Douluo: Protects Our Spirit Hall - Chapter 263

Chapter 263

Chapter 261 Qian Renxue's Investment


Ye Qifeng was slightly startled when he heard the words, and then he pondered deeply. For a moment, he raised his eyes and looked at Qian Renxue, his eyes suddenly filled with tenderness.

Just when Qian Renxue was slightly flustered by his eyes, he suddenly thanked her sincerely:

"Thank you, Cher."

"A word of thanks is enough?"

Qian Renxue's forehead suddenly pulled a few black lines, her face was speechless, and she couldn't help but complain, what the heck? You've been brewing for so long, looking at me with an affectionate look, and then just saying thank you?

"Haha. Just kidding."

Ye Qifeng laughed, then quickly converged, and said seriously: "Xueer, how do you want me to thank you? Tell me?"

"Oh? How can I thank you?"

When Qian Renxue heard this, the black lines on her face disappeared immediately, and she smiled happily.

"Well, as long as I can do it, I can." Ye Qifeng nodded affirmatively.

Qian Renxue frowned for a while, and for a moment, she said with a smile:

"Well, just promise me a request."

"Okay." Ye Qifeng didn't think much about it, and nodded in agreement immediately, then asked, "What is the requirement?"

"I haven't thought about it yet, I'll talk about it when I think about it."

Qian Renxue's mouth curled into a smile, and her eyes were a little subtle, as if it contained a bit of success.

At this time, Ye Qifeng suddenly said:

"By the way, Cher, last time I played against you in the secret room, didn't I win a bet, can I make a request to you?"

"Yes." Qian Renxue was stunned for a moment, then asked dumbly, "Are you going to use it now?"

glanced at the empty, quiet and secluded academy environment, her heart trembled slightly, and she couldn't help thinking, what if Xiaofeng made an inappropriate request at this time? I'm not ready yet.

Qian Renxue was thinking a bit too much at the moment, and seemed to be thinking a bit crookedly.

But Ye Qifeng didn't think so carefully, and didn't make any untimely requests as Qian Renxue thought.

only heard him propose:

"I don't want to use it, I just want to say, since we both owe each other a request, why don't we just offset it?"


Qian Renxue categorically refused.

I finally got a promise from your mouth, how can I return it to you so easily, there is no door.

"Why not? Can't we cancel each other out? That way we don't owe each other."

Ye Qifeng doesn't understand.

"You care so much, if you can't do it, you can't do it."

Qian Renxue turned her head arrogantly to the side, and hummed in her heart:

"Smelly Xiaofeng, I just want you to owe me something, so that you can always remember me. You actually want to offset it with me?"

"Huh, I wouldn't agree, don't even think about it!"

"OK then."

Ye Qifeng sighed in his heart.

At this moment, he didn't know what Qian Renxue was thinking, and he didn't know how she felt about him.

Ye Qifeng didn't take the bet he won in the battle a few days ago. After all, he couldn't ask Qian Renxue anything.

And for Qian Renxue, it doesn't really matter if she asks or not, as long as she opens her mouth, no matter what it is, he will try his best to satisfy her.

Therefore, there is no need to put forward any requirements to restrain each other, it is better to cancel it out, lest Qian Renxue worry about it.

The idea of Night Seven Winds is simple.

But since Qian Renxue doesn't agree, that's fine.

"Okay, don't you want to take a look at how this Caron Academy is? Jindu has come in, don't stop here, go and have a good look."

At this moment, Qian Renxue changed the subject and said in an ethereal voice.


"Then let's go."

The place where the two of them landed, near the courtyard wall, was a green grass.

There are prosperous flower beds in the surrounding branches, and a quiet slate path runs through it, and is connected to the avenue that leads directly to the courtyard from the gate not far away.

There are lush and tall trees on both sides of the avenue.

It was a unique Champagne tree in the north of the Tiandou Empire, with a refreshing fragrance in the breeze.

not far away.

A meandering creek runs through the college.

Clear streams lingered in the low-lying areas of the college, forming a lake with a large area.

From the gurgling water flowing in the creek and the continuous ripples on the lake, it can be seen that this is living water.

Natural and pollution-free.

The creeks and lakes seem to be natural formations, not artificially constructed, nor too much human intervention.

The only place where interfered was perhaps the covered bridge pavilion standing above the creek.

However, natural creeks and lakes, as well as man-made covered bridges and pavilions, set off against each other, forming a unique landscape.

The area of Karon College is very large.

At a glance, there is no end in sight.

There are mountains, water, lakes, and a quiet and lush forest in the distance.

Of course, in addition to this, there are the most important building facilities.

The buildings of the college are dominated by spires, with almost the same height, about seven or eight stories high, all built around the lake, showing a trend of semi-encircling.

These buildings include student dormitories, teaching buildings, teachers' residences, office buildings, artificially constructed artificial training grounds, etc.

The buildings of the college are built in an orderly manner and are divided into several areas, such as accommodation areas, teaching areas, training areas and so on.

However, these buildings are not open at this time, they have been blocked and sealed.

Ye Qifeng and Qian Renxue did not tear off the seal, but forced their way in to check.

The two walked through the academy, walking all the way, looking all the way, marveling and feeling very satisfied.

"I didn't expect this academy to be unexpectedly good."

Ye Qifeng sighed, "All the facilities are new and well-preserved. There are not many places that need to be renovated, and they can be used almost immediately."

"Really good."

Qian Renxue also nodded, smiled and praised, "Not only is the supporting facilities complete, but the environment is also so beautiful, I couldn't help but want to invest and buy it."

"Isn't it in your hands now?"

Ye Qifeng asked in surprise.

"That's different."

Qian Renxue shook his head and said, "Although this academy is currently in my hands, it is still the property of the Tiandou Imperial Family, not my private property."

"But forget it. Sister Erlong needs it even more. Besides, these external things are of no use to me."

Ye Qifeng listened to Qian Renxue's words, but he pondered for a while, as if he had thought of something, smiled slightly, and suddenly proposed:

"Why don't you, Xue Er, also invest in Sister Erlong's academy?"

"Invest in Erlong sister's college?"

Qian Renxue was stunned for a moment. She just said it casually, not really wanting to invest, but Ye Qifeng actually listened to it.


Ye Qifeng nodded, "You also know that Sister Erlong's identity is only a civilian soul master, and she is nameless and powerless on the bright side."

"If she wants to establish an academy in Heaven Dou City and gain a firm foothold, she must rely on a powerful force."

"Otherwise, I'm afraid it will be difficult to gain a foothold."

"Do you want me to be the backer behind Sister Erlong?"

Qian Renxue blinked, and she immediately understood Ye Qifeng's intention.

"Xue Er, you are really smart, you can see through it."

Ye Qifeng nodded, first praised Qian Renxue, and then said to her:

"Your identity in Heaven Dou City is the Prince of Heaven Dou. If you were behind the support of the Academy, no one would dare to bully Sister Erlong."


Qian Renxue's eyes were slightly bright, and she was a little moved, but she asked worriedly, "Will Sister Erlong agree?"

"Don't worry, I'll discuss it with Sister Erlong later, she will agree."

Night Seven Winds replied.

"Okay, if Sister Erlong agrees, then I'm fine."

Qian Renxue said softly, then turned around and asked again:

"Then in what capacity should I invest? Prince Tiandou still."

"In your name."

Ye Qifeng said, "If it's the Prince of Heaven Dou, Sister Erlong will have some scruples, and I'm afraid she won't accept it. She doesn't like to have too many relationships with nobles or the Heaven Dou royal family."

"However, if it were you, I think she would be happy to accept it, and would be very happy."

said, Ye Qifeng paused, pondered a little, and then said:

"When the time comes, if Sister Erlong asks, Xue Er, you can say that you and the Prince of Heaven Dou Xue Qinghe are distant relatives, such as distant cousins."

"In this way, Prince Tiandou can be justifiably become the background of the academy, and Sister Erlong will not have any grudges or suspicions because of this."

"After all, this personal connection comes from you indirectly."

"That's a good idea."

Qian Renxue's eyes lit up, she clapped her hands in agreement, and then asked:

"How much money should I invest?"

"How many gold soul coins do you have?"

"Not much, what I can call is just over ten million."

"Isn't that much?"

Ye Qifeng's tone was stagnant, but it was understandable when he thought about it. After all, he was the prince of the empire, and it would be a little strange if he didn't have a large amount of gold soul coins in his hand.

"You don't need that much, you just need to invest one or two million. Too much is not good, and it's easy to be suspicious."

"Then it's settled."

The matter was finalized, and the two continued to hang out in the Caron Academy.

"Xue'er, in Heaven Dou City, besides this Karon Academy, are there any other spirit master academies?"

Ye Qifeng asked suddenly.

"If you mean the Advanced Spirit Master Academy, no more."

Qian Renxue answered immediately.

"there is none left?"

Ye Qifeng turned his head, looked at her, and asked in surprise.


Qian Renxue nodded and then explained softly:

"Speaking of which, this Caron Academy is the only high-level soul master academy in the entire Sky Dou City."

"In Tian Dou City, the rest of the Soul Master Academy are low-level and intermediate-level soul master academies, while the high-level soul master academies are all located outside Tian Dou City."

"Even the Tiandou Imperial Academy, which is directly under the Tiandou Imperial Family, is the same."

"There are three basic reasons why those high-level soul master academies don't put the academies in Tian Dou City."

"The first reason is to avoid the luxury of Sky Dou City from affecting the students' cultivation."

"The second reason is because the land in Tian Dou City is expensive, and every inch of land is expensive. Even in the poorest and backward Xicheng, the price is not low, but the land outside the city is much cheaper."

"The third reason, and the most important one."

"It's because there isn't enough space in Heaven Dou City to build a large-scale advanced spirit master academy."

"The most important mimetic cultivation site of the Advanced Spirit Master Academy, as well as various complete facilities, all require a large area for guarantee."

"And the area of Caron Academy can be said to be the only one in the entire Heaven Dou City, which is barely suitable for building a large-scale high-level Spirit Master Academy. one-third the size."

"I see."

After listening to Qian Renxue's explanation, Ye Qifeng suddenly understood, "So, we can get this academy because we took advantage of it?"

"It's not a bargain."

Qian Renxue shook her head in denial, and then explained:

"Because it is located in the West City, this land is not favored by the nobles. It has been neglected for a long time, and it is only used as a natural scenic spot."

"Until the great noble Caron bought it and built this academy."

"Later, Caron fell in the political struggle, and this academy fell into the hands of the Tiandou royal family. It has been a long time now, but it has not been transferred."

"Because of this land, this academy, for the nobles, it is useless."

"The big nobles don't like it, the small nobles can't afford it, and the middle-level nobles can afford it, but they are reluctant."

"In this way, no one wants to take over."

In the end, Qian Renxue said with a smile in her phoenix eyes:

"That's why the Tiandou Royal Family reduced the price and cut the original price of more than 10 million gold soul coins to 8 million gold soul coins. Otherwise, it might rot in their hands."

"Even so, no one in this college is willing to take over."

"I was also listening to you that you needed such a place. I sent someone to inquire about the existence of this academy, and just transferred it to you and Sister Erlong."

"Otherwise, I don't know what year and month it will take before it can be transferred out."

Ye Qifeng smiled happily after listening to it and said:

"Anyway, we still took a big advantage. After all, it's worth the money."

"Perhaps for those nobles, this academy is really like a chicken rib."

"The academy they set up will definitely only recruit noble students, and the academy is located in the West City, where all the commoners gather. Noble children don't want to be in the company of commoners, so naturally they don't like it here."

"The academy we set up is different. It only recruits civilian students. It is located in Xicheng, where civilians gather. It is the best choice."


Ye Qifeng paused, then smiled:

"The most important thing is the meaning of this college."

"Especially for sister Erlong, it is of great significance. This is her lifelong wish."

"Xiaofeng, you are so kind to Sister Erlong!"

At this time, Qian Renxue suddenly said something inexplicable.

"Cough, okay, I just want to help her fulfill her wish."

Ye Qifeng coughed twice and quickly explained.

For some reason, he felt a sour taste from Qian Renxue's words.

(end of this chapter)