Divine Genius Healer, Abandoned Woman: Demonic Tyrant in Love with a Mad Little Consort - Chapter 338: Vengeance is Mine 1

Chapter 338: Vengeance is Mine 1

Does this thoughtless maid realize she was only inches away from death?!Those were highly-trained soldiers! The elite Imperial Guards who could even give the Dragon Cavalry a run for their money!

All theyll need is a second! One second and she could be shot with so many arrows that shed look like a porcupine!

He could imagine the morbid sight of her being dead, her corpse being utterly ridden with arrows, and a sharp bolt of pain tw.a.n.ged in his heart.

Ye Qingli stared at him, shocked by his sudden outburst that her head rang. As if still in a trance, her hand nudged at him softly.

Come on, surely it cant be that serious

Exasperated, Jun Aohan could hardly speak.

If only he could cleave open her head and peer whats inside, he mused, wondering if she might look different on the inside.

Does she think herself indestructible?Does she think that shell survive the onslaught by hundreds of elites of the Imperial Guard?

Wearily, he waved a hand at her, Anyway, what goodies in the vault that youre interested in this time? Perhaps I might be kind enough to help you one more time.

He could since the key is in his possession.

We could slip inside for just one more time.I doubt Emperor Yun An can do anything about it even if he finds out!

Ye Qingli giggled sheepishly like a naive little girl.

Do you know if theres gold inside the vault?

That startled Jun Aohan to leave him stunned for seconds.

What do you want gold for?

Ye Qingli bit a finger, feigning a dubious look.

Can I not answer this question now?


Jun Aohan paused for several moments to think.

How much do you need?


Ye Qingli could not believe her ears.

Somethings not right! Shouldnt he ask more questions?!Hes agreeing to help just like that?!

Jun Aohan stared at her, nodding as-a-matter-of-factly.

Its just gold. As my future wife, you're ent.i.tled to be in my debt. What belongs to me naturally belongs to you as well. Just take your pick!

Oddly, there was a ring of truth to his words.

Several dozens of the empires largest mines situated in the Northwest belonged to him.

He could easily procure even diamonds as bright as the stars up in the sky, nevermind something as trivial as gold.

Ye Qingli waved her hands furiously.

I need it for a venture of my own! How could I take your money! Id refuse if thats the case! Ill think of something myself!

I see Jun Aohan responded, sounding slightly disappointed.

He really just cant seem to understand the inner workings of a womans mind.

All right. But I can tell you this: the Mount Li vault stores no gold at all. Ba.n.a.l treasures like gold do not deserve to be kept here.

Are you pulling my leg? Ye Qingli gasped with disbelief, Youre telling me that the great and mighty Luo Empire does not reserve any gold at all?

Course not. The Empire just doesnt keep their inventory of gold here at Mount Li.

Where, then?

Jun Aohan grinned thoughtfully before he answered, The palace, of course!

Ye Qingli beamed excitedly.

Good! Now draw me a map! Ill slip in to get some!

Wait, youre sneaking into the Imperial Palace to steal gold?!

Ye Qingli nodded, saying, Dont worry, you. Just get me a map. I wont divulge your name even if Im caught

Before she could even finish, she found her lips sealed.

Sealed by a kiss given to her so brusquely by the pompous Jun Aohan.

A long kiss that almost suffocated her.

What seemed like a quarter of an hour pa.s.sed silently.

Before she knew it, his voice came whispering viciously by her ears, Do you think I can bear having you pursued by those deadly Imperial Guards again?

He seized her wrist.

Ganjz, thebrokenpen's Thoughts

Scribbles of TheBrokenPen:

The term was translated as Dragon Knights before. Im renaming it to Dragon Cavalry. A Knight is a person granted an honorary t.i.tle of knighthood by a head of state (including the pope) or representative for service to the monarch, the church, or the country, especially in a military capacity. Hence in this case, I dont think using Knight is apt. Especially when refers to a battle group instead of individuals.