Devouring The Heavens - Chapter 3

Chapter 3

Chapter 3 – My Beautiful Master

Translator: Pan

Editor’s: Notsaninethebrain, Hakubruh, Likyliky, Hydramon

I will be introducing my release schedule shortly. Thank you.




The girl’s smile was magical. It could calm the most ferocious anger.


She also brought tranquility to Xuanyuan’s anxious, helpless heart. He could not exactly pinpoint the feeling, but he felt at home as long as he was beside this girl. This was the impression she gave him.


However, he was shocked by how easily she could kill him. He didn’t even see how she hurt him.


“Who was murdering their husband?” She grinned and walked towards Xuanyuan in bare feet. She was still stunning to look at. As she approached him, Guxing s.h.i.+elded Xuanyuan behind itself, whimpering a warning, but the girl ignored it. Xuanyuan looked at her, she was at least a head taller than him. He remembered how quick her attack was and realized he didn’t stand a chance against her. He could only appeal to her with words.


“This is my home that you slept in. How could you attack me?”


She ceased her footsteps and glanced around the house. She gave out an alluring aura with her movements. Her glance stopped at Xuanyuan. His clothes were full of bloodstains, dirty and ragged. She noticed some of his scars had already healed. After a few moments of pondering, she smiled and said,

“You have a good body, but your strength cannot even compare to a lowly fighter. How are you going to prove that this is your home? What power do you have to create this place inside a tree?”


“If you lift the fur beneath the bed you slept on, you’ll find a hidden compartment. Inside are 936 fighter coins.” Xuanyuan pointed at the middle of the bed confidently.


The woman was slightly astounded. She found the coins inside the compartment under the fur and counted them one by one. It was exactly 936 fighter coins.


Her expression was shaken a bit. Seeing this, he took the advantage and stepped up.”Guxing, dig out the bones you hid in the house. Let her know whose house this is.”


Guxing gave out a small whimper and dug out the big thigh bones of a magic bull from the corner of the tree house.


“You dare to say this is not my home? If you still don’t believe it, I’ll show you.” He came to a corner and opened another hidden compartment. There was some dried meat and clean water.


“Do you believe me now?”


“Then I’m truly sorry. I was exhausted when I found this wonderful place, so I came in for some rest. Now that the master of the house is back, it’s time for me to go.” She smiled. Her breath was fresh and had a floral fragrance. She gestured elegantly then walked towards the door.


“Wait a minute, you barged into my house and hit me for no reason at all. Now you want to go? This doesn’t sound right.” He realized if such a beautiful girl went away, he did not deserve the good karma his ancestors acc.u.mulated for him. But there was a more important reason. Xuanyuan wanted to get more information about this world from her. He wanted to know more about practicing martial arts!


The woman was stunned. Her red lips quivered. “How are you going to stop me? You can’t even touch my hair. If I want to go, there’s nothing you can do.”


Xuanyuan couldn’t react for a moment. Then an idea came up. He softened his voice and said, “You’re unreasonable. How about this: you teach me martial arts for a month as compensation for hitting me. You can leave freely after that.”


The woman looked at Xuanyuan. He’s about fourteen years old and yet he kept his home orderly, which she appreciated. He looks like he’s been bullied, judging from his bruises. Even though Xuanyuan had a good body, whoever knew a little bit of martial arts could easily injure him.

Looking at his determined face, she couldn’t resist so she promised him.


“All right, I shall teach you for a month. I’ll leave after that. Take the chance while you can.”


Xuanyuan was so excited that he jumped up and down. He nodded his head vigorously.


“Of course! I never let an opportunity slip away. But before that, what should I call you? I’m Xuanyuan!”


“Xuanyuan? Xuanyuan… What an interesting name. I am Yin Zhenluo.” Yin Zhenluo stepped on the floor lightly and put on the white boots under the bed. She moved in front of Xuanyuan and said, “Do you truly want to learn martial arts? The quiet life you have now may not be a bad one, being a hunter-gatherer. Why throw yourself into the huge mess that is the martial arts world?”


“I don’t have any grudge against the world, but the world is determined to hurt me. After all, the strongest are at the top of food chain. Look at all my bruises. I got them because I startled the horse of the young master of the Moonwaste City. He almost killed me, but instead he dragged me into the ma.s.s grave. I was so close to dying. I got lucky and I stayed alive, but Guyue, the wolf that grew up with me, wasn’t so lucky. Yuejue was the reason Guyue died. I’ve only got Guxing left. How can I face myself if I don’t avenge my friend?”


“A real man should be quick to repay other’s debt of kindness, yet also quick to take revenge. His life should be fulfilling and pa.s.sionate. What’s the point in being a coward and living safely? I’d rather be the meteor that s.h.i.+nes brightly but briefly!”


Yin Zhenluo tried to move her mouth, wanting to say something, but she just sighed instead.


“Never mind. I will oblige if you say so. Take off your clothes.”


Xuanyuan couldn’t react. He took a few steps backwards, his hands cradled his own body and his eyes stared at the exquisite collarbones of Yin Zhenluo. He almost teared up because he was about to live in the same room as this beautiful girl for a month. The old beggar used to say, you have to acc.u.mulate good karma for a hundred lives to marry a girl like this.


“Wha…what do you wanna do? I’m a guy, but I’ve never done this before, you…”


She was both mad and amused. With just a step, she was already right in front of Xuanyuan. She flicked her fingers slowly, so Xuanyuan could see this time, and hit his forehead. The pain was intense, but much lighter than the last time. He was only forced a few steps back this time.


Xuanyuan trembled and thought, “How can a woman be so strong? She only used her fingers. Is she really human? This is insane.”


“There’s nothing to be surprised about. People who know the way of martial arts have unimaginable strength to someone like you. Take off your clothes and change into something clean. You are filthy. I have a bottle of medicine. It can help your wounds heal faster. Tomorrow, I’ll teach you the way of martial arts, introducing you to our world.” Yin Zhenluo took out a jade bottle and threw it to Xuanyuan.


“Thank you so much, my beautiful master!” Xuanyuan caught the bottle and took out a set of clean clothes from the end of the bed. He ran outside quickly and cheered.


“Guxing, let’s take a bath!”


Yin Zhenluo was looking at his silhouette, then she smiled and mumbled to herself, “Xuanyuan, right?…I shall see how much you can grow in a month.”