Demonsong - Chapter 99

Chapter 99

The moon was full and blood red as only one of the Warriors of Darkness would partic.i.p.ate in a vile deed, not even the Artist would partic.i.p.ate

deming it to be a act of hatred and racism .

the only one that went was Oba'hara .


Ava'tra could hear the screaming of El'tare as she rushed to the back door . she stopped and knew that it would be cowardly to run so instead she laid out a prayer mat, lit several candles and began to pray to Kara to forgive Oba'dara

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Ava'tras door was opened and Oba'dara saw that Ava'tra was praying . this angered her and dragged her into the center of the village were the reminding El'tare were kneeled down praying

" you creatures sicken me!" Oba'dara said

Ava'tra stood up " we will not fight you . For we forgive you as does Kara . do with us as you see fit but know that we all have forgiven you"

Ava'tra knelt down and said " be safe my son"

a tear rolled down her check as she felt the blade piece her chest . Ava'tra fell to the ground in a sea of bodys @@