The students who had scanned their codes for the Treasure Hunting Game still had to report back to the school.
Satou and I returned to the starting point and headed for Horikita at the reception.
Good work. Your procedure is now finished.
Satou honestly showed happiness from receiving such words.
With that, thanks Ayanokouji-kun, for today. Lets play together next time.
Saying that, she waved her hand and happily walked away.
Ive suddenly made some money, so its not a bad idea to pass the time on this luxury cruiser.
Subtracting the participation fee, you two gained 180,000 points. Good work.
By now it looked like most students had already reached the goal. Not many people were coming.
Looks like you had it rough too. Were you able to rest?
Yes, for an hour. But I wont complain. I thought about this measure to defend against foul play on my own and appealed to the school for it.
An appeal huh. Its not much but you took a step to becoming the Student Council President huh.
If she improves her image with things like this, shell be evaluated highly by the Student Council and the school.
Thats not it. Even if I hadnt done that people probably wouldnt have cheated, would they. Its just Id just like to be of some use.
I dont really get it, but Horikitas gaze looked at the future.
So, who got the most private points in our class?
Who do you think?
After I was asked that, I phrased it as a question and replied.
I hope its not us.
Good for you, thats the correct answer. Theres a pair who got 500,000 private points. Yui Wan-san and Kouenji-kun.
Kouenji? I thought he would participate, but not with a partner.
There were many people in the hall, so I didnt notice Kouenji.
I thought the same. I dont know the details of why he participated with a pairmate, but now hes saved up a lot of money from these past two weeks.
Everything Kouenji does is out of the ordinary.
To think that in addition to his frightening physical prowess, he even had luck.
Though I dont know if his partner was the one who found that 2D code.
Not being able to use that Kouenji from here is a big minus for our class.
He never moved before. Cant you be satisfied with him taking 1st place this time?
Of course I cant, can I? In order to rise to A-Class, not being able to use his power is too wasteful. Didnt you think of anything?
A way to use Kouenji effectively? Even trying to think of that in itself is a waste of resources.
We cant.
An instant reply.
If the other party measured up to a certain extent, I wouldve been confident that I could control them myself. But it was Kouenji, the sole exception to that.
Ive simulated how I would control everyone in our class several times. The only one I couldnt place under my control no matter how many times I tried was Kouenji.
Even if you give up, I will not. His power is necessary.
Shes trying to control something that cant be controlled. That was a simple contradiction.
Even if it were a waste of time?
Are you saying we dont need Kouenji-kun?
I think that if he wont harm us, the best thing to do is to leave him alone. Kouenji has also gained a protection point, so its even safer to leave him alone.
Surely a reasonable thought, isnt it.
If we cant win without Kouenji, Id understand being desperate. But your class has already grown into one that can fight sufficiently with other classes. And they will continue growing from here on out.
Yes. Indeed, if you compare them to how they were last year theyve become considerably reliable.
But Horikita continues.
Aiming for A-Class is my first priority and my final goal, but I want to unite our class into one. I want to guide them into joining all of their power.
She doesnt want even Kouenji to be missing huh.
The eyes with which Horikita was staring at me were too honest. Without thinking I was left speechless.
If the man known as Kouenji could be dragged into becoming Horikitas comrade, he would become an ally hard to replace with anything.
But that hurdle is probably even more difficult than reaching A-Class.
Before, I wouldnt have seriously accepted this declaration.
Nonsense beyond her means. I likely would have written it off as that.
Horikitas growth is slow, but its advancing step by step.
Well be that as it may, I cant say when Horikita will cause even Kouenji to move.
Because the man named Kouenji was truly incalculable.
What is it?
It looked like you were thinking about something.
No, Im just worrying about what Ill spend the private points I got on.
I see. Youll give half of those points to Kushida-san, so you should value the private points you gained today and stop wasting them.
Yeah. Ill do that.
Even if I stayed any further I would only bother their work, so I made to leave in low spirits.