Past 2pm. There is quite some time until the Treasure Hunting Game ends, but we can probably say that weve looked everywhere. The 2D codes saved in my pictures numbered six. Among them, the ones whose difficulties I objectively evaluated to be 4/5 numbered three. We could probably pick one of these to scan.
Please on the cam.
Which will we scan?
You can pick whichever feels best for you.
Eh-ehhh? Is it okay to let me pick? What if I get it wrong?
In the first place we only preserved a select few 2D codes. And theres a chance that all of them are already scanned, so we might end up scanning all of them.
Our chances would probably be better if we decide right away rather than if we think about it slowly.
Satou produced her phone and I let her slide through my pictures.
It looked like she was worrying about something for a few seconds, but she picked a picture and faced her camera towards it.
Thats the 2D code I had found under the sofa.
Aah it doesnt look like any good. It says its already received.
It was considerably difficult to find, but it looked like other students had also found it.
Dont mind. Lets go next.
She nodded and scanned this 2D code without hesitation.
But it looked like the 2nd one had also been received already, Satou stamped her feet in frustration.
Even though they were so hard to find! How annoying!
She hurriedly scanned the 3rd 2D code.
From there, Satou stared at the screen before jumping high.
It scanned! Look! Something like a treasure chest appeared!
There was a simple illustration of a treasure box with the word TAP written.
I wonder how many points we can get
Satou tried to move the treasure chest up with her index finger, but she stopped it before it could touch.
A-Ayanokouji-kun push it!
It looked like she was somewhat afraid to see the results. She handed me the phone.
From her perspective she participated at the cost of her precious 10,000 points. She seemed afraid to know the result.
(TN: These two sentences really are extremely similar even in the raws)
I accepted the phone from Satou and touched the treasure box on the screen.
Wah, Ayanokouji-kun is so bold!
I didnt do anything big enough to be called bold.
The treasure chest simply lit up and a pale light shone from inside.
Ah! Ah~
Satou was extremely surprised for a second, but when she noticed reality her happiness ended weakly.
Thats because 1,000,000 points didnt appear from within the treasure box, but 100,000 points. Just because she was hoping for 300,000, 500,000, or even 1,000,000 points, her shoulders stooped slightly.
It looks like the 2D code we found wasnt as rare as we thought it was.
Okay~ too bad. But-but, even if you take away the participation fee 90,000 points is enough!
She didnt even need to make sure that this was enough to make her openly glad that she had participated.
Thank you Ayanokouji-kun.
I should be thanking you. The one who found this unscanned code was you after all.
Satou showed a happy and embarrassed face.