Douluo: Protects Our Spirit Hall - Chapter 202

Chapter 202

Chapter 200 Fire Dance's Kiss and Confession

In the past, Huo Wu's melee combat was usually straight-forward. Although it wasn't completely unstructured, it actually had a big flaw.

The first is the lack of use of the body, and the second is the lack of control of the power. In addition, her current three soul skills are long-range attack and defensive control soul skills. Usually, few people can approach her. , and some neglected the cultivation of melee capabilities.

The total and total factors combined, resulting in Huo Wu's melee ability, which is actually weak.

However, after Ye Qifeng pointed out combat skills, taught melee combat knowledge, and the body method of meteor butterfly steps.

These are no longer a problem.

Speaking of Huo Wu, she really deserves to be the arrogant girl who can comprehend the secret method of ring fusion. She has excellent comprehension, and she can quickly grasp and master the skills, knowledge, body techniques, etc. taught by Ye Qifeng.

The fire dance at this time is no longer the same.

An ordinary low-level Soul Venerable is no longer likely to be Huo Wu's opponent.

Of course, Feng Xiaotian is still an exception.

In a few days, Ye Qifeng will use the two instrument space to improve and perfect the new ring fusion secret method, and then teach it to Huo Wu. At that time, as long as Huo Wu masters the new ring fusion secret method and defeats Feng Xiaotian, he can still do it. arrived.

It's just that it's not enough to defeat Feng Xiaotian. For Huo Wu's strengthening, he needs to increase his strength.

Otherwise, Huo Wu would still be defeated by that **** Tang San in the future.

Unfortunately, Huo Wu is only a Soul Master in Douluo Continent after all. He cannot master many methods and techniques quickly because he has the memory of the previous life like Ye Qifeng.

If you want to quickly enhance Huo Wu's strength, you still have to start with your physique, talent, and martial spirit.


In the eyes of Ice and Fire, there is a fire-type immortal medicinal herb.

On the contrary, it is very suitable for Huo Wu's Naruto martial arts, and it can be said that it is almost tailor-made.


Fire dance, as usual, came to the hot spring lake to look for the night seven winds.

Not for a while.

In the distance, on that familiar flat boulder, she saw that familiar figure, the figure she had been thinking about all the time recently.

Huo Wu was instantly delighted and couldn't help but put a smile on his face.

Immediately after that, she stimulated her soul power and performed the not-so-sophisticated Meteor Butterfly Step, swaying like a dancing burgundy butterfly, flying over the flat boulder.

As always, he skillfully slanted his legs and sat in front of Ye Qifeng, his jade hands propped up his cheeks, staring at Ye Qifeng's face and looking at it.

Gradually, I became addicted to it.

At the same time, Huo Wu's mind also replayed involuntarily. Over the past month or so, the two have met, met, and have known each other scene after scene.

Huo Wu picked up her soft and round buttocks and couldn't help but move forward. Suddenly, Ye Qifeng's face was a little closer and clearer.

Looking at Ye Qifeng's beautiful and beautiful face, the delicate lips with a slight smile and a touch of moist luster, Huo Wu suddenly felt that it was incomparably attractive.

Huo Wu finally couldn't stand it anymore.

She pursed her red lips.

leaned up

five minutes later.

On the flat boulder, Ye Qifeng and Huo Wu sat opposite each other.

Ye Qifeng pinched his brows with his hands, as if he was contemplating, as if he was having a headache over something.

Huo Wu covered her red cheeks and looked at the opposite side with embarrassment, as if she was ashamed, ashamed, and ashamed of what she had just done.

In short, the mood is extremely complicated and indescribable.

Another five minutes passed.

Ye Qifeng finally put down his hand and stopped pinching his eyebrows.

Huo Wu also let go of the hand covering her cheek, but her eyes were a little dodgy, her face was still rosy, and her delicate earlobes were even brighter and redder.

was silent for a long time.

The two finally tried to speak.

Night Seven Winds, Fire Dance: "You"

Night Seven Winds, Fire Dance: "I"

Ye Qifeng and Huo Wu: "You speak first."

Then there was another silence.

Ye Qifeng couldn't help sighing at this moment.

He has already activated the third soul skill, the passive skill of the dark film world--camouflage, and the mysterious aura on his body has also been blocked, and it is always suppressed within the body, so that outsiders cannot perceive it at all, and naturally he will not be affected by it. attracted to him.

Unless there is direct physical contact with him, but as long as the contact time is not long, the impact will not be too great.

Why this fire dance. Or was he attracted to him?

should not be.

It stands to reason that there are not many opportunities for direct physical contact between yourself and Huo Wu.

Except when we first met, I accidentally hugged her once.

And the time when she was so weak after casting the ring fusion technique, she hugged her and sent her back to her own room. The whole process did not take more than two minutes in total, which should be fine.

The rest is to learn from each other, to point out fighting skills, and to teach the Meteor Butterfly Step. There is physical contact between hands and feet, but it is almost always a momentary thing, and the impact is not too big.

What is wrong with this?

Is it because you are too attractive?

Well, it is indeed possible.

After all, he has a handsome skin that can be seen on the watch, and it is indeed very lethal to a little girl who is not deep in the world and has a budding heart.

Looking at the opposite side, she was charming and ruddy, with a shy look on her face, which was different from the usual Huo Wu, and then thought of what Huo Wu had done to him just now.

If Ye Qifeng still doesn't understand what it means, he can just return to his mother's womb and rebuild it.

Alas, my **** charm!

Sin! ~~~

After thinking about it for a long time, Ye Qifeng slowly exhaled a long snort, looked straight at Huo Wu's bright and delicate face, and shouted:

"Fire Dance."


Huo Wu hummed softly, her face was slightly low, and she didn't dare to look up.

"you like me?"

Ye Qifeng said softly.

Huo Wu was stunned after hearing this, and in the next second, her face suddenly became even more rosy, her heart suddenly panicked, and at the same time there was a little inexplicable little coursing, coursing that he understood his mind.


Huo Wu tapped lightly, and replied with a sound like a fine mosquito, that shy appearance was very different from the usual straightforwardness.

" want to be with me? Like a couple?"

Ye Qifeng asked seriously.


Huo Wu nodded slightly embarrassedly.

Although he already knew the answer in his heart, Ye Qifeng still felt a little troublesome when he got a positive answer from Huo Wu's mouth.

He had never encountered such a scene before, and he didn't know how to deal with it.

He was suddenly embarrassed and froze.

Blue Star's life, until the moment of his death, he was a proud and honorable single noble.

In the last life, it seems to be the same, even more miserable than the Blue Star period, because he struggles back and forth between life and death every day for survival, and there is no time to talk about love.

At least in the memory of his current return, in his last life, there was indeed not even a confidante by his side.

All in all, one word, miserable, two words, really miserable, three words, really miserable, four words, terrible

So in this life, is God opening his eyes?

To compensate yourself?

So you have given yourself a mysterious aura that attracts the attention of women and made yourself prosperous?

Seeing that Ye Qifeng was stunned, Huo Wu shyly twisted for a while, but suddenly became firm again.

Who is she?

She has a straightforward nature, dares to love and hate, and moves forward bravely.

At this time, what she should do is to do whatever she wants.

The idea in her heart was certain, Huo Wu raised her pretty face instantly, her beautiful eyes looked at Ye Qifeng, her eyes were shining, and she decided to follow her own mind.

So, Huo Wu went out and confessed directly:

"Yes, Ye Qifeng, I like you, I want to be with you, that's what you said, being a couple."

After a pause, Huo Wu added:

"Anyway, you already know my intentions, how about you?"

Ye Qifeng recovered from his stupor.

was suddenly confessed that it must be false to say that he is not happy.

Regardless of men or women, at the moment of being confessed, as long as it is not malicious, I must feel very good in my heart.

The night seven winds at this time are like this.

Huo Wu's confession made him feel relieved for a while, and he felt very good all of a sudden.

after all

This is the first time in Ye Qifeng III's memory that a girl confessed to him, and now he is finally someone who confesses to a girl, and it's not easy to be such a high-quality girl like Huo Wu.

Ye Qifeng almost couldn't hold back the tears.

But why is there always a vague sense of crime in my heart?

always feels like something is not right.


Although his soul is already an adult, his current body, his real age, is actually only eleven years old.

Ye Qifeng just remembered.

11 years old, he is still a child, um, a child who is nearly 1.7 meters tall.

Huo Wu too, but only twelve years old, still the age of a little girl, although she looks like

is too mature.

But as Huaguduo'er who grew up under the blue star and red flag, no matter what, it is difficult to cross the red line in my heart.

Even though this is Douluo Continent, a floor tile in the fantasy world, and a world completely different from Blue Star, but the mind is influenced by the memories of the Blue Star period, Ye Qifeng still inevitably feels a little awkward.

Ye Qifeng thought about it and thought it would be better to refuse politely, so Wen Yan said to Huo Wu:

"But, Huo Wu, we are still young. Look, you are twelve years old now, and I am only eleven. Don't you think this is a little too early?"

Ye Qifeng's tone was as gentle as possible, trying not to cause any harm to the lovely person in front of him.

However, Huo Wu did not seem to understand the meaning of his words, but said as a matter of course:

"What's the matter, my father and mother were already together when they were twelve years old."

"You should know what's going on in Douluo Continent. Soul masters are different from ordinary people. Because of the cultivation of soul power, soul masters' physical growth and intellectual growth are far ahead of ordinary people. Soul masters who marry and have children at the age of fourteen have children. , a lot of people are there."

"Although you are one year younger than me, it doesn't matter, I can wait for you to grow up."

After finished speaking, Huo Wu looked at Ye Qifeng with a look of anticipation. The tenderness in those big eyes suddenly made Ye Qifeng's breathing stagnate.

He couldn't stand the girl's two expressions the most.

One is the weakness when Hyun Ran was about to cry. When he said he would leave Wuhun City, the expression on Teacher Bibi Dong's face was like this, which almost didn't break his heart.

One is the tenderness on his face, and the appearance of Huo Wu at this time makes Ye Qifeng a little unbearable.

"Cough cough."

Ye Qifeng hurriedly coughed twice, thinking Huowu girl, although what you said is very reasonable, but have you misunderstood what I mean? I don't mean that I am younger than you, and I want you to wait for me.

He explained:

"Huo Wu, what I mean is that we are both still young, we are not yet adults, so it is not suitable for dating."

"It's not too late to talk about things like love until the age of sixteen, what do you think?"

Huo Wu was stunned for a moment, and tilted her head. She didn't quite understand the matter of falling in love.

"It's not a conflict. We're all together anyway. Sooner or later, it's not the same. If you think we're too young now, it doesn't matter, we can grow up together."

Huo Wu said softly.

Ye Qifeng was really helpless, so he had to say:

"Let's wait until you are sixteen years old and talk about it when you are an adult. Maybe by then, Huo Wu, you don't like me anymore?"

"Impossible. The person I identified as Huo Wu is you, so it must be you. It can never be anyone else, and I'm not someone who always gives up."

Huo Wu shook his head firmly.

Suddenly, the movement of shaking her head stopped, she seemed to realize something, and her face changed slightly:

"Could it be that he was rejecting me just now?"

The outspoken Huo Wu immediately asked:

"Do you. Don't like me?"

"Well, it's not that I don't like it, just"

Huo Wu's eyes lit up, as long as she didn't like it, she immediately asked:

"Just what?"

"That. Actually, I already have someone I like."

Ye Qifeng gritted his teeth and said, there is no other way but to make a ruthless move.

"Hey, I'm sorry, Huo Wu, I didn't mean to hurt you, and it's not that I don't like you, but I can't give you a promise, and I can't accompany you. I will leave the Blazing Academy soon. In this case, this paragraph Feelings, it's better not to start. Besides, you and I are indeed young now." Ye Qifeng sighed in his heart and apologized.

"What? You already have someone you like?"

Huo Wu heard Ye Qifeng's answer, her face instantly turned from rosy to pale, and she couldn't believe it.

"um, yes."

Ye Qifeng bit his head and nodded.

"who is she?"

Huo Wu asked subconsciously.


A beautiful figure appeared in Ye Qifeng's mind, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help but evoke a smile, and said slowly:

"She is the most unique and unique existence in the world. She is the most noble, the most sacred, the most elegant, the most beautiful and the most perfect woman in the world. Her frowns, smiles, every move and every move can always be invisible. Touching people's hearts. She is my heart

"Eternal God."

Looking at the smile on Ye Qifeng's mouth and listening to him praising other women, Huo Wu suddenly felt a little discouraged, lost, envy and jealous.

But the next moment she suddenly thought:

"No, how can there be such a perfect woman in this world? At least I haven't seen it myself, unless she is really a god."

"Also, he just said that he was young and didn't want to fall in love. Why does he suddenly say that he has someone he likes? He also said that he is an eternal god. It must be an excuse he made casually to reject me. "

"The obsessed expression on his face just now must have been pretending. Yes, it must be so. Hmph~~, trying to lie to me? No way."

Huo Wu snorted coldly in the bottom of her heart, and then said:

"Did you lie to me on purpose? In order to reject me, I deliberately made excuses. I don't believe that such a perfect woman exists in this world."

"If there is, it must be me."

(end of this chapter)