Divine Genius Healer, Abandoned Woman: Demonic Tyrant in Love with a Mad Little Consort - Chapter 341: Vengeance is Mine 4

Chapter 341: Vengeance is Mine 4

That remark nearly had Jun Aohan jumping with fright.

For once he began to realize if he had spoken too much.

Fortunately for him, Ye Qingli answered her own question on his behalf.

I gather you must have been here many times to steal and plunder?

Jun Aohan exhaled heavily with relief.

Deciding that a steer of topic was in order, he pointed to the front, Look thats where the chambers of the young princes and princesses are. The view there is immensely breathtaking in the summers.


Ye Qingli gasped, her thoughts wandering to the Fourth Princess.

Ye Qingli might have snagged the victory in the end.

But the Fourth Princess did nothing to fulfill her end of the promise.

The promise to bow to her and admit her fault.

That filled her with resentment.

No one had ever reneged on a promise to her before!

I must have some payback!

What about the Fourth Princess? she said suddenly, Does she live there too?

Of course. Shes not yet of age for the Emperor to allow her a residence or an estate of her own, so she lives here still.

Jun Aohan did not neglect to pick up the hint of contempt in her voice.

Whats it to you? Did she do anything to you before?

As a matter of fact, she did.

The response escaped Ye Qinglis lips before she knew it.

She was thinking about playing a prank on the Fourth Princess to avenge herself when she felt a sudden rush of cold fury.

An aura reeking of malice that radiated from Jun Aohan suddenly!

His countenance turned as cold as ice.

And if he had looked gentle and friendly before, he definitely looked utterly different now.

If anything, he rather looked like an executioner from the Underworld itself!

Jun Aohan was filled with rage.

He had never been so protective of anyone before.

How could anyone dare to upset her!

And to think that the person who dared to upset my sweetheart is my own cousin!

What did she do to offend you? he asked placidly.

If it is true, that she had indeed upset Ye Qingli,

Then he would demand vengeance ten or even a hundred times of what she inflicted!

Its nothing actually, she revealed, We had a bet but she refuses to fulfill her end of the promise when she lost the bet. She adamantly ignored apologizing to me and only paid me some money to solve the matter.

Its true that Ive gotten myself some money. But that doesnt mean Im satisfied! she shrugged.

She barely reached halfway when she noticed the anger and malice in his look.

That surprised Ye Qingli.

Hey, whats wrong with you? Surely youre not thinking of murdering her?

Whats wrong with him?! He always seems to have a violent streak about him! He needs to keep his temper under control!

But Jun Aohan had regained his composure before she knew it.

He tugged at Ye Qinglis hand.

Come with me. Im getting back justice on your behalf!

She dares to upset my woman!Perhaps shes getting tired of living!

They came to the Palace of Rustic Peace the abode of the Fourth Princess.

From inside they could hear the tranquil snores of the people slumbering inside.

Evidently, the entire palace area, including the eunuchs and maids have all fell asleep.

Ye Qingli felt the same rush of excitement as a thief sneaking in.

Surely wed want to avoid alerting the guards?

Dont you worry, said Jun Aohan pensively, Not even a fly can come close to within thirty meters of our radius.

Ye Qingli was hardly aware that with his ident.i.ty, making arrangements of his own in the confines of the palace was hardly difficult for him.

Or else, he would not have been able to kill all of the five hundred palace guards during his confrontation with Jun Linfeng at Changning Palace The Palace of Everlasting Peace then.

To top it up, he had even beheaded the captain of the palace guards and used it to press his point.

That could only be accomplished with the Shadow Guards he had embedded inside the Imperial Palace.

Naturally, his Shadow Guards could only be used once. With their covers blown, there was no way they could stay in the palace undetected anymore.

They were sleeper agents he had placed in the Palace many years ago and they could never be replaced easily.

Ganjz, thebrokenpen's Thoughts

Scribbles of TheBrokenPen:

The term has been translated as secret guard or shadow (female) guard before in the past. Im standardizing them all as shadow guard.