Douluo: Protects Our Spirit Hall - Chapter 203

Chapter 203

Chapter 201 Request for Martial Soul Fusion Skill


Ye Qifeng took a breath, smiled dumbly, and couldn't help but say, Huo Wu, where did you get so much confidence?

If you see the charm of my teacher Bibi Dong in the future, I'm afraid you won't feel ashamed.

As far as appearance and temperament are concerned, my teacher, Bibi Dong, can be called the number one person in Douluo Continent, how could you possibly compare.

Even if I don't mention my teacher Bibi Dong for the time being, Xiao Xue'er alone can force her over.

Xiao Nana will not lose to you either.

The same fire attribute as you, my ninth sister Nihuang, to tell you the truth, the current you is really incomparable.

If you have the opportunity to meet a few of them, then you must not be hit. If you can still maintain this confidence, I will obey you.

However, I hope you can hold on to your self-confidence. After all, confident girls are still very endearing.

Ye Qifeng shook his head and stopped thinking about it.

He didn't answer Huo Wu's question directly. What he said to Huo Wu just now was not a lie to Huo Wu. It could be said to be an excuse for refusal, or it could be said to be no, because that was exactly what he thought in his heart, and it was his truest idea.

Ye Qifeng sighed leisurely, looked at Huo Wu, and said to her seriously:

"Huo Wu, you should know, I can't stay in Blazing Academy forever, I still have a lot of things to do, do you understand?"

"Understand what?"

Huo Wu's red lips half parted, she asked in a daze.

Night Seven Winds explained:

"I mean, next, I'll be leaving Blazing Academy soon, so."

Ye Qifeng's words were interrupted by Huo Wu's hurried voice.

"What? Are you leaving?"

I saw Huo Wu's complexion suddenly changed, and in a hurry, she opened her mouth.

She panicked.

Although I had a premonition that Ye Qifeng would leave, I didn't expect that this moment would come so quickly.

She didn't want Ye Qifeng to leave, but.

What reason does she have to prevent Ye Qifeng from leaving?

Although Ye Qifeng didn't say anything against her, her confession was obviously rejected by Ye Qifeng.

Thinking of this, Huo Wu's mood suddenly felt a little bad.

Looking at Huo Wu's pale cheeks and her lost expression, Ye Qifeng couldn't bear it, and after thinking for two seconds, he said softly:

"It is estimated that it will be a few more days. In the next period, I am afraid that you will still have to disturb your Blazing Academy."

"It's okay, don't bother, you can stay as long as you want."

Huo Wu instantly raised her little face, and her sweet and melodious voice came out quickly from her little mouth.

At the same time, she breathed a sigh of relief and added two sentences in her heart:

"As long as you don't leave right away. If you can live forever, that's even better."


Ye Qifeng smiled at Huo Wu and thanked him, and continued:

"To be honest, during this period of time, the reason why I stayed in Blazing Academy is that my soul power is about to break through, and the environment of Blazing Academy is just a little helpful to my cultivation. My breakthrough has helped. Therefore, I still need to use the place of your Blazing Academy to cultivate."

It has been more than a year since he left Wuhun City and came out to practice.

In the past year or so, Ye Qifeng has often eaten and slept in the open air, spending a lot of time on the road, inevitably delaying a lot of cultivation time, and the growth of his soul power has also slowed down, otherwise his soul power would not have increased by a mere four percent until now. class.

Now, he is about to break through to the fifty level of soul power.

It is possible to take advantage of this period of time in Blazing Academy to break through to the fifty level of spirit power, and then embark on a journey of travel.

If it weren't for this, Ye Qifeng wouldn't be willing to stay in Blazing Academy for more than a month.

very beginning.

The purpose of Ye Qifeng is actually just to get to know the Blazing Academy, step on the spot in advance, and see if we can start from the Huo Wuhuo Wushuang brothers and sisters to draw the Wuhun Temple to the Blazing Academy, and even the people behind it. It's just the Huo family in Blazing City.

As for the ring fusion technique, it's just incidental.

The secret method of fusion ring is actually not that important to Ye Qifeng. It doesn't matter if he wants it or not.

Of course, Spirit Hall is still needed.

Ye Qifeng is not for nothing. For this reason, he pointed out the fire dance fighting skills, taught her the knowledge of melee combat, and the body method of the meteor butterfly step.

Next, he will also give Huo Wu the ring fusion secret method that has been improved by the two-meter space.

Well, there is also that fire-type immortal herb. This one will be discussed later, so I won't mention it for now.


After arriving at Blazing Academy.

Ye Qifeng found out that compared to other places, the speed of his soul power growth was much faster than usual.

The reason for this, Ye Qifeng pondered for a moment, and soon understood.

Because of the Blazing Academy, it has an extremely strong fire attribute.

And the second martial soul on his body, the light and shadow martial soul, is formed by the rules of aurora, and has the ultimate light attribute.

Fire and light, although they have different forms of expression and different conditions, but through the change of energy, they can still be converted between each other, but this conversion is divided into primary and secondary and strong and weak.

In other words, the fire attribute can produce light and heat, and the light attribute can also produce fire and heat.

The fire attribute and the light and shadow martial spirit of Ye Qifeng are actually compatible to a certain extent.

Therefore, an environment with extremely strong fire attributes such as Blazing Academy, for Ye Qifeng, is a mimetic cultivation place that is relatively suitable for martial arts. Cultivating in this environment, the growth rate of soul power will naturally accelerate.


It is worth mentioning that.

All things in the world belong to yin and yang.

The fire attribute is precisely one of the representative attributes of the power of yang.

The power of Yang in the Blazing Academy is extremely strong, and the speed of cultivation can be greatly accelerated by running the Heavenly Art of Two Instruments here.

In addition, Liangyi Tiangong itself has its own balance of yin and yang, and Ye Qifeng does not need to worry about the problem of uneven yin and yang caused by excessive absorption of yang power.

Cultivating the Heavenly Technique of the Two Instruments, while increasing the cultivation base, the space of the two instruments in the spiritual sea will also expand and strengthen.

Every time the space of the two instruments expands by one point, the memory of the previous life will return one more point, and the strength of Ye Qifeng will also increase by one more point.

In the Blazing Academy, he continued to practice for more than a month, and his soul power was only a few days away from breaking through to level 50.

At that time, if you get another soul ring, you can officially step into the realm of the soul king.

It was just unexpected that Ye Qifeng stayed in Blazing Academy for just over a month. After getting along with Huo Wu day and night, Huo Wu had a good impression of him and fell in love with him.

This is something Ye Qifeng never expected.

Ye Qifeng said about breakthrough soul power level, Huo Wu preconceived that she was talking about soul power breakthrough, referring to the breakthrough from thirty-one to thirty-two.

So I didn't care too much.

What Huo Wu cared more about at this time was that after Ye Qifeng broke through the spirit power level, he was about to leave the Blazing Academy.

What will she do then?

She will never see Ye Qifeng again?

Could it be that love is like this, and it ends before it begins?

Thinking of this, Huo Wu suddenly felt heartache and couldn't breathe, and her face darkened instantly.

Ye Qifeng looked at Huo Wu with a gloomy face, and probably knew what she was thinking. After thinking about it, she felt that it would be better to boost her mood, so she smiled warmly:

"Huo Wu, don't worry, we will meet again."


Huo Wu suddenly raised her face and looked at Ye Qifeng.

"Well, definitely will."

Ye Qifeng nodded solemnly, "Before leaving Blazing Academy, I'll give you a gift."

"what gift?"

Huo Wu finally had a glimmer of light in her eyes.

"I'll tell you later."

Ye Qifeng said with a mysterious smile.

"Oh, well, it's mysterious~~"

Huo Wu pouted, seemingly lost, but in fact she couldn't hide some happiness in her heart.

The smile on 's face, and the squinting eyes are all betraying her. At this time, no matter how you look at it, she looks like she is coquettish.

"Ye Qifeng, can I ask you one thing?"

After a while, Huo Wu suddenly said.

She temporarily suppressed the feelings in her heart, remembering the explanations from her father and brother, as well as her original purpose - the fusion of martial arts.

After all, the time Ye Qifeng stayed in Blazing Academy

Running out.

In this limited time, she needs to confirm whether her Naruto Martial Spirit and Ye Qifeng's Shadow Martial Spirit can combine to form a Martial Spirit fusion skill.

"Okay, you said, if there is anything I need to do, you can say it."

"That's right. Can you tell me about your martial spirit?"

"My spirit? You mean shadow spirit?"

Ye Qifeng asked in surprise.


Huo Wu nodded lightly, "I'm very curious about your shadow spirit."

"When I was discussing with you before, I found that your spirit possession seems to be a little different."

"Aren't normal martial spirit possessions shrouded in the body surface? Just like my Hokage Martial Spirit. But your shadow Martial Spirit directly enters the body, and then disappears without a trace."

"Obviously our martial spirits are all humanoid spirits, why is the form of expression different? Why is this?"

Ye Qifeng heard the explanation and said:

"I can explain this. My Shadow Martial Spirit is a bit special. Although it is the same as your Naruto Martial Spirit, it is still different."

"Shadow is a martial soul transformed by the darkest rules, and your Hokage is constructed from fire-attribute elements, and its essence is different. Well, you may not understand it well, so you can treat it as a peculiar It's good to have dark attribute elements constructed.

"The darkest rule? What is this? A peculiar dark attribute element?"

Huo Wu's brain was a little confused, she didn't understand it very well, but she understood the last sentence.

Well, the dark attribute elements are constructed, just a little peculiar.

"Do you want to ask me about this?"

Ye Qifeng's gentle voice sounded.


Huo Wu hurriedly shook his head and said, "I want to ask you, can you study the martial arts fusion technique with me."

"Martial spirit fusion skills?"

Night Qifeng was surprised.


Huo Wu hummed softly, and then said:

"Every time I approach within 100 meters of you, my Naruto Martial Soul will start to throb, accompanied by strong excitement, worship, and surrender."

"And the closer you are, the more intense the throbbing of the martial soul, and the clearer the emotions of the martial soul."

"You mean, your Naruto Martial Spirit has always had a strong throbbing reaction to my Martial Spirit?"

Ye Qifeng was stunned.

He knows a lot about martial arts fusion skills, and of course he knows what it means.


Huo Wu nodded lightly again, "My father and brother both told me that the throbbing reaction of the martial spirit is the characteristic of the martial spirit, it is the sign of the birth of the martial arts fusion technique, and it is the foundation of the martial arts fusion technique. "

"When my brother invited you to the Blazing Academy, the idea was to draw you to join the Blazing Academy, and then study and combine with me to create a martial arts fusion skill. I also thought so at the time."

Speaking of this, Huo Wu couldn't help blushing a little, and said in her heart, "Oh, it's so embarrassing. It was really impure at the beginning, but fortunately, I have spoken out now, otherwise I would always feel like I was deceiving him."

Huo Wu took a peek at Ye Qifeng and found that he didn't seem to care much, so he felt relieved and continued:

"It's just that my father said later that a young genius like you should be a genius or a successor trained by a major force. He just went to the mainland to experience it temporarily. He thought that our Blazing Academy couldn't recruit you at all."

"Is that so? Which force are you really a genius?"

After saying that, Huo Wu widened her eyes and looked at Ye Qifeng curiously, looking forward to his answer.

"What I can tell you is that I do belong to a certain force, but which force it is, I can't tell you yet, I'll talk about it later when I have a chance."

Ye Qifeng responded.

"That's fine. You don't want to say it, I just don't ask."

Didn't get the exact answer she wanted to know, Huo Wu was a little disappointed, but she also followed Ye Qifeng's wishes, she didn't ask to the end.

then turns the conversation back to:

"At that time, my father came up with an idea and said, let me take the opportunity of teaching you the secret method of ring fusion and keep you temporarily."

"So I deliberately split the ring fusion secret method into many small sections, and slowly taught it to you, in fact, it was also to prolong your time in Blazing Academy, and then take advantage of this period to study with you and combine martial arts fusion skills. ."

Facing Ye Qifeng whom he liked in his heart, Huo Wu somehow became very honest and didn't want to hide Ye Qifeng at all.

Not only did she sell her father Huo Hong and brother Huo Wushuang, she even sold herself. She kept him in Blazing Academy for her behavior and purpose of teaching Ye Qifeng the secret method of ring fusion in sections. The purpose has been stated.

Ye Qifeng only knew at this time that there was such a reason behind him being invited to the Blazing Academy.

At the beginning, he simply thought that it was because he had offended Huo Wu and was held revenge by Huo Wu.

But what Huo Wu did later did not seem like a vengeance, so Ye Qifeng was a little unclear, so he was puzzled.

After discovering that Blazing Academy was helpful for cultivation, gradually, he didn't care much about it.

It turns out that the three brothers and sisters behind Huo Wu, Huo Wushuang, and Huo Hong have such considerations.

But he was kept in the dark.

Then again.

The ghost is in the dark, and he must be clear about the purpose of the three brothers and sisters.

But the ghost didn't even tell him. I guess he also has the idea to see if Huo Wu and his own martial arts can combine a martial arts fusion skill?

Ye Qifeng has no intention of blaming ghosts.

Compare the heart to the heart.

If he was a ghost, he would do the same.

After all, a martial arts fusion skill is too valuable to the martial arts hall.

One more martial arts fusion skill, not only can greatly enhance the combat power of the martial arts hall, but also a deterrent to other spirit master forces on the mainland that are hostile to the martial arts hall.

However, for Ye Qifeng, the fusion of martial arts has little effect. He has memories of the previous life in his mind, powerful exercises, skills, etc. to enhance his strength, and he lacks everything.

But the spirit fusion skills are different for Huo Wu.

is also very important to Blazing Academy, Blazing City, and even the Huo Clan.


(end of this chapter)