Demonsong - Chapter 101

Chapter 101

Vi'han followed Terras Kyi up to a overlook she sat there her eyes closed in reflection and Vi'han could hear her singing a sad song to Kara

Advertis.e.m.e.nt I once was lost, but then was found . by your mighty glory, you took me , you shaped me, to all I can be .

Great Kara, queen of light show your love towards me,

I pray for the ones that lost theirs way, on the path to the gloylands . That you may lord queen of light will guide them towards the promised land

Oh great Kara, my light, my way . I pray to forgive the one who made you sad,

Alavara Kara

when Terra finished she clasped her hands against her face and wept crying out phases in El'tare . "That was a beautiful prayer" Vi'han said Terra looked and said " Jin'jarei" she said slipping into her El'tare speak "I did not see you there"

Vi'han sat next to her and said " it is ok to hurt . " Terra replied " but I am not crying for I am crying for you . you were with the El'tare for much longer then I was, they are your people not mine"

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Vi'han smiled and said " no, we both belong to the Allmother so they are both of our people . " Vi'han and Terra embraced for a while once they both felt calm they returned to the group and went to sleep . @@