Concealed Crime Investigation - 10 Oil Rig

10 Oil Rig

As I reach the waterfront, the first thing I do is to snap for air. Frech air, not out of those bottles! Then Yasmina comes up too.

"Wow! We really did it! From here the size of the minefield looks so much more huge!", she states. "Ah, by the way, how is it even possible to set mines on the water?"

"Hmm. That sure is a good question. I don't know.", I must answer.

"Well we reached the first checkpoint, so let's try to reach the second too.", she smiles.

"Hah, easier said than done.", I murmur. "How should we get up there? I have absolutely no idea."

"Silvia, have you got any information about the platform for us?", she suddenly talks into the earpiece we four are wearing. How did she get that idea? She always has plenty and I have none at all! That can be so frustrating!"

"No, sorry I have no idea.", Annabelle responds for her comrade.

"Not a single thing?", Yasmina asks doubting. "No information how people get on such things? There has to be something in the net! I mean, there sure are people who work there, aren't there?"

"Yes! Found it!", Silvia yells. "This thing has a boat lift."

"A what?", I ask.

"Boat lift. It's just like an elevator, only they're much bigger and for any kind of boat or s.h.i.+p.", She explains to me.

"Ok. So how do we get it down here?", I ask her, Hope's high to get a proper answer.

"They ain't used right now. And they are not closed, like the ones we take, they are... well, hard to explain. But I can say for sure, it is dangerous to use such a think for a human.", Annabelle adds to Silvias explanation.

I first sigh, then look around. "Something else you know about this thing?"

"Well, it seems to be made of magnetic material.", she responds and I instantly turn my head in Yasminas direction. This was the answer we were looking for! We take out special gloves and shoes in our gear and put them on immediately. Haha, they got very wet, but it doesn't really matter, does it? And like this we start climbing the rig.

"Do you think we get that mission done properly?", Yasmina suddenly asks.

"Sure.", I simply replay, 'cause I want to save my stamina for harder things. This sure isn't the easiest thing I've done in life, but it can get harder. And for this I'm waiting! I want a very exciting first mission!

As we got to the top of the platform our eyes almost pop out: This is like a small village, but on the water. We never expected an oil rig to have so many different buildings! Sure here is no supermarket or church or so, but many different rooms, that are used for different things. Like one of them is to control the machines and another one a toilet and then there are some who look like they are used to stay during work days and on the weekends their owners are with their families or something like that.

"We should finish our mission soon. Maybe here are some people.", Yasmina suddenly mutters.

"You're right. Let's get this done!"

Now that we have new energy we carry on with our work. Next thing to do would be... blowing it up! Gonna be fun, he?

"Put it here, Finn!", Yasmina yells over the place.

I hurry over to her and whisper: "Are you stupid or what? Don't yell so loud! What if somebody hears us?"

"There shouldn't be anyone. It's weekend.", she reasons.

"Hehe, yes weekend, but wouldn't you have a guard or something if you leave such a place by its own? Ot would be terrible for the owner if it's demolished and even worse if we blow this whole thing up. I sure would have a guard.", I counter.

"Makes sense, I'm sorry.", she hushes back and we montage the bomb on the container.

After some time we montaged a lot of those bombs and I really am tired of it now. Always the same movements and such just to install this thing.

"One more to go...", Yasmina huffs.

"Tired of it? Me too!", I admit to her, normally I wouldn't admit my weaknesses, but this is another case. She hates it too, at least I think so, and so I won't sound uncool.

"Yeah, more or less.", she releases a breath, come on, let's hurry up."


"Hah, got it!", I fall back and lie now on the floor.

"Finally.", Yasmina responds, "So, I'm gonna go now."

"Don't even take a break?", I ask her and wonder.

"I want to get this done quickly, I think trouble would be on it's way if we stay any longer.", she replies and turns on her heel, and begins to look for a way to get down safely.

Eventually I get up as well and join her: "Found something?"


"Why don't we just jump?"

"Are you crazy, or what?"

"No, why?", I ask her bored and just keep on looking out.

"It would be dangerous.", she reasons.



"Here is no other way to get down anyways.", I add, still sounding bored.

"You may be right.", she just responds and her lips curl up in a confident smirk. "So then, let's go home."

"Hey! Who are you! Why are you here?", a voice suddenly called out to us and as we turn to its source we can see a man running right in our direction and pointing a gun at us.

"See, told you so.", I whisper to her and face the man. "He shouldn't be so hard to handle, would he?"

With just one glance to Yasmina it was clear what she has in mind for him. And I totally agre. Would be fun, no? I begin to smirk, as I run off in some random direction. Yasmina should be doing the same.

This is soon confirmed true, as he shouts: "Hey, what are you doing?" As if we would answer him. Dream on! This guy seems to come after me, hah, no wonder, since I'm the guy and so I must seem way more dangerous. Ha, if he just knew...

With our tactic we run along every bomb we montaged on the platform to check if it still sticks to its spot and after that we would meet right on the other side of this platform. And our plan succeeds pretty well.

"Jump!", Yasmina suddenly yells as she comes up right beside me and so we do.

As I reach the surface Yasmina already is up. We smirk at each other.

"Should I?", she asks, why does she, though?

"Just do it, why are you asking?"

"Are you sure? It will kill him!"

"As we were up there you were the one who wanted to get this job done. What would have been, if we didn't meet him? We would have killed him too.", I respond.

"Yeah, but we should have asked them as time was. It is to late now...", she still holds back.

"Don't worry. I told you, wat if we didn't meet him at all?"

"Okay, but we should get away from here, the platform would fall down on us if we stay.", she tells me and starts swimming away.

"Right, but Yas! Don't forget the minefield!", I yell after her.

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"Oh, s.h.i.+t! We would have to get way farther away from this thing with that."

"Yes, so just hurry!", I yell back and prepare myself for diving.

"So little oil rig... bye!", we speak in unison and press that b.u.t.ton together. The explosion going of from that is so loud, even though we cover our ears we still hear it that booming, that I would be surprised if my hearing wouldn't be destroyed...

"We did it! Finn, It's over!", I hear Yasmina over all the noise and she hugs me.

Well, next mission: Get on land and get home somehow