Douluo: Protects Our Spirit Hall - Chapter 367

Chapter 367

Chapter 365 Little Fox Hu Liena Returns

After finalizing the matter of Golden Crocodile guarding the Binghuo Liangyi Eye and his granddaughter Jin Yueer's admission to Wuhundian Academy.

Ye Qifeng narrated the matter of the moon pass and the golden crocodile in detail.

Golden Crocodile agreed wholeheartedly.

What happened back then, Jin Crocodile knew in his heart that it was not Yue Guan's fault.

At the beginning, Yueguan was in a difficult situation, and even almost killed Yueguan, just because he suddenly saw his son die, he was too sad and angry, and became angry from embarrassment.

If you really want to worry about it, it is actually the fault of Golden Crocodile himself.

Furthermore, Na Yueguan is also a talent, and now he is a level ninety-six Super Douluo, enough to be nominated for worship.

When the great priest summoned Yueguan and Guigui last time, he asked them if they would like to enter the worship hall and enjoy the treatment of worship, but for some reason, they refused.

But no matter what, whether Yueguan is a member of the Pope's Hall or the Enshrinement Hall, at least he is still a member of the Wuhun Hall.

In addition, Yueguan is familiar with all kinds of rare medicinal herbs, and also has the ability to cultivate rare medicinal herbs and make medicines.

In the future, the planting and cultivation of medicinal herbs in the Wuhun Hall, as well as the management of the treasured land that can produce immortal medicinal herbsthe Binghuo Liangyi Eye, will probably all be done by him.

With such a talent, Golden Crocodile will naturally not embarrass him again.

After discussing everything, the golden crocodile left the worship hall first.

Ye Qifeng continued to chat with the old man Qian Daoliu for a while in the enshrining hall, and heard him promote his granddaughter Qian Renxue several times overtly and secretly.

It wasn't until he was struck with black lines all over his forehead that he left the worship hall.


Ye Qifeng found a time and gave the fairy herb prepared for Jin Yueer, the granddaughter of Golden Crocodile, to Golden Crocodile.

After Jin Yueer took the fairy herb, as expected, her golden crocodile martial soul directly evolved into the same super martial soul as the golden crocodileGolden Crocodile King, and the attached attribute also evolved into the ultimate power attribute.

Despite his reluctance, Jin Crocodile still arranged for his granddaughter Jin Yueer to enroll in Wuhundian Advanced Soul Master Academy according to the agreement, just in the same class as Ruiwen, Mingyue and Bai Chenxiang.

Jin Crocodile and his only son, Jin Ming, who is also Jin Yueer's father, are both tall with rough faces.

However, his granddaughter, Jin Yueer, is a petite and cute little girl with delicate features.

But in terms of personality, it seems a bit worrying.

Jin Yue'er herself is a bit of a brat, with an out-of-the-way temper.

In addition, he has been pampered since he was a child, his own talent is not bad, and he is spoiled by a grandfather who is a Super Douluo, so he has developed a temperament of pride and domineering, doing his own way, unwilling to accept restraint, and disobedient to arrangements.

Arranged to study at the Wuhundian Academy, Jin Yueer, who was unwilling to accept the constraints of the academy's rules, had a temper tantrum for a while, which caused Golden Crocodile a headache.

However, under the persuasion of Golden Crocodile, Jin Yueer finally enrolled in Wuhundian Advanced Soul Master Academy.

But in getting along with Ruiwen, Mingyue and Bai Chenxiang, they don't seem to be very harmonious.

At first Jin Yueer pretended to be well-behaved, but as time passed, she began to show her true colors.

She, who has a detached temper, thinks that Ruiwen, Mingyue, and Bai Chenxiang are three little friends specially arranged for her by her grandfather. In order to show her dissatisfaction to her grandfather, she always wants to play tricks on them.

Rui Wen, who was not very aggressive and combative, was not used to her, and didn't give her any good looks.

Although Bai Chenxiang is young, he is a quirky and clever little ghost, which did not take advantage of her.

The only person who can be bullied is Xiao Mingyue.

But when Jin Yueer snatched the little bear puppet from Little Mingyue's hands, the originally weak and deceitful little Mingyue directly transformed into a black-bellied little witch, who in turn teased, cleaned up and humiliated Jin Yueer. After a while.

As a result, the two formed a grudge and became a pair of little enemies.

One month later.

Three figures passed through the gate below the city wall of Wuhun City and stepped into Wuhun City.

These three figures, two men and one woman, exude a faint evil aura from all over their bodies, with a cold meaning, so that none of the surrounding pedestrians dare to approach.

As if the three of them were evil spirits who had just come out of Shura Hell, they were afraid to avoid them.

The three walked slowly side by side.

They are all wearing a set of student costumes from the Wuhundian Advanced Soul Master Academy, showing their identities, they are the students of the Wuhundian Advanced Soul Master Academy.

The first person was a man, nearly 1.9 meters tall, with short black hair, neatly standing upright like steel needles.

He walked slowly at the front, with his slender and powerful hands crossed in front of his chest, with a calm expression on his face, and his eyes staring straight ahead indifferently.

There is a strong aura surging around him, as well as a powerful and unparalleled self-confidence, like a wolf ready to go.

This kind of momentum and self-confidence can only be produced by people who have experienced countless victories and defeated countless opponents.

On the left hand side of the man is another man.

He has long fiery red hair, loosely scattered behind his back, and there seem to be some flame-like lines on his face, which looks a little weird and mysterious.

A pair of dark red eyes, about the same height as the black-haired man, although not very handsome, but not ordinary either.

The aura exuding from his body flows through the invisible, but it is equally powerful and incomparable.

Only in terms of character, unlike the calmness of the black-haired man, he seemed a little rough.

I saw him walking carelessly next to the black-haired man, taking steps that his relatives did not recognize, as if he had stepped out of the aura of a thousand troops.

On the right hand side of the black-haired man is a very beautiful woman.

The woman looked to be about fourteen years old and about 1.7 meters tall, almost in line with Pope Bibi Dong.

She has pink-blond shoulder-length short hair with a fox-ear-shaped hair accessory on her head. Her face is pretty and charming, almost perfect.

A pair of foxy eyes are bright and long, crystal clear, and the eye waves are flowing, charming and natural. When matched with the rest of the exquisite facial features, it is like a perfect gift from heaven, which is thrilling.

Compared to her beautiful face, her figure seems to be more perfect, well-proportioned and slender, graceful and plump, graceful, and she exudes a kind of extreme charm all the time.

Her every move, every frown and smile is full of extremely seductive charm. It is almost impossible for ordinary people to resist it.

Fortunately, in addition to being full of invisible and strange charms, she is also full of a cold and evil spirit that rejects people thousands of miles away.

Although the eyes of passers-by are attracted by the girl's extreme charm, they will also be dissuaded by her evil spirit, and no one dares to make a mistake.

There is no need to guess these three people.

It was Xie Yue, Yan and Hu Liena who had just completed the first phase of training in the death training camp of Wuhun Hall and returned to Wuhun City to recuperate.

"My dear Wuhuncheng, I'm finally back, hahaha."

As soon as he stepped into Wuhun City, Yan's aura of taking the lead suddenly disappeared, and he laughed out loud.

But he was smiling, and for some reason, the corners of his eyes suddenly became wet, and immediately after that, tears filled his eyes, and tears flowed horizontally.

Ghost knows what brutal training he went through in the death camp.

If possible, he never wants to step into that ghost place again in his life.

Stay well in Wuhun City and enjoy a good life, isn't it delicious?

Why do you have to go to a ghost place like a death training camp to suffer?

Unfortunately, there is no if.

Their trip was just to end the latest training mission of the Death Training Camp, and return to Wuhun City to recuperate for a while.

After the repair, they still have to go back to the death training camp and continue to live the miserable life of training and fighting.

Seeing Yan's inexplicable tears streaming down his face.

Xie Yue's brows twitched wildly, and Hu Liena also held her forehead speechlessly. The brother and sister silently moved away from Yan's side, acting like we didn't know this fool.

Although they also felt that the life in the death training camp was difficult, and the feeling of returning to Wuhun City was also very good, and they were in a happy mood, but they would not show it like Yan, who was careless and disregarded the image.

"Hey, Xie Yue, Nana, wait for me."

Seeing that Xie Yue and Hu Liena were walking away, Yan immediately wiped away his snot and tears, and hurriedly chased after them.

His emotions come and go quickly.

After returning to Xie Yue and Hu Liena's side, Yan quickly regained that carefree image, walking at a pace that no relatives recognized, with the momentum of thousands of troops.

The three of them walked together to the central mountain in the center of Wuhun City.

They will first go to the Pope's Palace to report to the Pope.

"You said, Xiaofeng, is he back? I haven't heard from him for a long time."

On the way, Yan suddenly asked.

"have no idea."

Xieyue paused slightly when she heard the words, and was silent for a while, then shook her head coolly.


Hearing Yan mentioned Ye Qifeng, Hu Liena put her little hand against her plump chest and murmured softly.

I haven't seen you for more than two years, and I miss him strangely.

"Nana, hasn't Xiaofeng been writing to you all the time? Did he say when he'll be back?"

Xieyue turned her gaze to her sister.

He knew that Ye Qifeng would send a letter to his sister almost every month, but he didn't know what was written in the letter.

Because my sister always cherishes those letters and never shows them to others. He and Yan were also very curious about what Ye Qifeng wrote in them, and wanted to read them, but my sister mercilessly refused. .

"I don't know, Xiaofeng never said."

Hearing her brother's question, Hu Liena came back to her senses and shook her head slightly.

After she finished speaking, her small mouth pouted slightly, and her charming and pretty face puffed up slightly, as if she was a little dissatisfied and resentful about it.

"I hope Xiaofeng has come back, so I can give him a good meal."

At this time, Yan suddenly clenched his fists and said with starry eyes.

"It's been more than two years, are you still thinking about it?"

Xieyue turned her head and glanced at him.

Hearing this, Hu Liena, who was next to her, put away the little resentment towards Ye Qifeng in her heart, and covered her mouth and smiled lightly.

"Hmph, who made that guy so disrespectful, that he ran to the mainland to play without saying a word, and didn't bring us with him."

Yan snorted coldly, gritted his teeth, breathed heavily from his nostrils, and said bitterly:

"What's even worse is that he hasn't come back to visit us even after playing for more than two years."

"It's disgusting! When he comes back, if he doesn't give him a good meal, no, one meal is not enough, there must be several meals. If he doesn't eat poorly, it will be difficult to solve my "hate in my heart"!"

"Actually, you are simply envious, jealous and hateful?!"

Xie Yue hit him speechlessly.

Over the past two years, Yan really talked about Ye Qifeng's poverty, as if it was a spiritual pillar.

Every time I encounter bad things, sad hurdles, difficult training, etc., I have to talk about it, as if this event can bring him infinite strength.

Xieyue has long been familiar with the strangeness, but she still couldn't help hitting him with a loud sound.

"Who said I'm envious and jealous, I'm fighting for Nana, okay?"

Yan immediately stiffened his neck when he heard the words, refused to admit it, rolled his eyes, shifted his target and said:

"That guy Xiaofeng went out to have a good time by himself, and left Nana with us. He didn't know how to come back and take a look after such a long time."

"You said, is this something done by humans?"

"Oh, Yan, what nonsense are you talking about? Xiaofeng is not such a person. He just has his own things to do and has no time to come back."

As soon as Yan's words fell, Xie Yue hadn't said anything yet, Hu Liena's charming face turned red into an apple, and she scolded Yan Jiao, and at the same time, she didn't forget to defend Ye Qifeng.

Seeing Hu Liena blushing defending Ye Qifeng, Xie Yue and Yan looked at each other, and said in their hearts at the same time:

"Sure enough, it's still the case, it's hopeless."

What Hu Liena thinks about Ye Qifeng can be seen from the expression on her face.

Almost all the words "like", "very much like" and "very much like" are engraved on it.

Xieyue's face was full of helplessness, but she felt a little sour in her heart.

Yan was secretly proud of his successful diversion of attention, with a smile on his face.

A moment later, Xie Yue let out an "ah", sighed secretly in her heart, suppressed the jealousy in her heart, and said calmly:

"Hurry up and go, first go to the Pope's Palace to report to the Pope."

"Then each go back to find their own teachers, inform them about the training progress and results of the death training camp, and ask the teachers to give pointers on cultivation issues. When we have time, we will get together again."

After finishing speaking, he quickened his pace and headed towards the Pope's Palace halfway up the central mountain.

Yan maintained a grin on his face, and followed carelessly.

Hu Liena also took steps to keep up with her brother.

But her face was still hot and red, her thoughts had drifted to nowhere, her head was empty, only a handsome figure remained.

not long time.

Hu Liena, Xie Yue and Yan soon came to the Pope's Palace.

The three of them met Pope Bibi Dong together, and described their training progress and achievements in the death training camp in detail.

To the surprise of the three, in the Pope's Palace, they saw Ghost Douluo Ghost who was in charge of their training, but disappeared for more than two years inexplicably.

Xieyue and Yan didn't know that the ghost was sent by Pope Bibidong to **** Ye Qifeng around the mainland and act as a guardian.

But Hu Liena is very clear.

She has heard and seen this point from teacher Bibi Dong and Ye Qifeng's letter.

So when he saw the ghostly figure standing under the high platform of the Pope's throne in the meeting hall, his thoughts changed a little, and he guessed that Ye Qifeng might have returned to Wuhun City.

Hu Liena's heart was immediately filled with deep surprise.

Due to being too excited and happy, all she could think about was to meet Ye Qifeng as soon as possible, and she was a little distracted when she returned to her teacher Bibidong and received training guidance.

(end of this chapter)