Douluo: Protects Our Spirit Hall - Chapter 408

Chapter 408

Chapter 406 Martial Soul Evolution, Two-Winged Civet

Narcissus Jade Muscle Bones, originally a pure white flower, looks as spotless as a green lotus and white couple.

But now there are some black spots on its stems and leaves, but they are not very obvious.

If you don't look carefully, you can't even find the existence of those black spots.

"Remember what I promised you before?"

Ye Qifeng stuffed the narcissus jade bones into Zhu Zhuqing's hands, and said to her:

"I said that it will help you become stronger. Now that you have promised to join our Spirit Hall, now is the time to fulfill my promise."

"This narcissus jade muscle bone is what I said to make you stronger. It is a fairy herb."

"The so-called fairy herb is"

Looking at Zhu Zhuqing who was somewhat surprised and stunned with a cold expression, Ye Qifeng smiled slightly, and explained the concept of immortal medicinal herbs to her in detail.

Then described the function of Narcissus Jade Musculoskeletal:

"Narcissus jade has extremely powerful effects on the muscles and bones. Eating it can moisten the tendons and strengthen the bones, and the Qi can flow through the seven meridians and eight meridians to strengthen the body."

"In addition, I have treated it with a special method to make its medicinal effect more powerful. If you take it, there will be a great chance to promote the evolution of the martial soul and its accompanying attributes."

This narcissus jade muscle bone was also specially treated by Ye Qifeng with the power of the Liangyi space.

Not only did it remove and purify all the impurities, but also deliberately added something else in it, so that the Narcissus Jade Muscle Bone, which was originally a neutral fairy herb, became a herb with the power of dark attribute rules.

The extra black spots on the stems and leaves of the Narcissus jade muscles are the concrete manifestation of the power of the dark attribute rule.

Now, Ye Qifeng's strength has become much stronger, and the Liangyi space is also continuously evolving, and the power he can master and use in the Liangyi space is also getting stronger and stronger.

It is more convenient to deal with fairy herbs, and even a little yin and yang power can be added to fairy herbs to change their attributes.

The power of dark attribute rules contained in this narcissus jade muscle bone is thus derived.

Also worth mentioning.

The complementary relationship between Narcissus Jade Muscles and Bones and another celestial herb, Qi Rong Tong Tian Chrysanthemum, has also been cut off by Ye Qifeng using the power of the Liangyi space.

After all, Qi Rong Tong Tian Ju was given to Ju Douluo Yueguan by him.

It would be weird if the two celestial plants kept the inexplicable connection with each other.

In the original direction of fate, part of the reason why Zhu Zhuqing was willing to commit herself to Dai Mubai's lewd tiger was because of the strange connection between the Narcissus Jade Muscle and Bone and the Strange Velvet Babel Chrysanthemum, which subtly affected her temperament due to.

For these reasons.

Before Ye Qifeng presented the narcissus jade bones to Zhu Zhuqing, he deliberately used the power of the Liangyi space to completely cut off the connection between it and the Qirong Tongtianju.

Even step by step, the attributes of the narcissus jade muscles and bones were also directly changed, from neutral and non-attributed to dark attribute immortals.

It is for this reason.

Now this narcissus jade muscle and bone can no longer be described by common sense, and its function is many times stronger than before.

Looking at Zhu Zhuqing whose face was already shocked, Ye Qifeng continued:

"Zhuqing, your martial spirit is a ghost civet, which has its own dark attribute, but it is more inclined to increase strength and speed, and does not reflect the weird side of the dark attribute. This is because it is limited by the grade of the martial spirit. .

"The grade of the Nether Civet can only be considered high-level. It is already considered the top of the high-level martial arts, but there is still a slight gap between the top-level martial arts. Generally speaking, it is difficult for high-level martial arts to cultivate to the realm of Titled Douluo."

"This is why it is difficult for your Xingluo Zhu family to give birth to a titled Douluo."

Zhu Zhuqing nodded in agreement.

The ghost civet, the inherited martial soul of the Zhu family, is only a high-level martial soul. It is indeed difficult to give birth to a titled Douluo, and it can even be said to be almost impossible.

Otherwise, the Zhu family would not be attached to the Dai family of the Xingluo royal family, and the Dai family would be the main one.

If the Nether Civet, the inherited martial soul of the Zhu family, is of a higher grade, even if it is the same as the White Tiger, the inherited martial soul of the Dai family, it is a top-level martial soul that can become a titled Douluo.

As long as a Titled Douluo can be born, then the Zhu family will be able to fight against the Dai family, be equal, and even replace it.

Ye Qifeng pointed to the narcissus jade muscle bone in Zhu Zhuqing's hand:

"The fairy herb in your hand is now a dark attribute fairy, which is more suitable for your martial soul than before. As for what kind of changes it will make in your martial soul."

"When you take it, you will know."

"However, what I can tell you is that as long as you take it, you will have absolutely no problem in cultivating to become a Titled Douluo in the future."

This celestial herb can allow me to become a Titled Douluo?

When Zhu Zhuqing heard this, a pair of beautiful black eyes lit up instantly, revealing great shock.

Ye Qifeng looked at Zhu Zhuqing, with a gentle smile on his face, and said softly:

"Okay, Zhuqing, let's not talk much."

"Go to bed first, take the Narcissus Jade Muscle Bone as soon as possible. Immortal herbs should not be exposed to the air for a long time, otherwise the efficacy of the medicine will be lost faster."

Zhu Zhuqing looked at Ye Qifeng with clear eyes, and the waves in his eyes flowed like swaying lake water, overflowing with indescribable gratitude.

But she didn't say anything more, just nodded heavily, opened her mouth slightly, and spit out a simple word:


After finishing speaking, she took off the black high-heeled leather boots she was wearing, carefully climbed onto the big peach bed in the bedroom, and sat cross-legged in the center of the big bed.

Ye Qifeng nodded slightly, and then told Zhu Zhuqing how to take Narcissus Jade Muscle Bone:

"By the way, when taking Narcissus Jade Muscle Bone, remember to eat the petals first, then **** the stamens, don't eat anything else, and then stimulate the soul power and meditate to refine the medicinal power."

"One thing to note is that you must be calm enough to absorb its essence."

"The medicinal power of Narcissus Jade Musculoskeletal is extremely powerful, it may cause a great impact on your body, and it will also bring extreme pain. You must be prepared, you must hold back, and don't give up easily, otherwise all previous efforts will be wasted."

Zhu Zhuqing's heart trembled when he heard the words, his face instantly became serious, he raised his eyes to look at Ye Qifeng, nodded heavily again, and solemnly assured:

"Understood! Brother Ye, I will hold back!"

In order to become stronger, no matter what kind of pain she will endure, she must not let Brother Ye down!

Brother Ye gave her such a precious fairy herb to eat. If due to her own reasons, all previous efforts were wasted, then she would never forgive herself.

If that's the case, then what face does she have to go to Wuhun City with Brother Ye and join Wuhun Palace?

Not to mention staying with Brother Ye in the future.

"Come on, Zhu Zhuqing, you can definitely do it!"

Holding the narcissus jade bones in his hand, Zhu Zhuqing, who had a serious expression but was extremely nervous inside, silently cheered himself up.

Ye Qifeng saw her nervousness, so he smiled slightly and persuaded her to relax in a slightly relaxed tone:

"Zhuqing, don't be so serious. In fact, I have a way to help you speed up the refining and absorption of the medicinal power of Narcissus Jade Muscle and Bone, which can help you relieve the pressure and pain of the impact of the medicinal power."

"What I just said is just the worst case scenario, and I won't let it happen."

"So you can relax a little bit."

Zhu Zhuqing heard the words, although he was still a little nervous in his heart, but his face was indeed relaxed.


Under Ye Qifeng's instructions.

Zhu Zhuqing took the Narcissus Jade Muscle Bone slowly, and then began to refine and absorb the medicinal power.

Ye Qifeng also climbed onto the big blue peach heart bed, sat down behind Zhu Zhuqing skillfully, and used his ability to help her balance the potency of the medicine, speed up refining and absorption, and relieve pain at the same time.

Because of Ye Qifeng's help, Zhu Zhuqing's process of taking Narcissus Jade Muscle Bone was not difficult, nor did he feel much pain.

It took only four hours to successfully complete the refining and absorption of the medicinal power.

As expected.

Zhu Zhuqing's Nether Civet Martial Soul has evolved, from the original high-level Martial Spirit to a top-level Martial Spirit.

The ghost civet also has a pair of wings, turning into a two-winged civet.

The dark attribute attached to the martial soul has also evolved into a top-level dark attribute.

But this is not the end result.

Because the medicinal effect of Narcissus Jade Muscle Bone has not yet fully exerted its effect, the Nether Civet Martial Soul and its accompanying dark attribute can continue to evolve in the future.

The change of the martial soul is reflected in the extra wings of the ghost civet. Today's ghost civet only has two wings, and it will evolve into four wings and six wings in the future.

Of course, this requires Zhu Zhuqing's soul power to reach a certain level.

Only by releasing the medicinal effect of Narcissus jade muscle and bone remaining in the body, it can be done.

At this stage, Zhu Zhuqing is only a soul master, and his realm is too low.

So the ghost civet has only one pair of wings, and it is a two-winged civet. Among the top martial arts, it can be regarded as a mid-to-high level existence.

Only when one reaches the realm of the soul sage can one evolve into a four-winged civet, becoming the top or even the pinnacle of the top martial arts.

After cultivating to the realm of Titled Douluo, it will evolve into a six-winged civet and become a real super martial spirit.

At that time, the dark attribute attached to the ghost civet will also evolve into the ultimate attribute.

And Zhu Zhuqing's speed will also become more weird, unpredictable, and extremely terrifying.

These are changes in martial soul and subsidiary attributes.

In addition to this, there are also changes in physical strength, innate aptitude, and soul power level.

Among them, the biggest and most obvious change is Zhu Zhuqing's soul power level. Her soul power has directly increased by as much as ten levels.

As for Zhu Zhuqing's physical strength, it is almost equivalent to the level of the soul sect. Whether it is the strength of the physical body, the strength of the meridians in the body, or the flexibility of the body, etc., they have all been greatly strengthened.

Not to mention talent and aptitude.

The posture of a titled Douluo can no longer match her talent. Only the posture of becoming a **** can interpret her potential.

Take the Narcissus Jade Muscle Bone and successfully refine and absorb it.

Feeling the unimaginable changes in himself, Zhu Zhuqing was so excited that he couldn't control himself for a moment, jumped up and threw himself into Ye Qifeng's arms, and burst into tears again.

However, unlike the grievance last time, the tears shed this time were tears of excitement, filled with deep gratitude.

With the transformation of the celestial herb Narcissus Jade, she now finally has the talent to compete with her sister Zhu Zhuyun, the hope of defeating her sister, and the chance to escape her fate with her own strength.

In order to struggle for survival, there is no need to cling to that dirty dog Dai Mubai and rely on his strength.

Hmph, let him die, it is enough for him to have Big Brother Ye.

Lying in Ye Qifeng's arms, Zhu Zhuqing was crying and thinking, and subconsciously increased the strength of his embrace.

This made Ye Qifeng a little at a loss for a while.

Fortunately, Zhu Zhuqing didn't cry for too long this time, otherwise he would have been in a hurry for a while.

It didn't take long.

Zhu Zhuqing finally left Ye Qifeng's arms reluctantly.

Seeing that it was getting late and it was already night, the two of them didn't intend to go out anymore.

So Ye Qifeng took out some dry food that he had prepared in advance from his purple jade crystal ring, and together with Zhu Zhuqing, he had a simple dinner.

Perhaps because of the hope for the future, Zhu Zhuqing's personality has also undergone some subtle changes. Although his face is still cold, he can no longer feel the coldness like deathly silence.

When facing Ye Qifeng, the smile on her face inexplicably increased a lot, her personality became a little lively, and she also talked more.

During the meal, she even took the initiative to talk to Ye Qifeng a lot, and babbled about some of her previous experiences, as well as her mental journey.

At the same time, he also asked Ye Qifeng a lot of things.

"Brother Ye, may I ask, what level has your strength reached?"

Taking a small bite of dry food, Zhu Zhuqing looked at Ye Qifeng curiously with her beautiful eyes, her lips moved slightly, and she asked a question in a clear voice.

This question has been held back in her mind for a long time, and at this moment, she really can't help it anymore, and she can't vomit.

Although on the way to the Rose Hotel, she sensed Brother Ye's soul power breath, which seemed to be at the level of a soul saint, but she was not very sure.

Because the breath of soul power appeared too suddenly and disappeared too quickly, and it was fleeting. She hadn't had time to sense it carefully, so the sense was not very real.

What if she feels wrong?

Brother Ye does not have the strength of a soul sage, but she treats him as a soul sage. Wouldn't it be embarrassing if Brother Ye found out about this?

So she wants to ask.

Although it is impolite behavior for a soul master to rashly ask others about their strength.

But she thought, Brother Ye is so nice, so she shouldn't be blamed for being talkative, right?

After asking this question, Zhu Zhuqing's eyes lit up, staring closely at Ye Qifeng, his little heart was beating wildly, nervous and expectant.

Thanks [Liuying is a star] for the 300 starting point coins! Thank you [Called Liu Yexi] for the 100 book coins!

(end of this chapter)