Cry, Even Better If You Beg - Chapter 73

Chapter 73

Canary Song

Sit. Matthias said to her in reply in a calm manner as he sat himself down on the table where food had been prepared for them. He gestured for her to take a seat at the remaining chair available, as the others had been conveniently taken away.

Leyla remained standing in front of him, shooting him a scathing glare. She eyed the various food arranged in front of her, while Matthias sat at the head of the long table, the table that brought forth painful memories for her.

I don't think we're close enough to share meals. she angrily said to him. Matthias only hummed as he unfolded the table napkin with a flick of his wrist.

I thought you said you agreed to fulfill your role in our deal.

I am! she protested, I'm giving you everything you want from me!

Matthias only sighed forlornly at her.

Yes, that I can't deny, but your skinny body makes it so painful to thrust into. I can hardly enjoy our time together. he told her nonchalantly. Leyla's breath hitched in response to his criticism, hot shame filled her as she listened to him.

Matthias looked at her in a challenging manner, and Leyla couldn't help but wonder just how low does he see her? How can he just sit there, and spit those words at her!? He might as well just slap her in the face because that's what it felt like to her, hearing those words.

Matthias picked up his wine-filled glass, cradling it between his fingers as he swirled the liquid around the clear glass. He always held himself in a graceful manner, which was a shame because his personality was equally repulsive.

Do eat Leyla, you look starved to death. he pointed out, but Leyla remained standing. Matthias put his goblet down, and leaned back in his seat. Do you wish to die then? Still, she refused to answer.

Well then, do as you please. Matthias shrugged, smiling brightly at her before clasping his hands together in a thinking pose, Hmm, I wonder what I should put in your tombstone? Let's see he unclasped his hands, drumming one set of fingers onto the polished tabletop in deep thought.

Ah, I know! It should be something to commemorate our intimate moments together! he declared, Here lies Leyla Lewellin! The beloved mistress of Duke Herhardt! he announced with a flourish, looking at her with a twinkle in his eye, I quite like the thought of it, don't you?

Leyla could only feel appalled.

I'll have it carved into the most exquisite marble in existence, with big and clear letters, so that everyone can see you for what you really are he proceeded, So don't worry, live or die, you'll always be with me.

He sounded so relaxed, so amused by the thought of toying with her even beyond the grave. Leyla's fists clenched so tightly, her knuckles turned white with rage towards the man, no beast, in front of her.

She tried to forget the first night she ever laid with him, tried to scrub it from her memory, but it just kept coming back, over and over and over again. There was no escaping him wherever she went. No matter how much he'd try to clean and redecorate the space, she'd always find her mind trapped forever in that moment.

The marks he'd left her with had faded and healed over the course of time, but the wound she felt in her spirit remained salted and open.

I'm not going to die. Leyla finally responded, making a point to drag the chair across the floor loudly, and sat primly across from him, In fact, I'm planning to live well. They now sat across from each other.

She won't let him bully her as easily as before anymore. She won't get scared, or flustered in front of him any longer. She won't allow herself to be affected by him anymore.

I won't allow anyone by the likes of you to destroy my life. she declared, glaring at him hatefully as she reached out for the piece of bread nearby, She tore into the loaf, breaking it into pieces, lathering it with smooth butter before biting into it.

She ate messily, hardly caring how she looked in front of him. He didn't deserve to see her in her best behavior. In fact, he might grow disgusted by her even, which was definitely something she wanted him to do.

Hmm, is that so? he asked her, as he ate at a moderate pace, slicing properly into his food as he chewed carefully on the piece of food he brought to his lips. He quirked up a smile, loving the way she fell for his goading. What a good girl for me.

He put his utensils down, and stood up. He carefully grabbed a spare goblet, and the wine bottle, pouring it's contents into the glass as he made his way gracefully to Leyla's side. He offered her the poured drink, to which she greedily gobbled up in one gulp. Matthias chuckled when the glass was emptied.

Well, you've certainly got quite the appetite today. he hummed with amusement, quickly refilling it, when Leyla just quickly downed it in one go once more. She was clearly acting out, Matthias knew that, which did manage to make her seem like the lowlife she was, but he could only be amused as he continued to watch her.

She wiped the stray wine drops on the corner of her mouth with the back of her hand, before angrily stabbing into the food, shoveling in mouthfuls into her mouth as she chewed loudly. She didn't look that terrible to him, in fact, he rather preferred seeing her acting uncouth than the way she walked like a dead man.

Soon the wine bottle had emptied, and Leyla felt inebriated. She winced at the ringing in her ears, the sound of the music grating at her.

Turn the music off, she slurred, glaring at the device blasting its sound at her. She could hear him humming right next to her

Just listen, he said in a whisper, but it also sounded too loud. His voice echoed in her head. It's beautiful. he finished, his voice bouncing back and forth.

Leyla could only frown. She could make up the sounds, guessing it was a waltz, but the current section she was listening too was complicated and hit way too many notes for her to follow, it made her dizzier by the second

Matthias slightly swayed along with the music. It was his and his canary's favorite part. Leyla seemed to be doing her best to follow the music but she only groaned in pain, complaining all the way how annoying it was.

She grabbed a fork, sloppily stabbing through her last chunk of meat before stuffing it in her mouth, mangling the meat through her teeth. Matthias laughed out loud as he watched her eating through chubby cheeks.

Then you have a worse taste of music compared to a bird!

Bird? she asked in a slurred voice, looking so confused why they were talking about a bird. Matthias wondered if she could finish her last bite, she'd been chewing on it for some time now. Eventually, Leyla did manage to swallow it down, washing the meat down her throat with her last sip of wine as she shakily brought the goblet to her lips, some drops escaping and sliding down the corner of her lips in her haste.

She was practically plastered, having drank more wine than she usually does, face all flushed red as a testament to her drunken state. Leyla regarded him seriously, eyes squinting in his direction before she hummed and turned to look at her empty plate as she slapped her lips together in search for more food.

So, when do you plan to get rid of me? she asked him in a brazen manner, resting both elbows on the table loudly, making some plates and utensils shake. Matthias only met her gaze, before smoothly setting down his own empty goblet.

But his eyes held a serious look, despite the ease of his actions.

Come and read on our website wuxia worldsite. Thanks

Well? she prodded, I mean, you've already had me, many ways in fact, she grumbled into her goblet, before finding it was empty. She frowned at it, turning it upside down as though it would produce more than just a drop. It must be coming soon right? she asked with a smug smile.

I suppose you're right. Matthias finally answered. He was practical enough, after all, he couldn't be expected to forever keep her as his mistress. He wasn't that foolish.

Well, do it quickly then! she demanded, and Matthias chuckled dryly.

And what would you do the moment you're free of me?

I already told you! she reminded him, frowning when her goblet was still empty. I'll live well! she placed her glass down, grabbing the table napkin to wipe her greasy fingers and saucy lips clean. Yes, I'll definitely live well and free away from you!

You make it sound as though you're miserable with me.

Leyla snorted as she chortled in amusement.

Well, it's true. she told him, You're the bane of my existence!

Right, of course. Matthias replied in a steely manner as he watched her examine her sticky fingers with great interest. The firelight casted shadows on her face, and though he knew they were golden, her lashes casted a dark shadow over her eyes.

Matthias kept watching Leyla as he leaned back in his chair. No matter how insatiable his current lust was towards Leyla, he knew it was bound to die down eventually once he's had his fill. And when that time came, it would be most prudent if she were to move away and live on with her life.

But why does the thought of her leaving him fill him with such emptiness? It was an unfathomable feeling to him.

He knew she was only stating facts, but it left him with a bitter taste. Suddenly, Leyla rose from her seat, wobbling as she struggled to stand upright.

Where do you think you're going? he hissed at her, also rising from his seat.

I'm leaving. she replied haughtily, and Matthias scowled in her reply. He charged at her within just a few long strides and grabbed her tightly by the wrists, making her cry out in pain as he pulled her closer to him.

She squirmed in his grasps as he trapped her within her arms. She was spewing profanities, but Matthias only ignored her in favor of relishing the feel of her body writhing against his. Eventually, she grew tired and leaned against him without further resistance.

He repositioned her in his arms, pressing her back flush to his chest as he buried his face on the nape of her neck. Instinctively, she leaned further to the side, granting him easy access as he greedily breathed in her soft, sweet scent. A fragrance he'd known to only belong to her.

He licked a strip up her neck, making Leyla hiss at the sudden contact. She could feel her pulse throbbing erratically as he continued with his ministrations. He proceeded to taste her skin, licking away the sheen of sweat that formed on her neck.

Her body shook and shuddered as his warm breath hit her. She couldn't avoid him any longer. Heat was pooling in her gut, her blood rushing to warm her cheeks, spreading to her ears as her clothes rustled as he gripped onto them, hiking the hem of her blouse up before his hand sneaked right into it.

Leyla let out a breathy moan, throwing her head back unconsciously to allow him more access when her eyes caught sight of the night outside the window. Not for the first time she wondered how late the night had gotten.

His calloused palms moved all over her stomach, kneading them in that familiar manner, before they trailed up, cupping her bountiful breasts, and began to massage them roughly. She whined as he continued to fondle her, her eyes opening and looked down to watch him groping her breasts.

It was a strange view to her, but so erotic in her drunken haze. She leaned her head back, eyes shutting as she basked in the sensation of his warm palms on her chest, his moist lips nibbling on her earlobes, his ragged breathing beside her ears.

She vaguely remembered wishing it would all be over soon, but was snuffed out rather quickly by the flooding sensations around her. The music was still playing, still grating at her ears as Matthias thoroughly ravished her with his wandering hands and suckling lips.

How she wanted to believe that her enjoyment of this was all because she was drunk. Her sanity slowly faded when his tongue was dancing gracefully on her body in a lustful waltz.

Mu-music, she gasped as he suckled on her neck, T-turn it off! she stuttered, wincing when the waltz played a sharp tune, My head hurts! she hissed at him. But Matthias only sunk down, grabbing her by her small waist before he hefted her skirt up.

He mouthed at her thighs, turning her to face him, before he looked up with sultry eyes.

The music is so beautiful, Leyla. he murmured against her skin, bunching her skirt up to her hips, It's your fault for drinking too much tonight. and how could Leyla refute that fact? She could only grow angry at herself for letting herself go.

He nosed against her clothed nether region, sucking against her sensitive nub. She threw her head back as the rough fabric rubbed against it, his warm tongue making her feel wet. Two warm and gentle fingers sneaked past the borders of her underwear, swiftly burying themselves to the hilt, making squelching sounds as they thrusted into her wetness.

Leyla cried out, half in pleasure and half in shame, hazily pushing his hand out of her, but he was persistent, her legs buckling into his fingers as he curled them inside her, rubbing inside her with practiced ease.

She brought her hands up to muffle her wanton sounds, but Matthias immediately grabbed them, pulling them away, encouraging her to make more sounds. Even the music couldn't drown out the way she let out breathy moans, gasping whenever he'd rub against her sensitive nub.

Her body convulsed, struggling to hold herself up on the table. Eventually, Matthias pulled his fingers out, leaving her with a bereft feeling of emptiness as she whined in protest. He cupped her cheek, smearing her face with her juices

You said you can live well without me, he whispered against her lips, Yet you spread your legs so eagerly for me. He wiped her juices against her cheeks, making her sober up slightly as she tried to pull away from him, Feel how wet you are for me, Leyla. Leyla only shot him a glare

Since you were so gracious as to give me what I want, let me give you what you truly desire. he teased her, carrying her to the closest sofa, easily trapping her beneath him. Leyla glared up at him.

What I desire is to be away from you!

You don't really mean that, do you? he murmured, deft fingers swiftly unbuttoning her one by one, the fire slowly returning to Leyla's eyes, mirroring the shame and anger she was currently feeling.

If you were just going to sleep with me eventually, you should have started earlier!

Ah, but where's the fun in that? he asked her, and Leyla couldn't help but scold herself for being so foolish as to hope he called for her to terminate their arrangement. He pulled her blouse off, tossing it to the sides, before he moved to undress her skirt

After all, I want to see your distressed face. he admitted, carefully removing her glasses and setting them aside. He leaned down, spreading short kisses on her cheeks, showering her with them in every crevice he could reach. Their intimate kisses looked similar to birds rubbing their beaks against one another.After all, that's what I most desire from you. he whispered against her ear.

Leyla couldn't help the choked up sob that managed to escape her. She watched helplessly as his grin grew wider at the sight of her tears, and all she could feel in the end was the stabbing pain in her heart as she once again gave in to him so easily.