recruited by Lanba Academy."

"It is undeniable that in today's world, the best way out for commoner soul masters is to join the Spirit Hall."

"Compared to big sects, big families, or noble forces, Wuhundian, the most powerful soul master force in the entire continent, has a much better attitude towards commoner soul masters. Naturally, it is the best choice for commoner soul masters to make a living. There is nothing to question."

After Yu Xiaogang listened, although he hated Wuhundian extremely in his heart, he had to admit that this was the truth, and he had nowhere to refute it.

So I didn't want to say more on this topic, and asked instead:

"Flender, have you noticed that the second dragon is a bit weird?"

Flender was stunned for a moment:

"Weird? What do you mean?"

Yu Xiaogang glanced at Flender, and seeing his bewildered expression, he knew that he hadn't noticed the abnormality in Liu Erlong's body. After a little hesitation, he still opened his mouth to express the doubts he had been pondering for a long time:

"Didn't you find out?"

"The Second Dragon is no longer the former Second Dragon, she has changed."

"In the past, she wouldn't have disputes or fight against me like today. No matter what I say, she will obey. No matter what I do, she will fully support me."

"Now look again, she not only lost her temper with me, argued with me, opposed me, and even scolded me, is this still her?"

Flender did not understand the meaning of Yu Xiaogang's words immediately, and said subconsciously:

"I think Erlong is quite normal."

"After all, you haven't seen each other for twenty years, and it's normal for your relationship to be a little strange."

"Didn't you just say that people will grow and become mature, you can't always hope that the second dragon can still be as simple-minded as he was back then, what do you say?"

"Besides, how ugly the words you said are, don't you have any sense in your heart? If it were me, I would be angry too."

Yu Xiaogang's forehead went dark, but he didn't let out the unhappiness in his heart after all. He took a breath, shook his head slowly, and said in a firm tone:

"No, I wonder if she was influenced by someone."

Flender was stunned for a moment.

Finally realized what Yu Xiaogang meant by what Yu Xiaogang just said.

Noticing Yu Xiaogang's determined expression, Flender couldn't help thinking, and began to think about Liu Erlong's every move today, and gradually discovered some abnormalities.

The main reason is that Liu Erlong's attitude towards Yu Xiaogang seems to be too cold. (end of this chapter)