Devouring The Heavens - Chapter 4

Chapter 4

Chapter 4 – Ambushes allowed!

Translator: Pan

Editor’s: Notsaninethebrain, Hakubruh, Likyliky, Hydramon

Sponsor: Novel’s Nao Team sponsored this chapter.

Xuanyuan jumped into a stream not far from the treehouse.


Guxing was guarding his belongings – a clean set of linen clothes, a bottle of fresh smelling medicine and a rusty black dagger.


Inside the stream he took off his dirty clothes and swam in the water.


When he was finally clean, he swam over to the sh.o.r.e while naked and opened the bottle. A fresh, cool scent rushed into Xuanyuan’s nostrils. It was incredibly refres.h.i.+ng. He already felt revitalized merely by smelling it.


Xuanyuan took a bit of the medicine and sprinkled it onto the hideous looking wound on his chest. There was still blood around the scab, but after applying the medicine, the scab slowly fell off.


He was astonished.


“G.o.d, what is this? It’s so effective!”


He understood that he shouldn’t waste a single drop of this medicine. Every precious drop in the bottle could be the key to saving his life in emergency.


So he only used a tiny bit on the large wounds which started to heal. Then he put on his clean clothes and hid the bottle inside the secret pocket carefully. When he was done, he rushed back to the tree house, his heart was singing.


“My beautiful Master, I’m back…”


Xuanyuan had begged for money since he was child, so he learnt how to read people. What’s more was that he sometimes talked to a fortune teller and learnt a bit of physiognomy from them, it was the art to read people through their facial features. He knew instinctively who was good and who was bad. However, he was only a middle school boy in his previous life, after all. He was not very cautious about people’s minds.


But Xuanyuan trusted his own instinct and if a woman like Yin Zhenluo really wanted to kill him, he would have already been long dead. Now that she agreed to teach him, he owed her a great deal already. He didn’t dare to be suspicious of her.


The beautiful sunset was lingering, but not for long.


A ray of the remaining sunlight filled the tree house.


In the middle of the room, there was a grilling rack, with a whole piglet grilling inside it. The grilled pork was a speciality of Xuanyuan. He found things like skinning, gutting, and grilling very easy with the memories within his new body. He added in all kinds of herbs and seasonings. The pork smelt delicious.


Guxing stood next to the grill and drooled. Yin Zhenluo sat cross-legged on the ground. She was amused by Xuanyuan’s concentration and said “I wouldn’t have thought. You are a fairly good cook.”


He gave her a glance and smiled confidently,


“Of course. I am surely better than you.”


She was irritated. A woman of her status no longer needed to do like cooking. She sulked and didn’t speak again.


Xuanyuan grinned a little, not minding her irritation. When the food was done, he cut the most tender part of the pork and put it onto a wooden plate. The dagger cut the meat like cutting soft clay. He handed the plate to Yin Zhenluo with a smile to flatter her.


“Beautiful master, this is for you.”


Yin Zhenluo stared at him. Even though Xuanyuan wasn’t particularly good-looking, his face is quite soothing to look at when he smiled.


“That’s more like it.” Yin Zhenluo was a great pract.i.tioner of martial arts, but she still had to eat and drink a occasionally to sustain herself. She wasn’t going to refuse the delicacy right in front of her.


Xuanyuan’s gaze drifted down to under Yin Zhenluo’s collar bones when he handed her the plate. His heart was pounding. He had to take a deep breath so he could concentrate and look away. The sight strengthened his thought, “Xuanyuan, you must find someone like Master Yin Zhenluo to take as your wife. So you must work hard. Otherwise you’ll be beaten by such a women. How embarra.s.sing would that be?”


Yin took the plate and focused on the food. She didn’t notice Xuanyuan’s expression, nor did she know what was on his mind.


She took out a small silver knife and cut a tiny piece of pork. She chewed it slowly. It was delicious.


However, she saw that Xuanyuan and Guxing were sharing some old dried meat. She was confused and asked. “Why are you having old dried meat instead of the freshly cooked meat?”


Xuanyuan smiled.


“Today I became your apprentice. Of course I have to make you something nice. The piglet would’ve lasted for two days for Guxing and I. Longer if we ration it. There are always powerful beasts lingering around in the forest. You don’t get to eat food so easily every day. We don’t mind having dried meat.”


Xuanyuan halved the hardened dried meat and gave half to Guxing. He started chewing on it. Yin Zhenluo felt the bitterness in her throat. She grew up in a prestigious family. Nothing was comparable between the two of them.


“Xuanyuan, where’re your parents?”


He stopped chewing when he heard her question. His eyes flickered a bit of loneliness. In both his last life and this life, he was an orphan. He never had any parents. After a while, he answered,


“I’m an orphan. I don’t have any parents. Only Guxing and Guyue care for me, but Guyue was killed by Yuejue, the young master of Moonwaste City.”


Yin Zhenluo saw how lonely he looked. It softened her heart. She sighed and no longer continued to question him.


Xuanyuan was observing Yin Zhenluo when she ate while chewing the dried meat. She chewed very slowly. Her every movement was elegant.


Some time had pa.s.sed and the sky darkened. The cold moonlight came in from the window, s.h.i.+ning on Yin Zhenluo. Under the moonlight, she looked like the fairy on the moon, Chang-e, cold and untouchable. He was obsessed and couldn’t look away.


At this moment, he revelled in bliss. How nice it would be if this moment could last forever. If he could just look at her forever.


Yin Zhenluo opened her eyes and saw that Xuanyuan was staring. She pointed at the grilled pork behind him and said. “Dry the meat. I’ll eat what you eat. There’s no need to prepare such a special meal for me. The practice starts tomorrow.”


Xuanyuan nodded while drooling.


She rolled her eyes, half with annoyance, half with amus.e.m.e.nt, and stood up. She walked towards the bed and laid down. She then told Xuanyuan. “Go to rest. I’ll take the bed. You can sleep on the floor.”


Xuanyuan wiped his drool and nodded vigorously,


“Of course. I’m grateful for not having to sleep outside.”


“Also, since you are my apprentice, there is one rule you have to follow.” Yin Zhenluo laid on her side. Her eyes seemed so tender under the moonlight. Her beauty made Xuanyuan feel woozy.


“Starting from tonight, if you successfully ambush me anytime, you can do whatever you want.”


Yin Zhenluo’s smile was stunning like a blossoming flower.


When she finished, fire awoke in Xuanyuan’s eyes. His body trembled, his mouth was watering. He rushed in Yin Zhenluo’s direction and attacked like a hungry wolf.


“That’s not an ambush, more like suicide.”


She sighed silently and flicked her finger lightly. A strong wind hit Xuanyuan’s head and knocked him backwards. He rolled across the floor and looked embarra.s.sed.


Guxing didn’t growl at Yin Zhenluo threateningly this time. It seemed amused by the schadenfreude.


Xuanyuan refused to admit that he would fail. He tried seventeen more times and failed to touch even her hair. It was a miserable failure.