Douluo: Protects Our Spirit Hall - Chapter 502

Chapter 502

Seeing this, Liu Erlong just smiled modestly and said:

"Boss Fu, you are too much."

"In terms of background, Lanba Academy is not comparable to Tiandou Royal Academy, no matter in terms of scale, faculty, or resources and supporting facilities, it is far inferior."

"It's actually a good choice for you to join Tiandou Royal Academy. After all, Lanba Academy can't afford the treatment provided by Tiandou Royal Academy."

Speaking of this, Liu Erlong paused, a sweet smile appeared on his glamorous face, and continued:

"And the Lanba Academy is not owned by me alone. It was founded by me, my brother, and a little sister."

"I can decide to hire you two directly. After all, I know your strength and ability."

"But if your entire Shrek Academy wants to join the Blue Tyrant Academy, then other teachers and students must follow the rules and procedures of the Blue Bully Academy to recruit and enroll. After all, the rules cannot be broken."

"However, since you have already joined Tiandou Royal Academy, then I won't worry about it."

After hearing what Liu Erlong said, Flender was stunned for a moment:

"Brother? And little sister?"

Yu Xiaogang with his arms crossed next to him also frowned:

"Since when did you have a younger brother?"

Liu Erlong didn't notice Yu Xiaogang's frown, nodded happily, and said to them:

"My younger brother is the younger brother I know. His name is Ye Qifeng. Xiaofeng is a wonderful person. He once saved my life. When I have a chance, I will definitely introduce him to you."

"As for the little sister, she is actually a friend of Xiaofeng's younger brother, named Qian Renxue, but our personalities are very compatible and we chatted very well. Later, we became good sisters who talked about everything."

"Lanba Academy was established with the help of Brother Xiaofeng and Sister Xue'er, most of the funds needed for the establishment of the academy were provided by them, otherwise I would not be able to build such a large advanced soul master academy .

"Oh, by the way, they are two of the three vice-presidents of the Lantyr Academy, but they don't like to take care of things, so the post of the headmaster of the Bluetyr Academy will fall to me."

Hearing this, Flender and Yu Xiaogang looked at each other in blank dismay.

Only then did he finally understand that Lanba Academy was established in this way, and it was not owned by Liu Erlong alone.

This is somewhat different from their initial guess.

Yu Xiaogang couldn't help feeling a little regretful, it's a pity, if only Liu Erlong owned this Lanba Academy.

In this case, after one year Shrek Academy ends its cooperation with Tiandou Royal Academy, this place can be used as the address of the school. If you want to come to Liu Erlong, a stupid woman, she will not be stingy to give Lanba Academy to herself and Flender. Bar.

Just when Yu Xiaogang was thinking about it and started to think about Lanba Academy, he heard Liu Erlong continue to say:

"If Brother Xiaofeng and Sister Xueer are not in Lanba Academy now, otherwise I will definitely introduce you to each other."

As she spoke, she sighed faintly, and her eyes couldn't help revealing a trace of resentment:

"Sigh, haven't seen them in years."

"Since Xiaofeng left, Xueer hasn't come to Lanba Academy anymore, and I don't know where they are now, how are they doing?"

Listening to Liu Erlong's murmured words to himself, Flender and Yu Xiaogang couldn't help being a little surprised and curious about who the Ye Qifeng and Qian Renxue she was talking about were, and how did they feel that they were in front of her? The place in my heart seems to be very important.

Flender didn't think much about it.

On the contrary, she felt that it would be a good thing if Liu Erlong had more friends around her, which would be of great benefit to her physical and mental health and emotional stability.

But Yu Xiaogang was a little upset.

He, who has a good grasp of the woman's psychological state, seems to have seen something.

From Liu Erlong's resentful expression and words, he sensed something unusual, and always felt that his position in Liu Erlong's heart seemed to be precarious and precarious.

Especially the one called Ye Qifeng.

Liu Erlong, a stupid woman, whenever she mentioned Ye Qifeng, her eyes lit up. If there was nothing tricky about it, Yu Xiaogang would definitely defecate on his head and eat it.

Thinking of this, he suddenly felt that he was green, and his face turned dark.

Liu Erlong didn't know what the two of them were thinking, took a deep breath, and forced himself to regain consciousness from the nostalgia and resentment towards Ye Qifeng and Qian Renxue, and looked at Flender and Yu Xiaogang :

"Boss Fu, Xiao Gang, you are newcomers, you probably haven't visited our Lanba Academy yet?"

"Why don't I take you on a tour and introduce to you by the way?"

Upon hearing this, Flender immediately stood up from his seat and rubbed his hands happily:

"Let's go, Erlong, please give us a good introduction, let us admire the dignity of your Lanba Academy. When I came in just now, I just took a rough look."

As the dean of Shrek Academy, Flender is still very interested in the school environment and various teaching facilities of Lanba Academy.

Although he has neither the ability nor the conditions to create a good teaching environment for Shrek Academy like Lanba Academy, but this does not hinder his curiosity.

Led by Liu Erlong, the three walked out of the reception room of the office building and went outside.

Walking in Lanba Academy, Liu Erlong pointed to the forest in the distance, and introduced:

"The area of Lanba Academy is not as large as Tiandou Royal Academy, but it is not too small. The forest is the largest in the entire Tiandou City, and now it belongs to Lanba Academy."

"The surrounding mountains, rivers, lakes, etc. are also the exclusive resources of Lanba Academy."

Then, she pointed to the surrounding buildings and continued to introduce:

"Although our teaching facilities here are not as good as Tiandou Royal Academy, they are not far behind."

"Whether it is a dormitory for teachers and students, an office building, or functional facilities such as a mimetic practice site, etc., everything is available."

While introducing, Liu Erlong couldn't help showing a proud smile on his pretty face:

"Although it has only been five short years since the establishment of Lanba Academy, we have achieved good results."

"In the second year of the academy's establishment, in the last Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition, we overcame many powerful enemies, not only eliminated the second team of Tiandou Royal Academy, but also entered the top eight directly. The final result is only slightly worse than the Tiandou Royal Academy's first team."

"It is precisely because of this that the reputation of Lanba Academy has been greatly publicized, attracting many commoner soul masters to join us."

"Oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you, our Lanba Academy has a rule that we only accept commoner soul masters from commoner backgrounds, and do not accept noble soul masters from big families or nobles."

Hearing this, Yu Xiaogang, who had been holding his hands behind his back and holding his head high, suddenly frowned, and said expressionlessly:

"Lanba Academy only recruits commoner soul masters?"

"Doesn't that mean that the students of Lanba Academy are very poor in the quality of martial arts? I'm afraid they are not as good as those trash students of Tiandou Royal Academy."

Liu Erlong heard the words, his tone was slightly stagnant, and he raised his eyes and glanced at Yu Xiaogang. Although he didn't agree with his words, he didn't get angry because of it. He just explained a few words patiently:

"Students from commoner backgrounds are indeed inferior to Tiandou Royal Academy in terms of the quality of soul master's own martial soul, and may even be inferior to other ordinary high-level soul master academies."

"But it is precisely because our students were born as civilians that they have to work harder than those from big families or nobles in terms of cultivation."

"So, in terms of strength, the students of our Lanba Academy are not at all inferior to those soul master students from big families or nobles."

Yu Xiaogang sneered after hearing this, and snorted faintly:

"Absurd, the most important thing in the cultivation of a soul master is talent. If talent is too poor, no matter how hard you practice, your final achievements will be extremely limited. It is impossible to compare with the achievements of people with higher talents."

Like himself.

It's because the talent is not good, and the quality of the martial soul is too poor due to the mutation. No matter how I practice, I am still imprisoned in the realm of the twenty-ninth-level soul master in the end?

Do you want to say that you don't work hard? impossible.

Is there not enough cultivation resources? Nor is it.

He was born as a direct descendant of the Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon Clan. He lacked neither cultivation resources nor his own efforts. The only thing he lacked was talent.

If it weren't for being limited by his natural aptitude, why would he only be able to stay in the realm of a twenty-ninth-level great soul master for the rest of his life?

So, it is not advisable to use hard work to make up for the gap in talent, at least he thinks so.

This is also the reason why he ate and drank for free at Notting College but didn't want to teach any students.

Because the talent of those students is really too bad, there is no value of cultivation.

And this point is also applicable to the civilian students of Lanba Academy.

Before Liu Erlong opened his mouth to speak, Yu Xiaogang continued:

"You must know that soul masters from big families or nobles are naturally superior to soul masters from ordinary civilians in terms of innate aptitude and martial soul inheritance. This is an advantage that civilian soul masters will never be able to match."

"In this case, why not recruit soul masters of noble origin?"

"If an academy only recruits commoner soul masters and rejects noble soul masters, it is impossible to become bigger and stronger."

"Or, at least, it should be like Flender's Shrek Academy, which absorbs talented soul master students regardless of background, and adopts elite education, so that it is easier to cultivate talents."

"Like Lanba Academy, only recruiting soul master students with mediocre qualifications, isn't it inappropriate?"

Liu Erlong frowned slightly, but he extremely disagreed with Yu Xiaogang's statement in his heart.

From his tone, she only heard three words"Look down on", the contempt for commoner soul masters, and at the same time, the contempt for the educational philosophy of Lanba Academy.

After thinking about it, Liu Erlong retorted:

"Xiao Gang, although what you said has some truth, in terms of talent, aptitude and martial soul inheritance, commoner soul masters are indeed not as good as those from big families or nobles on the whole, but it cannot be denied that among commoner soul masters, there are also people who can emerge. talent."

"I don't agree with your theory."

Paused, Liu Erlong glanced at Yu Xiaogang, ignored his slightly displeased face, and continued to say:

"Besides, you should know what my greatest wish is."

"The purpose of my creation of Lanba Academy is to create a platform for commoner soul masters to acquire more knowledge about soul masters. It is to create a cradle for commoner soul masters, not to serve nobles."

"So, I won't listen to your suggestion. We must recruit some noble students, or engage in some elite education. The students admitted by Lanba Academy will only be civilian soul masters, and we will admit anyone who meets our enrollment requirements."

Seeing that Liu Erlong and Yu Xiaogang were suddenly confronting each other, and their faces were getting more and more uncomfortable, Flender next to him looked confused, and hurriedly stood between the two of them, jokingly said:

"What are you two talking about, aren't we visiting Lanba Academy, Erlong, let's continue."

Liu Erlong took a deep look at Yu Xiaogang, already a little unhappy in his heart, but didn't say anything more, raised his legs and continued to walk forward.

Seeing this, Flender hurriedly pulled Yu Xiaogang, who had been displeased by Liu Erlong's rebuttal, and followed her pace.

While walking, Liu Erlong continued to introduce the details of Lanba Academy:

"In the past few years since the establishment of Lanba Academy, it has produced many powerful civilian soul masters. It can be said that it is well-known in the world of soul masters in the Heaven Dou Empire. Even the soul masters of noble origin have to admit that Lanba Academy The contribution of the soul master world."

"The number of students in the entire Lanba Academy now has more than 400, fully twice that of Tiandou Royal Academy, and it can almost be called the cradle of commoner soul masters."

"Even Wuhundian has cooperated with Lanba Academy and absorbed many soul master talents trained by Lanba Academy."

At this moment, Yu Xiaogang stopped suddenly, turned his head to look at Liu Erlong, gritted his molars and asked in a cold voice:

"You Lanba Academy actually cooperates with Wuhundian?"

What Yu Xiaogang hates most in his heart is Qian Xun Ji, but Qian Xun Ji is dead.

Now, what he hates the most is Wuhundian.

Yu Xiaogang will never forget the humiliation brought to him by Wuhundian. If he had the chance, he would definitely push Wuhundian to the ground, and then destroy his bones and ashes, so that there is no scum left.

But now he is told that his woman, Liu Erlong, is actually connected to the Wuhun Palace?

This is absolutely intolerable to Yu Xiaogang.

Hearing his question, Liu Erlong frowned slightly:

"What's wrong with that?"

"For us civilian soul masters, the best place to go after graduating from the academy is the Spirit Hall?"

"Looking around the entire Douluo Continent, the soul master force with the best attitude towards commoner soul masters is the Wuhundian."

"Since this is the case, for the sake of the future of the students, it is natural for Lanba Academy to cooperate with Wuhundian."

Liu Erlong's explanation was well-founded, but Yu Xiaogang couldn't listen to it at all, and suddenly roared loudly at Liu Erlong:

"Liu Erlong, you clearly know that I have enmity with Wuhundian, why do you want to cooperate with them?"

Liu Erlong frowned even deeper:

"Xiao Gang, what do you mean?"

"Do you want me to terminate the cooperative relationship between Lanba Academy and Wuhundian for you?"

Yu Xiaogang smiled coldly, as if he lost his mind:

"Why not."

Liu Erlong suddenly became angry, and his words became rude:

"Of course not."

"Xiao Gang, you have enmity with Wuhundian, that's your business, what does this have to do with Lanba Academy?"

"Although as a friend, it is inappropriate for me to say this, but as the dean of Lanba Academy, I have to consider the livelihood of hundreds of students in our academy. It is impossible to cut off the relationship with Wuhundian as you said. intercourse."

"Furthermore, our Lanba Academy itself has the background of the Wuhun Palace, otherwise why do you think we can stand tall in this Heaven Dou City full of nobles and not be wiped out by them?"

"Severing the cooperation with Wuhundian? That's impossible."

As she spoke, she raised her eyes to look at Yu Xiaogang, and said in a very flat tone:

"Xiao Gang, we finally meet again after twenty years. I don't want to quarrel with you. Don't make trouble for no reason." (End of this chapter)