Douluo: Protects Our Spirit Hall - Chapter 407

Chapter 407

Chapter 405 Narcissus Jade Muscle Bone Presented to Zhuqing

The interior decoration of Rose Hotel is very distinctive, and the color matching is simple and comfortable, which makes people feel good.

It seems to match the name of the hotel. In the entire Rose Hotel, various rose-style decorations and patterns can be seen everywhere.

There is a faint fragrance of roses in the air, which makes people feel comfortable and intoxicated.

At the same time, it also brings a somewhat ambiguous atmosphere, which faintly shows the business theme of the Rose Hotel - providing dating services exclusively for couples.

The Rose Hotel is three floors high, and the room opened by Ye Qifeng and Zhu Zhuqing, Blue Enchantress, is on the third floor on the top floor.

not long time.

Ye Qifeng and Zhu Zhuqing climbed up the stairs and arrived at the top of the third floor hand in hand.

Looking around, there are only a few rooms on the top floor. Each room seems to have its own characteristics, because their doors have different colors. From the inside to the outside, they are red, green, pink, blue, white, and yellow. etc.

Ye Qifeng and Zhu Zhuqing's eyesight is very good, with a casual sweep of the eyes, the name of the house number outside the door can be seen instantly.

The name of the house number also corresponds to the color, which are red ocean, green parting, pink tenderness, blue enchantress, white innocence, yellow sincerity and so on.

Ye Qifeng just glanced at it and knew that the names of these house numbers represented different varieties of roses with different flower languages.

Among all the rooms on the top floor, the most conspicuous one is the innermost one.

The name written on the door plate of that room is Red Ocean.

The big red door is decorated with beautiful dark red crystal roses, and next to the red crystal roses, there is a line of small vertical characters that read:

"Ocean of red, ocean of love."

The first thing Ye Qifeng and Zhu Zhuqing noticed was the red ocean.

After all, it is too eye-catching.

The door of the red ocean, and the decoration beside the door, are obviously more gorgeous and gorgeous than the other rooms. One can tell at a glance that its level is obviously higher than the other rooms, and it is the best of these rooms on the top floor.

The moment they saw the red ocean, the eyes of Ye Qifeng and Zhu Zhuqing became a little subtle at the same time.

Ye Qifeng's eyes became subtle, because he was interested and felt a little curious.

That house was originally supposed to be lived in by Tang San and Xiao Wu, but now because of his random entry, the fate has slightly deviated, Tang San and Xiao Wu failed to check into the Rose Hotel smoothly.

Now that he lives in the Rose Hotel, he doesn't know if Tang San and Xiao Wu have the courage to continue living here, and he doesn't know if the red ocean will fall on them.

Ye Qifeng was not sure about this.

As for why Zhu Zhuqing's eyes became subtle?

That's because seeing the red ocean, she couldn't help recalling Dai Mubai's romantic past, and instinctively felt disgusted, loathed, and disgusted.

After all, that house is where Dai Mubai hangs out with women and seeks pleasure every day.

Looking lightly at the red sea, Ye Qifeng and Zhu Zhuqing turned their eyes away together and stopped looking.

Then, the two went to the top floor near the middle, and found the house number of the blue enchantress.

The decoration at the entrance of the blue enchantress is not as gorgeous as the red ocean, but the decoration is similar, but the color is different.

The azure blue door is decorated with beautiful dark blue crystal roses, and next to the blue crystal roses, there is also a line of small vertical characters:

"Blue enchantress, charming enchantress."

Seeing this line of small characters, Zhu Zhuqing's indifferent and delicate face blushed slightly. What are these words? Charming enchantress? Is it me?

Ye Qifeng smiled lightly and didn't take it seriously.

The key was in his hand, and when he came to the door of the blue enchantress, he took it out and planned to open the door.

Just as he was about to insert the keychain, he suddenly paused and turned his head to look at Zhu Zhuqing:

"Zhuqing, we're in the room, you can let me go now."

Zhu Zhuqing was stunned for a moment, looked up at Ye Qifeng's handsome face, and then looked down at himself.

Immediately afterwards, her entire face instantly turned red into a lantern.

Until then, she seemed to realize that she was still holding Ye Qifeng's arm tightly, and forgot to let go.


Seeing that Zhu Zhuqing seemed a little lost, Ye Qifeng called her softly.

"Oh, yes, I'm sorry, Brother Ye, I, I forgot."

Zhu Zhuqing, who was blushing, finally came to his senses, and hurriedly let go of Ye Qifeng's arm, took two steps back, opened the distance and apologized at the same time.

It's just that she seems a little nervous and ashamed, and when she speaks, her lips are a little out of touch.

Ye Qifeng didn't really care, he smiled at her, and said softly:

"It's okay, you don't need to apologize. Let's go, first enter the room."

While speaking, Ye Qifeng had already inserted the key, opened the door directly, and walked in.

Zhu Zhuqing stood outside the gate for two seconds, the blush on her face seemed to be a little more intense, she bit her lower lip lightly, and finally followed Ye Qifeng into the room, and closed the door smoothly.

Blue Enchantress is a standard couple suite, equipped with a living room, a bedroom, a large open-air balcony, and a bathroom that can be used for bathing, but the partition is a transparent glass.

All facilities are available, everything you want.

The size of the room is very large. The living room in the front alone is 50 square meters, plus the bedroom, balcony and bathroom, it may be more than 100 square meters.

All the furniture placed in the living room is the same bright silver color as the room key. Because the room is called Blue Enchantress, the other decorations in the room are mainly blue.

The carpet in the room is dark blue, covered with embossed rose patterns, soft and comfortable to step on.

In the center of the living room, there is a huge blue peach heart, which is made up of large pieces of blue roses. There is a blue ribbon hanging on it, and there is a line of words with special meaning

"Love doesn't know where it started, it goes deeper and deeper!"

Ye Qifeng just glanced at it lightly, and it was clear in a moment that the number of blue roses pieced together into a huge blue heart was exactly nine hundred and ninety-nine.

Except for these nine hundred and ninety-nine roses.

There are also many elegant vases in the room, with blue roses of different colors inserted in them, including light blue, azure blue, indigo blue, purple blue, dark blue and so on.

The strong fragrance of roses permeates every corner of the room. The fragrance is charming, making people's hearts sway uncontrollably and dazzled.

Staying in the room is like wandering in a blue ocean, bringing an inexhaustible romantic atmosphere, which makes people unable to help but have the urge to connect with each other.

Not only in the living room, but also in the bedroom.

Following the open door, Ye Qifeng glanced lightly at the bedroom located in the innermost part of the living room.

As expected, there is only one big bed inside, and it is heart-shaped. The big bed occupies more than half of the bedroom area, and everything placed on it is blue in color.

Light blue gauze curtains, blue rose quilts, blue rose patterned pillows, everything has a strong romantic atmosphere, giving people a dreamlike beauty.

Feeling the charming and romantic atmosphere, Ye Qifeng was not moved at all, but muttered in his heart:

"Too bad it's blue."

"If the color of this room is all changed to purple, maybe the teacher will like it, um, maybe someday I can bring the teacher to experience it?"

"Uh, let's forget it. Bringing the teacher to this kind of place, whether she likes it or not is another matter, but she will most likely break my leg."

Ye Qifeng shook his head slightly, smiled lightly, extinguished a certain thought that suddenly popped up in his mind, and immediately withdrew his gaze, turning his head to look at Zhu Zhuqing.

But she saw her standing at the door, with her back against the door, hesitantly refusing to enter the room.

Ye Qifeng was slightly stunned, thinking she was shy, so he waved to her, and at the same time shouted softly:

"Zhuqing, come in, don't stand at the door."

After finishing speaking, he added:

"Don't worry, I won't do anything to you, you sleep on the bed at night, I sleep on the sofa."

Zhu Zhuqing seemed to be thinking about something right now, and didn't notice that Ye Qifeng was talking to her.


Seeing that she was still not moving, Ye Qifeng turned around and walked in front of her, and shouted softly again.

"Ah? Brother Ye, what's the matter?"

Zhu Zhuqing finally came back to his senses, and subconsciously asked.

"What's the matter with you? Why are you stunned again? I just called you and didn't respond."

Ye Qifeng did not answer Zhu Zhuqing's question, but asked a few questions instead.

Before she could answer, Ye Qifeng saw the blush on her cheeks, suddenly smiled and couldn't help teasing her:

"Oh, you don't want to share a room with me? Do you regret it?"

Zhu Zhuqing froze for a moment, then quickly shook his head:

"No, I just feel like I'm sorry, Big Brother Ye?"

Ye Qifeng restrained the smile on his face, and looked at her in surprise:

"I'm sorry? Why do you feel that way?"

Zhu Zhuqing nodded slightly, and whispered:

"Because I used you."

"Taking advantage of me?"

Ye Qifeng's eyes turned slightly, as if thinking of something, he asked suddenly:

"Oh, are you referring to the act just now in front of Dai Mubai?"

Zhu Zhuqing gave a soft "hmm" and nodded again.

Ye Qifeng waved his hand:

"It's okay, you don't have to worry about it, let alone say I'm sorry, after all, I didn't suffer a loss. If you really want to care about it, you are actually the one who suffers."

While talking, Ye Qifeng glanced at Zhu Zhuqing's chest indiscriminately.

Well, not to mention, the touch is really good, comparable to teacher Bibi Dong's, but it seems to be a little worse than Erlong sister.

But Zhuqing is only twelve years old now, and there is still room for growth, maybe in the future she will be even bigger than Elder Sister Erlong.

Hiss. Terrible, I can't think about it anymore.

Ye Qifeng took a deep breath, shook his head quickly, and dispelled these **** thoughts from his mind.

"Brother Ye is not at a disadvantage, but I am the one who suffers?"

Zhu Zhuqing's beautiful black eyes flashed a trace of doubt, "But why do I feel like I made money?"

At this moment, she noticed that Ye Qifeng seemed to be staring at her chest, and his eyes looked obviously strange.

Following Ye Qifeng's gaze, Zhu Zhuqing also lowered his head and looked down at his chest, um, he couldn't see his toes at a glance.

Suddenly, her eyes lit up. Does Big Brother Ye like this?

Yeah, it seems that **** are good too.

At this moment, Zhu Zhuqing felt inexplicably joyful, and suddenly had a different opinion about her swollen breasts.

I used to think it was just a burden, but now I suddenly feel a little honored, even a little proud.

Anyway, as long as Brother Ye likes it.

Thinking of this, Zhu Zhuqing was instantly happy.

After collecting the thoughts in his mind, Ye Qifeng withdrew his gaze from Zhu Zhuqing's chest, changed the subject and said:

"Okay, let's not talk about this, go to the room first, don't stand here stupidly."

"Zhuqing, please come and see how the room is, and see if you like it. If you don't like it, we can change to another one. Anyway, there are several rooms with different colors next to it. You can choose the one you like."


Zhu Zhuqing agreed.

It was only then that I began to look at the layout of the room, and then I was stunned and fell into an indescribable shock.

"It seems that there is no need to change the room, Zhuqing likes it very much."

Looking at Zhu Zhuqing whose eyes were sparkling instantly, Ye Qifeng had already understood her eyes, and couldn't help showing a smile. After all, she was still a little girl and couldn't resist the temptation of Blue Rose.

Ye Qifeng took Zhu Zhuqing around the room, and finally the two entered the bedroom.

Come to the bedroom, the liking in Zhu Zhuqing's eyes became more obvious.

Ye Qifeng even believed that if he hadn't been here, Zhu Zhuqing would have jumped onto the elastic heart-shaped big bed immediately, rolling on it excitedly.

"Zhuqing, you go to bed first."

At this time, Ye Qifeng suddenly spoke.

"Huh? To, to bed?"

Zhu Zhuqing trembled in surprise.

Although she really likes this big bed, she is still embarrassed to share the same bed with Big Brother Ye, and it is still broad daylight.

At this moment, Zhu Zhuqing, who had just recovered his fair complexion, turned red again into a burning cloud.

Eyes turned, she gently covered her chest with her little hand, and said in a low voice with a slightly shy tone:

"Brother Ye, isn't this too good? We are not familiar with that level yet, isn't this too fast?"

"Can you give me a little more time? Let's get acquainted first, and then communicate in depth."

As Zhu Zhuqing spoke, his voice became smaller and smaller, until it was almost inaudible in the end.

But Ye Qifeng was stunned when he heard her words, ah, did you misunderstand something? I just want to feed you a fairy herb, I never thought about doing that kind of thing, okay?

Uh, well, blame me for not being clear.

Thinking of this, Ye Qifeng tilted his head to look at Zhu Zhuqing, coughed twice, and hurriedly explained:

"Ahem, Zhuqing, you misunderstood me."

"I told you to go to bed, not to do something shameful with you, but I have a gift for you."

Hearing Ye Qifeng's explanation, the blushing Zhu Zhuqing patted his swollen chest lightly, and suddenly heaved a sigh of relief, but for some reason, he felt a little bit lost in his heart.

So she gave a faint "oh":

"It turns out that Big Brother Ye is going to give me a gift."

Um? Don't show a relaxed and disappointed expression, you will make me think that you are interested in me, okay? Forget it, let's hurry up and take out the fairy herb for you to take.

While thinking about it, Ye Qifeng took out a white and delicate medicinal herb from the purple jade crystal ring on his left hand, held it in his palm, and handed it to Zhu Zhuqing:

"Zhuqing, this is the gift I want to give you

"Immortal herb, narcissus jade muscle bone!"

(end of this chapter)