Douluo: Protects Our Spirit Hall - Chapter 264

Chapter 264

continued to wander around the Karon Academy for half an hour.

Ye Qifeng found a quiet, quiet and beautiful place in the distant forest where the stream passed by, which is just right for Liu Erlong's seclusion.

Traveled almost every corner of Karon Academy, after knowing what to do.

Ye Qifeng led Qian Renxue to the foot of a remote wall. After a little sense, he noticed that no one was passing by or cruising outside.

In Qian Renxue's soft whisper, she grabbed her soft willow waist that could be held in one hand, and then stimulated her soul power, used the Meteor Phantom Movement Technique, and jumped over the ten-meter-high courtyard wall. Caron Academy.

Qian Renxue has the ability to fly.

Her own martial soul seraph, whose ability is to control the sky, comes with the innate soul skill angel wings. If you want to cross the ten-meter-high courtyard wall, don't take it too easily.

It was just that the martial spirit was inconvenient at this time, so Ye Qifeng had to carry her over the wall.

Although she was able to cross the courtyard wall by relying only on her physical strength and spirit power with the cultivation of the sixty-two soul emperor, how could Ye Qifeng do it for her easily?

This is Qian Renxue's little thought.

But the night Qifeng didn't care.

Anyway, carrying a person over the wall, for him, it doesn't feel bad, it's easy.

Qian Renxue himself has a body of 1.8 meters, but his weight is not high, but rather light.

Especially at this time, through the disguise of the Angel Spirit Bone skill, her stature has become much petite, and accordingly, her weight has also decreased.

Not for a while.

wrapped his arms around Qian Renxue's waist, Ye Qifeng landed lightly, and immediately released his hand, patted Qian Renxue's back lightly, signaling that she had reached the ground and could come down.

With both hands around Ye Qifeng's neck, Qian Renxue, who had put all his weight on him, had no choice but to let go of him reluctantly and get off him.

To tell the truth, He Ye Qifeng was close to his body, although he was very shy, he felt extremely comfortable.

Qian Renxue knew that this was the mysterious aura of Ye Qifeng, but she was willing to be influenced, and even wanted to experience more.

That feeling is really good.

Actually, Qian Renxue's resistance is extremely high, and the mysterious aura has little effect on her. The reason why she feels very comfortable is actually more because of her own brain supplementation.

does not need the influence of the mysterious atmosphere at all, some thoughts in her mind have surpassed the mysterious atmosphere itself.

What Qian Renxue was thinking at the moment, Ye Qifeng didn't pay attention.

He glanced around and found that this was a street, but it seemed to be a bit remote, with not many nearby buildings, some dilapidated, and few people.

The streets are paved with masonry, but due to the disrepair of the years, they are not very smooth and full of mud. The paved masonry is barely recognizable. It is the same blue brick as the streets in other urban areas.

In this street, the floor tiles have been missing in many places, and potholes have been formed in some places, and rainwater has accumulated in them.

The rest of the intact floor tiles are also laid loosely on the ground.

Ye Qifeng has no doubt that if he steps on it, he will definitely be able to make splashes.

"It's so dilapidated?"

Qian Renxue had already regained consciousness at this time, glanced around, frowned slightly, and sighed slightly.

This was the first time she saw the dilapidated scene of Heaven Dou City.

Ye Qifeng glanced at her with a slightly different expression.

But after thinking about it, he soon realized that Qian Renxue should have never seen such a scene.

After all, she has been protected too well since she was a child, and it is normal that she has not had the opportunity to see the living environment of the lower-level civilians.

The Wuhun City where she once lived, and the current Tiandou City, are both prosperous and prosperous places.

Not to mention Wuhun City, the entire city is prosperous everywhere, and no one is run down and poor.

Tian Dou City has serious class divisions. It exists in Xicheng, an urban area where civilians gather. Poverty, backwardness and chaos are all concentrated here.

But Qian Renxue is disguised as Prince Tiandou, and his activities are almost all in other urban areas.

Even if you come to Xicheng, it is limited to a well-ordered area. It is impossible to go deep into Xicheng to take risks, so there is no chance to get in touch with the living environment of the lower-level civilians.

This time, it would be nice to let her know.

As the young master of the Spirit Hall, the little princess of a thousand families, and the crown prince of the Heaven Dou Empire, he is always aloof and ignorant of the suffering of the people, which is not a good thing.

Thinking of this, Ye Qifeng smiled lightly, and said softly towards Qian Renxue:

"The living environment of civilians in Xicheng is no better than other areas. You must have heard of Xue Er."

Said, Ye Qifeng took out a simple map from the amethyst crystal ring, reached out and clicked on it, showing it to Qian Renxue.

Qian Renxue's eyes were slightly bright, and she immediately leaned forward, close to Ye Qifeng's side, and looked at the map together.

The warm and soft magnetic voice rang in the ear, bringing a burst of warmth and numbness, only to hear Ye Qifeng say:

"Where we are now is the west side of Caron College, which is right next to the area where the slum is located, that is, the slum."

"It's normal to be a bit rundown around, so don't be surprised."

"If you go a little further, you will really step into the slum area, and the dilapidation there is the real dilapidation, beyond your imagination."

"Dirty, rotten, stench, chaos, crime, disease, all the bad things you don't usually see in the slums"

Listening to Ye Qifeng's description of the slum area, Qian Renxue's scalp was numb, and she felt a little nauseated. She opened her eyes wide, her face full of disbelief, and she couldn't help thinking, can people live in such a place?

"Xueer, how are you? Do you want to go and see?"

At this time, Ye Qifeng turned his head, looked at Qian Renxue's slightly changed face, and asked her seriously.

Qian Renxue pursed her lips slightly when she heard the words, but did not answer immediately, her head lowered slightly, as if she was thinking.

Ye Qifeng saw this, but he didn't feel anything, smiled at her gently, and said softly:

"If you don't want to visit this kind of place, it doesn't matter, we'll go back and go to another city."

"No, I'm going."

At this time, Qian Renxue suddenly raised her head, her face returned to indifferent and calm, and her tone was slightly firm:

"I've seen a lot of bustling and lively places. I haven't seen such a messy and messy place yet, so I just happened to have a look."

"Xiaofeng, take me there."

Ye Qifeng was not surprised by Qian Renxue's choice. With her proud personality and firm character, she would definitely not back down.

"it is good."

So Ye Qifeng nodded and said a simple sentence, then changed his voice and emphasized:

"However, if you feel unwell, you must remember to tell me in time, you know?"

He still couldn't help but add a sentence, lest Qian Renxue see the harsh environment in the slum area, the three views will be affected too much, resulting in the collapse of the world view.

It is not good if you are stimulated too much, after all, it is too much.

"Okay, I know."

Qian Renxue nodded quickly, although she didn't know why Ye Qifeng emphasized the last sentence, as if she didn't believe she could bear it.

But she felt warm in her heart, because she felt his concern from Ye Qifeng's words.

It turns out.

Just as Ye Qifeng was worried, Qian Renxue overestimated her ability to bear. Although it would not break the three views and collapse the world view, it was greatly impacted.

for the next hour.

Under the leadership of Ye Qifeng, Qian Renxue finally realized what a slum is and what it means to live in dire straits.

The moment she first saw the slum, even though she was mentally prepared, she still felt extremely shocked, horrified, dumbfounded, and unbelievable.

All kinds of indescribable shocking emotions directly filled her heart.

made her almost unable to believe that such a place was actually in Tiandou City, in the imperial capital of a country, right at the feet of the emperor.

In the slums, there are many civilians, overcrowded, and the divisions are dense.

Live well, almost nothing.

The vast majority live in low and ragged tents; some live in dens that are not even better than tents; some don't even have dens at all, and sleep on the floor with a piece of rags on.

Except for people.

The most common ones in the slums are flies, cockroaches, mice, etc. These creatures live in dark, damp and dirty places.

almost coexists with people.

The slum roads are crowded, narrow and full of potholes.

Because of the rain in the previous two days, in each pothole, there was accumulated sewage that was either gray-black or thick yellow, giving off a strong stench.

The environment in the slum was so bad that it was unsightly, dirty, and smelly, and Qian Renxue almost spit it out.

Even the streets near the slums are full of rubbish, feces, dead mice, dead dogs and cats with maggots

Occasionally, I can see a few corpses wrapped in mats or rags, waiting for someone to clean up and transport them away.

This is still good, at least someone collects the corpse.

There are others, and they fall into a corner or in a stinky ditch.

I don't know if it was starvation, disease or death.

In short.

No one cares, no one collects the corpse.

just lay there quietly, waiting to rot, to grow maggots, or to be eaten clean by wild dogs, mice, etc.

This is it, the ghetto?

Seeing these scenes, Qianren Snowman was numb, and couldn't help but wonder, is this still the Heaven Dou City she knew?

It is so barren that people don't live like people.

Under countless pairs of curious, dull, or numb gazes.

Ye Qifeng took Qian Renxue through a slum again.

Fortunately, the two of them have the cultivation realm of Soul King and Soul Emperor respectively, and they are extremely skilled in the manipulation of soul power. They have been able to drive soul power to linger around their bodies, forming an airtight protective layer to isolate the filth and stench from the outside world.

You don't have to worry about getting any dirt or odor on your body.

The residents of the slums are mostly ignorant or even timid, and are naturally a little afraid of strangers who arrive suddenly.

Especially in the face of people like Ye Qifeng and Qian Renxue, who are neatly dressed and have a good temperament, and who faintly show the aura of a superior, even less dare to act rashly.

He didn't even dare to look at it a few more times. Ye Qifeng and Qian Renxue glanced at him, and they all retreated into the tent or nest.

There may be some smart people who will show defensiveness and hostility to the two, but they don't dare to attack.


In this hour.

Two people wandering in the chaotic slums, naturally it is not smooth sailing.

There are also some guys who are not stingy and have no eyes, either for money or for sex, and attack the two of them.

After all, this is the slum area of Xicheng. Chaos and disorder are the main theme. Fights, killings, and crimes are common.

But in the end, those who dared to attack the two of them, without exception, were naturally cleaned up by Ye Qifeng.

Some thugs who have done a lot of evil and careless about their lives, Ye Qifeng used a certain interrogation method in his memory to simply interrogate the real hammer, and then sent him back to the west.

After more than a year of travel, coupled with the influence of the memory of the previous life, when Ye Qifeng kills people, he will not be soft-hearted.

Qian Renxue was standing aside, watching Ye Qifeng make his move. She couldn't help but splendidly, her eyes glowing with stars, and she suddenly realized Ye Qifeng's cold side, which made her feel extremely surprised and fresh.

After getting out of the slum.

The two came to a nearby street.

I saw on the street, those bare, skinny, skinny children, but their belly bulged like a ball.

Qian Renxue couldn't help showing a hint of pity in his eyes.

From Ye Qifeng's mouth, she already knew that those children were due to lack of food and malnutrition, resulting in ascites, hepatosplenomegaly, and intestinal edema, etc., which made their stomachs swollen.

"Xiaofeng, why do they live so hard?"

Qian Renxue suddenly asked in a low voice.

"The ruler should not act."

Ye Qifeng pondered for a moment, and said lightly:

"Xue'er, you have been disguised as Prince Tiandou for several years. You should know the attitude of the Tiandou royal family towards Xicheng and commoners."

"After all, the Tiandou Imperial Family is a vested interest in the noble class."

"The royal family benefits from the big nobles, the big nobles harvest the small nobles, and the small nobles squeeze the commoners."

"This way of exploiting and squeezing, the Tiandou royal family and nobles have made a lot of money, while the commoners are in dire straits."

"The nobles used their power and used various means to steal and rob the commoners from the land they had depended on for generations."

"When the commoners are impoverished and it is difficult to survive, a gathering place like a slum will be born in due time."

"As the representative of the nobles, the Tiandou Imperial Family only attaches importance to the interests of the nobles. In their eyes, the commoners are just prey waiting to be harvested. As long as no one overthrows their rule, who will care about the life and death of the commoners."

"Especially the civilians in the slums who cannot generate value and have no interests to harvest, they will even ignore them."

"The Tiandou Royal Family vacated the West City and gave it to the commoners to live in, allowing the slums to form. It is nothing more than gathering these commoners who have nothing in one place, giving them a place to live, and giving them a little hope of living. To avoid chaos."

Ye Qifeng paused for a while, then changed his words, and then said:

"Of course, the commoners in the slums are living so badly, and the Tiandou royal family cannot be blamed entirely. There are also reasons for these commoners themselves."

"Why do you say that?"

Qian Renxue raised her eyes, looked at Ye Qifeng, and asked in doubt.

"Cher, remember one sentence."

Ye Qifeng said leisurely, "Poor people must have something to hate."

"If they don't do anything, don't want to make a living, don't seek to make progress, and just want to survive, who can save them."

"poor person must have something mean?"

Qian Renxue murmured in a low voice, becoming thoughtful.

"Okay, don't think too much about it for now. We can't help them now. If you have the will, when you become the emperor of the Heaven Dou Empire, you may try to change this situation."

"Well, I see."

"Let's go."