Concealed Crime Investigation - 11 Of Ear Pieces And

11 Of Ear Pieces And

"This is it. Go to work quickly.", Mr. Arredson commands and leaves the conference room immediately.

"Another boring task, I wonder why they can't get that done on their own.", David complains.

"You're so right, I think they are relaying on us and are just too lazy to do it on their own.", Sophie joines in.

"I've got the feeling, it resembles somehow our very first mission, Finn.", Yasmina reminds me.

"You're right! It really does!", Silvia answers for me.

Yes we six are now one team: Yasmina and me, Annabelle and Silvia as well as David and his fiancee Sophie. Yes, they're engaged by now, and they really don't take it slow, they're going to marry in a month! Yasmina and I (the others as well) have really cheered for them, so we got very close as well, not that we weren't close before, but I might have fallen for her...

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"So to repeat all that, we should find Samuel Karrade, track him down and eliminate him, he would most likely hide somewhere on water, if he has a s.h.i.+p or something like this we shall blow it up.", I repeat our task, just to be clear on what he wants from us.

"That's correct.", Annabelle answers.

"Great, let's get this started, I want an interesting job and I won't get one till this one is over.", I exclaim, as I really want to have a better job to do (And I may as well want to sound professional).

"Well, then let's get this started. Silvia, where has he been seen last?", Yasmina questions and stands up to lean against the counter instead of sitting on an ordinary chair. She needs something to do, we know her that well...

"Let's see... I think at the harbour.", Silvia looks it up.

"When?", Sophie interrupts our little conversation. That was the question I wanted to ask though.

"Well... A week ago."

"s.h.i.+t, we are hanging far behind! He might already be on land somewhere again!", Yasmina curses.

"Don't swear, Yas, he left only three days ago.", Annabelle scolds us. She never liked swearing... She never did it herself as well...

"Really? We might get him, if we hurry! C'mon guys! Run! Get your stuff together!", Yasmina commands us. Ha, the born commander.

"I still heard that, Finn!"

"Did I say that out loud? I'm sorry, Ya!"

"You're not! Prepare yourself, Finn!", she yells and chases me to my room where I'm just fast enough to lock myself in before she gets to open my door... phew! Women theses days!

"Have you spotted his s.h.i.+p now?", David asks Annabelle again. He might ask for the 200th time now.

"Can't you just wait and see?", Silvia returns the harsh comment and ignores his complaints any further. Since we are all connected per ear piece, we can hear

the tipping and clicking on their computers, because we are all just waiting for their instructions and don't have anything to chat about at the moment.

"Come on darling, we have to distract you from thatl sress.", Sophie winks him out the room.

"But please take off your microphones! We don't want to hear unnecessary things!", Silvia warns the two of them.

"Ah, but let your ear pieces on, we should stay in contact.", Yasmina reminds  and the door closes behind them.

"But I'm sure they haven't crossed the line though.", I comment their behaviour. They just love each other way too much for that sort of thing.

"Heh, I'm too, but it would really be weird to stand here, while we hear the sounds of them kissing 'round.", Silvia responds.

"You know we hear ya!", David suddenly snorts through the ear pieces and we all drive together at the volume of his voice.

"Yeah, sorry sorry!", I give back and turn my ear piece off, in case something like that happens again.

"Finn?", Yasmina asks me out of the blue.

"Huh?", I turn my head to her. What's she going to say?

"Silvia just told me to tell you to get your earpiece back on."

Huh? Oh! Well...

I do as I'm told.

Silence fills the room, since n.o.body wants to disturb Sophie and David.

"Got him!", Annabelle suddenly shouts (that's totally not like her...), "I'll give you the directions now!"

Yasmina and I hurry over to the map and follow her directions to the point where he should be.

"So that is where he hides?", Yasmina asks unbelieving, then adds, "This'll be easy, I have a stradey."

Then the door flies open with a loud crash, revealing David as well as Sophie: "So, where should I get you?", David asks, since he is steering our submarine (Yes, a submarine, a very large one though).

We got there so unbelievable easy and his s.h.i.+p is not even hidden somewhere, that it all seems like some sort of dream. It is just too easy this time.

"Okay, time for your plan now, Ya.", I command her.

"Listen well: Sophie and I will go on board on stern, while you two on bow. We will attac at the exact same time. His cabin should be right in the middle, so we will attac it from both sides, so he won't be able to defend himself against both of our groups. He can only start the fire against one properly or both but only half heartedly. So we will get as less damage as possible."

"Well, it's okay like this I think. So David, please get the girls to their place first.", I tell him.

"Aye, sir!", he responds and we all must laugh.

"So, see you then. Please tell me when you are ready.", i advise the girls before they leave our submarine for the s.h.i.+p.

As the girls left David instructions me to turn off my microphone. I obey, but hear the girls protesting through the ear piece.

"You love Yasmina, don't you?"

I never expected him to ask so bluntly...

"Yes, I do."