Douluo: Protects Our Spirit Hall - Chapter 368

Chapter 368

Chapter 366 A gift for Hu LienaNine-Tailed Fairy Fox Grass

After returning to Pope Bibi Dong.

Xie Yue and Yan left the Pope's Palace first, while Hu Liena, who was Bibi Dong's disciple, was left behind.

Maybe because Hu Liena felt a bit like herself when she was young, Bibi Dong treated her very well, it could be said that she treated her like a daughter.

The master and apprentice got along very closely and harmoniously, and they talked a lot of heartfelt words in the meeting hall.

In addition to providing guidance on Hu Liena's cultivation, it is natural to talk about the common topic between them, that is, their disciple and junior brotherYe Qifeng.

Under Hu Liena's enthusiastic questioning and Bibi Dong's deliberate guidance and narration, Bibi Dong told Hu Liena all about Ye Qifeng's many things.

I don't know how long it has passed.

Hu Liena was no longer as excited and happy as before. With a sad face and a sad heart, Hu Liena walked out of the Pope's Palace in a daze.

Looking at the back of Hu Liena walking out of the Pope's Palace in a daze.

Bibi Dong's beautiful lavender eyes flashed with distress, and she sighed secretly, as if she couldn't bear it.

But after a while, a sly arc suddenly appeared around her **** red lips:

"Nana, don't blame the teacher for being cruel, tell you all those things, who told you to like Xiaofeng."

"You have to cheer up, those women around Xiaofeng who covet him have to be dealt with by you."

"If possible, I hope you stop all those women, preferably not one, and don't let the teacher down."

"Work hard, the teacher will silently support you behind your back."

Finally, Bibi Dong silently added something in her heart to encourage Hu Liena.

It has been a month since I returned to Wuhun City.

Ye Qifeng has nothing else to do for the time being.

In addition to taking a few days in the middle, I was personally carried by the second enshrined golden crocodile.

Accompanying Mingyue, Bai Chenxiang and Jin Yueer, who had reached the level of great soul masters after taking immortal herbs, went to the Star Dou Forest, more than 800 kilometers away from Wuhun City.

Hunted the second soul ring for them.

On weekdays, I go to Wuhundian Academy to teach the four little guys Ruiwen, Mingyue, Bai Chenxiang and Jin Yueer.

And occasionally go to the headquarters of the Pan-Continental Business Alliance in Wuhundian to help out.

It's just that the operation of the business alliance has already been on the right track, and with Ju Douluo Yueguan attentively taking care of it, there is no need for Ye Qifeng to worry about anything.

So Ye Qifeng spent all his time on cultivation.


Ye Qifeng did not go out.

Just stay in your own temple of the Son.

As in the past, sitting cross-legged on the couch in the hall of the Holy Child Hall, practicing silently.

The couch was left by Bibi Dong, and it was the place where she often practiced when she was the saintess of the Spirit Hall.

Sitting cross-legged on it, Ye Qifeng, who has five senses keenly, can even smell a faint fragrance from above.

It is the fragrance of Bibi Dong that Ye Qifeng is familiar with.

After leaving the Pope's Palace.

Hu Liena, who was in a depressed mood, was at a loss for a while. She didn't know whether to follow the teacher's instructions and go directly to the Holy Child Hall to find Ye Qifeng.

Although she missed Ye Qifeng very much and wanted to see him, Hu Liena hesitated.

She didn't know how she should face Ye Qifeng.

Senior sister?

Or childhood sweetheart?

Or some other identity?

But I heard from the teacher that there are already people outside Xiaofeng

When thinking of her dear Junior Brother Xiaofeng, who had already pretended to be someone else in her heart, Hu Liena felt her heart ache, as if she couldn't breathe.

She was the one who came first, so why was it others who came first?

She couldn't figure it out.

I was stunned for a long time outside the Pope's Palace, and wandered around several times. Before I knew it, I finally came to the door of Ye Qifeng's Holy Child Palace.

Looking up at the three big characters "Holy Child Hall" written on the plaque above the hall door, and then looking inside the hall door, I remembered the teacher's somewhat weird instructions.

Hu Liena bit her rosy lower lip, but decided to follow her own will, and walked into Ye Qifeng's Holy Child Hall with her long, slender and straight legs.

Outside the gate of the Holy Child Hall, there are holy emperor warriors specially arranged by Bibi Dong to guard.

Seeing that it was Hu Liena, no one stopped her.

As the guard directly under the Pope of the Wuhun Temple, the Holy Emperor's warriors know who should be stopped and who should not be stopped.

As the direct disciple of the Pope, Hu Liena is also the senior sister of Saint Zi Ye Qifeng, so naturally there is no need to intercept and interrogate her.

All the way unimpeded.

Hu Liena was familiar with the road, and soon came to the hall where Ye Qifeng was.

The first time I saw Ye Qifeng's figure.

All the sadness and grief in her heart dissipated in an instant, leaving only deep thoughts.

The longing that had been accumulated for more than two years broke out instantly at this moment, directly filling her entire heart.

Misty water involuntarily appeared in the beautiful eyes, and the eye sockets were wet.

I saw that Ye Qifeng was sitting cross-legged on the couch in the hall, with a straight body and closed eyes, as if he was cultivating, but there was no vitality and soul power fluctuations around him.

Because the place where he cultivates is in the Liangyi space of the spiritual sea, the outside world cannot detect it at all.

At this moment, all his mind is immersed in the Liangyi space of the spiritual sea, and he is working hard to practice Liangyi Tiangong.

Ye Qifeng, who was sitting cross-legged, was no longer wearing the ordinary black outfit that he used to travel.

Instead, he changed back to the gorgeous costume representing the identity of the Holy Son of Wuhundian.

His long black hair was tied behind his head casually by a lavender headband.

Handsome face is embellished with sharp-edged, delicate and handsome features, matched with the unique peaceful and peaceful temperament exuding from his body.

What a plump, handsome, gentle and handsome young man, the best son of the troubled times!

After more than two years, Ye Qifeng's face has completely grown, faded from immaturity, has become a lot more mature, and his appearance has become more handsome and handsome.

Hu Liena just glanced at it, and then involuntarily indulged in it, and became obsessed for a while.

At this moment, Ye Qifeng suddenly opened his eyes.

"Nana? You're back?!"

Seeing Hu Liena standing outside the door, he was taken aback for a moment, then got up in surprise, got off the couch, and quickly greeted her.

"Well, back."

Hu Liena came back to her senses, her pretty face flushed slightly, she nodded lightly, and at the same time raised her hand to wipe away the tears seeping from the corners of her eyes.

"What's wrong with you? Why are you crying suddenly? Who bullied you?!"

Ye Qifeng noticed Hu Liena's movements, and also noticed the moisture in her eye sockets, her sword-like eyebrows suddenly frowned, and her originally warm tone was tinged with anger.

"Besides you, who else can bully me?"

Hu Liena muttered something in her heart, but on the surface she quickly waved her hands and explained:

"No, no one bullied me."

"I'm very happy. I haven't seen you for a long time. Now I see you suddenly. I can't control my emotions for a while."

While talking, Hu Liena stared at Ye Qifeng with a pair of winking eyes, noticing his furrowed brows and the anger on his face, thoughts kept circulating in her heart:

"Huh? Was Xiaofeng angry just now? Was he angry because he saw me crying? It seems that he still cares about me."

"It turns out that Xiaofeng can also be angry. Thinking about it carefully, this seems to be the first time I saw him angry. It turns out that he looks so good-looking and handsome when he is angry."

"Oh, suddenly he is so handsome again."

Thinking of this, Hu Liena felt a little warm in her heart, as if she was touched.

"That's right."

It turned out that the culprit who made Hu Liena cry turned out to be himself, and the anger that surged up in Ye Qifeng's heart suddenly subsided, which was a little embarrassing.

"Xiaofeng, I heard that you came back a month ago, why didn't you tell me? You didn't say anything in the letter."

At this time, Hu Liena suddenly spoke and asked softly.

"This... I'm sorry, Nana."

Ye Qifeng touched his head, apologized embarrassingly, and then explained:

"Originally, I wanted to wait for you to come back and give you a surprise, but I didn't expect to wait for a month."

"Actually, if you don't come back, I plan to go directly to the death training camp to find you."

The main reason is to give Hu Liena, Xie Yue and Yan the fairy herbs specially prepared for them to take as soon as possible.

Hearing that Ye Qifeng said that he would go to the death training camp to find her, Hu Liena felt warm in her heart, and raised her eyes to look at him. Seeing his sincere face and not seeming to be lying, she said softly:

"Since this is the case, then I forgive you."

"By the way, where are Xie Yue and Yan?"

Ye Qifeng asked.

"Brother and Yan went to their teacher to report the training results and guide their cultivation."

Hu Liena replied softly.

Ye Qifeng heard the words, exuded spiritual power, and felt Hu Liena's soul power a little bit.

It was discovered that her soul power level was almost at level 40, the limit of the soul master realm.

As long as you practice for a while and accumulate some soul power, you can break through the bottleneck of the soul master and officially become a soul sect.

Presumably Xie Yue and Yan are not far behind. After all, they practiced a year earlier than Hu Liena, and should have already reached the fortieth level of the soul master limit.

Really deserves to be the golden generation of Wuhundian, this achievement is really not bad.

But I can understand it when I think about it.

After all, the talents of Hu Liena, Xie Yue and Yan are there.

Coupled with the fact that Wuhundian has poured resources into its cultivation, if there is no such achievement, it would be unreasonable.

"Since Xie Yue and Yan are not here, let's ignore them."

Perceived Hu Liena's soul power level, Ye Qifeng looked at her, smiled and said:

"Nana, come with me, I have something nice for you."

After finishing speaking, he grabbed Hu Liena's little hand and pulled her into the hall of his Holy Child Hall.


Holded by Ye Qifeng, Hu Liena blushed slightly and yelled softly.

His hands were still as warm as when he was a child, but for some reason, it seemed to give her a different feeling.

It was an indescribable sense of peace and comfort.

It was the exact opposite of the extreme insecurity she felt when she faced the crisis and life-and-death test in the death training camp not long ago.

At this moment, she only felt unprecedented peace of mind.

"What's wrong?"

Hearing Hu Liena calling herself softly, Ye Qifeng gave a soft "um" and turned to look at her.


Silently feeling the miraculous feeling coming from the palm of her hand, Hu Liena shook her head lightly, letting Ye Qifeng pull her in.

Originally, she wanted to take the opportunity to ask Ye Qifeng what the teacher said before, and ask him about Huo Wu by the way.

But after thinking about it, I gave up.

At the same time, I temporarily suppressed my inner feelings and some inappropriate thoughts.

After entering the hall in the temple.

"Nana, you go up first and sit cross-legged."

Ye Qifeng brought Hu Liena to the couch where he had just practiced, let go of her little hand, pointed to the couch, and said in a gentle voice.

Hu Liena looked down at Ye Qifeng's loosened hand, and a trace of nostalgia flashed in her eyes.

Immediately afterwards, he raised his eyes to look at Ye Qifeng again, not doubting him, obediently took off the high-heeled leather shoes he was stepping on, climbed up to the couch, and sat cross-legged in the position where Ye Qifeng was practicing before. And sit.

Looking at Hu Liena twisting her curvaceous figure and climbing onto the couch.

Ye Qifeng discovered at this time that Hu Liena's figure has developed so perfectly after not seeing her for more than two years.

Although Hu Liena didn't deliberately use the top-level charm power attached to her spirit fox.

But her graceful and plump body, her delicate and charming face, and even her whole body seemed to exude an extremely alluring charm.

Even Ye Qifeng, who is so beautiful and incomprehensible, can't help but feel a little swaying and ripples in his heart after taking a look at it.

Fortunately, his concentration is good enough, and he didn't sink into it because of it.

Facing Hu Liena's curious eyes, Ye Qifeng suppressed the charming thoughts in his heart, and took out the gift he wanted to give her from the amethyst crystal ring

Immortal herb, Nine-Tailed Immortal Fox Grass!

Nine-Tailed Immortal Fox Grass is a spirit-like fairy herb that is only effective against fox-type martial souls.

A soul master with a fox-like martial soul, if he eats it, will have a great chance to promote the evolution of the martial soul.

The reason why it is called "Nine-Tailed Fairy Fox".

Because it has nine long grass leaves, and each herb has thick, soft and long hairs. The nine grass leaves sway gently in the air, and the overall shape looks like nine non-stop shaking fox tails.

In addition, the grass leaves are pure white and red, exuding a dense mist like fairy air, so it is dubbed a word "immortal".

Nine-tailed fairy fox grass is named after this.

"This is.?"

Looking at the Nine-Tailed Fairy Fox Grass that Ye Qifeng took out, Hu Liena's beautiful eyes widened and her pupils shrank slightly.

The demon fox martial soul in the body, at this moment, violently agitated without warning.

seems to be desperately longing for that magical herb.

"This is Nine-Tailed Fairy Fox Grass!"

Ye Qifeng answered her question with a slight smile on his face.

Immediately afterwards, he gave her a detailed introduction to the efficacy, function and method of taking the Nine-Tailed Fairy Fox Grass.

Knowing that the Nine-Tailed Fairy Fox Grass in front of her could actually evolve her martial soul, Hu Liena was shocked and unbelievable, unable to recover for a long time.

"Nana, you should eat it, just take it as I said just now."

Before Hu Liena could recover, Ye Qifeng had already stuffed the Nine-Tailed Fairy Fox Grass directly into her palm.

Thanks to [Qi Luo Niang] for rewarding 500 starting coins! Thank you [Whale Timekeeping] for the 1666 book coins rewarded! Thank you [Always Quiet 961] for the 100 book coins!

(end of this chapter)